Robert Barclay
A Catechism and Confession of Faith
Published by Good Press, 2020
EAN 4064066440787
Table of Contents
Of GOD, and the true and Saving Knowledge of Him.
Of the Rule and Guide of Christians, and of the Scriptures.
Of Jesus Christ being manifest in the Flesh, the Use and End of it.
Of the New Birth, the Inward Appearance of Christ in Spirit, and the Unity of the Saints with him.
Concerning Faith, Justification and Works.
Concerning Perfection, or Freedom from SIN.
Concerning Perseverance and Falling from GRACE.
Concerning the Church and Ministry.
Concerning Baptism, and Bread and Wine.
Concerning the Life of a Christian in general; what and how it ought to be in this World.
A Short Introduction to the Confession of Faith.
A Confession of Faith, containing twenty three Articles.
A short Expostulation with, and Appeal to all other Professors.
Since first that great Apostacy took place in the Hearts and Heads of those who began even in the Apostles days, to depart from the simplicity and purity of the Gospel, as it was then delivered in its primitive Splendor and Integrity, innumerable have been the manifold Inventions and Traditions, the different and various Notions and Opinions, wherewith Man (by giving way to the vain and airy Imaginations of his own unstable mind) hath burdened the Christian Faith: so that indeed, first by adding these things, and afterwards by equalling them, if not exalting them above the Truth, they have at last come to be substitute in the stead of it; so that in process of time, Truth came to be shut out of doors, and another thing placed in the room thereof, having a shew and a Name, but wanting the substance and thing itself: Nevertheless it pleased God to raise up Witnesses for himself almost in every Age and Generation, who, according to the Discoveries they received, bore some Testimony, less or more, against the Superstition and Apostacy of the time; and in special manner through the appearing of that Light which first broke forth in Germany about One hundred and fifty years ago, and afterwards reached divers other Nations; the Beast received a deadly Wound: and a very great Number did at one time Protest against, and Rescind from the Church of Rome in divers of their most gross and sensual Doctrines and superstitious Traditions: But alas! it is for matter of lamentation, that the Successors of these Protestants are Establishing and Building up in themselves that which their Fathers were pulling down, instead of prosecuting and going on with so Good and Honourable a Work; which will easily appear.
The generality of all Protestants (though in many other things miserably rent and shattered among themselves) do agree in dividing from the Church of Rome in these two particulars:
First, That every Principle and Doctrine of the Christian Faith is, and ought to be founded upon the Scripture; and that whatsoever Principles or Doctrines are not only not contrary; but even not according