The Prosperity & Wealth Bible. Kahlil Gibran. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Kahlil Gibran
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Социология
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9782378078102
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expecting good. You have the fundamental right to all good, you know. “According to your faith, be it unto you.”

      The trouble with most of us is that we are mentally lazy. It is much easier to go along with the crowd than to break trail for ourselves. But the great discoverers, the great inventors, the great geniuses in all lines have been men who dared to break with tradition, who defied precedent, who believed that there is no limit to what Mind can do — and who stuck to that belief until their goal was won, in spite of all the sneers and ridicule of the wiseacres and the “It-can’t-be-done’rs.”

      Not only that, but they were never satisfied with achieving just one success. They knew that the first success is like the first olive out of the bottle. All the others come out the more easily for it. They realized that they were a part of the Creative Intelligence of the Universe, and that the part shares all the properties of the whole. And that realization gave them the faith to strive for any right thing, the knowledge that the only limit upon their capabilities was the limit of their desires. Knowing that, they couldn’t be satisfied with any ordinary success. They had to keep on and on and on.

      Edison didn’t sit down and fold his hands when he gave us the talking machine or the electric light. These great achievements merely opened the way to new fields of accomplishment.

      Open up the channels between your mind and Universal Mind, and there is no limit to the riches that will come pouring in. Concentrate your thoughts on the particular thing you are most interested in, and ideas in abundance will come flooding down, opening up a dozen ways of winning the goal you are striving for.

      But don’t let one success — no matter how great — satisfy you. The Law of Creation, you know, is the Law of Growth. You can’t stand still. You must go forward — or be passed by. Complacency — self-satisfaction — is the greatest enemy of achievement. You must keep looking forward. Like Alexander, you must be constantly seeking new worlds to conquer. Depend upon it, the power will come to meet the need. There is no such thing as failing powers, if we look to Mind for our source of supply. The only failure of mind comes from worry and fear — or from disuse.

      William James, the famous psychologist, taught that “The more mind does, the more it can do.” For ideas release energy. You can do more and better work than you have ever done. You can know more than you know now. You know from your own experience that under proper mental conditions of joy or enthusiasm, you can do three or four times the work without fatigue that you can ordinarily. Tiredness is more boredom than actual physical fatigue. You can work almost indefinitely when the work is a pleasure.

      You’ve seen sickly persons, frail persons, who couldn’t do an hour’s light work without exhaustion, suddenly buckle down when heavy responsibilities were thrown upon them, and grow strong and rugged under the load. Crises not only draw upon the reserve power you have, but they help to create new power.

      “It Couldn’t Be Done”

      It may be that you have been deluded by the thought of incompetence. It may be that you have been told so often that you cannot do certain things that you’ve come to believe you can’t. Remember that success or failure is merely a state of mind. Believe you cannot do a thing — and you can’t. Know that you can do it — and you will. You must see yourself doing it.

      If you think you are beaten, you are;

      If you think you dare not, you don’t;

      If you’d like to win, but you think you can’t,

      It’s almost a cinch you won’t;

      If you think you’ll lose, you’ve lost,

      For out in the world you’ll find

      Success begins with a fellow’s will —

      It’s all in the state of mind.

      Full many a race is lost

      Ere even a race is run,

      And many a coward fails

      Ere even his work’s begun.

      Think big, and your deeds will grow,

      Think small and you fall behind,

      Think that you can, and you will;

      It’s all in the state of mind.

      If you think you are outclassed, you are;

      You’ve got to think high to rise;

      You’ve got to be sure of yourself before

      You can ever win a prize.

      Life’s battle doesn’t always go

      To the stronger or faster man;

      But sooner or later, the man who wins

      Is the fellow who thinks he can.

      There’s a vast difference between a proper understanding of one’s own ability and a determination to make the best of it — and offensive egotism. It is absolutely necessary for every man to believe in himself, before he can make the most of himself. All of us have something to sell. It may be our goods, it may be our abilities, it may be our services. You’ve got to believe in yourself to make your buyer take stock in you at par and accrued interest. You’ve got to feel the same personal solicitude over a customer lost, as a revivalist over a backslider, and hold special services to bring him back into the fold. You’ve got to get up every morning with determination, if you’re going to go to bed that night with satisfaction.

      There’s mighty sound sense in the saying that the entire world loves a booster. The one and only thing you have to win success with is MIND. For your mind to function at its highest capacity, you’ve got to be charged with good cheer and optimism. No one ever did a good piece of work while in a negative frame of mind. Your best work is always done when you are feeling, happy and optimistic.

      And a happy disposition is the result — not the cause — of happy, cheery thinking. Health and prosperity are the results primarily of optimistic thoughts. You make the pattern. If the impress you have left on the world about you seems faint and weak, don’t blame fate — blame your pattern! You will never cultivate a brave, courageous demeanor by thinking cowardly thoughts. You cannot gather figs from thistles. You will never make your dreams come true by choking them with doubts and fears. You’ve got to put foundations under your air castles, foundations of UNDERSTANDING and BELIEF. Your chances of success in any undertaking can always be measured by your BELIEF in yourself.

      Are your surroundings discouraging? Do you feel that if you were in another’s place success would be easier? Just bear in mind that your real environment is within you. All the factors of success or failure are in your inner world. You make that own inner world — and through it your outer world. You can choose the material from which to build it. If you’ve not chosen wisely in the past, you can choose again now the material you want to rebuild it. The richness of life is within you. No one has failed so long as he can begin again.

      Start right in and do all those things you feel you have it in you to do. Ask permission of no man. Concentrating your thought upon any proper undertaking will make its achievement possible. Your belief that you can do the thing gives your thought forces their power. Fortune waits upon you. Seize her boldly, hold her — and she is yours. She belongs rightfully to you. But if you cringe to her, if you go up to her doubtfully, timidly, she will pass you by in scorn. For she is a fickle jade who must be mastered, who loves boldness, who admires confidence.

      A Roman boasted that it was sufficient for him to strike the ground with his foot and legions would spring up. And his very boldness cowed his opponents. It is the same with your mind. Take the first step, and your mind will mobilize all its forces to your aid. But the first essential is that you begin. Once the battle is started, all that is within and without you will come to your assistance, if you attack in earnest and meet each obstacle with resolution. But you have got to start things.

      “The Lord helps them