The Prosperity & Wealth Bible. Kahlil Gibran. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Kahlil Gibran
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Социология
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9782378078102
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      First Cause has endowed every man with the Power and Ability to bring into his personal environment whatever he chooses. Cause and Effect in reference to Getting:

      If you plant an ACORN, you get an OAK. If you sow a GRAIN OF CORN, you reap a stalk and MANY Kernels of Corn. You always get the manifestation of that which you consciously or unconsciously AFFIRM and CLAIM, habitually declare and expect, or in other words “AS YOU SOW”

      Therefore, sow the seeds of I AM .... I OUGHT.... I CAN.... I WILL REALIZE that because you ARE you OUGHT, that because you OUGHT, you CAN, that because you CAN, you DO.

      The manifestation of this Truth, even in a small degree, gives you the indisputable understanding that DOMINION IS YOUR CHARTER RIGHT You are an Heir of First Cause, endowed with all the power He has. God has given you everything. ALL is yours, and you know that all you have to do is to reach out your mental hand and take it.

      This Formula may serve as a pattern to shape your own Prayer or Affirmation into God for the benefit of another or yourself.

      If for another, you speak the Christian name of the person you wish to help, then dismiss their personality entirely from your consciousness.

      Intensify your thought by meditating upon the fact that there is that in you which finds the way, which is the Truth and is the Life.

      You are affirming this fact, believing that since you are thinking this, it is already yours. Having lifted up your feeling to the central idea of this meditation, you examine your own consciousness to see if there is ought which is unlike God. If there is any feeling of fear, worry, malice, envy, hatred, or jealousy, turn back in your meditation to Cleanse your Thought through the affirmation that God’s Love and Purity fill all space including your heart and soul. Reconcile your thought with the Love of God, always remembering that

      You are made in the Image and Likeness of Love.

      Keep this Cleansing thought in mind until you feel that you have freed your consciousness entirely of all thoughts and feelings other than

      Love and Unity with all Humanity

      Then if denials do not disturb you, deny all that is unlike your desired manifestation. This

      accomplished, you almost overlay your denial with the affirmative thought that: You are made in the Image and Likeness of God and that you already have your desire fulfilled in its first, its original spiritual or thought-form.

      Closing of Prayer

      Prayer as a method of thought is a deliberate use of the Law which gives you the Power of Dominion over everything which tends in any way to hamper your perfect liberty. YOU HAVE BEEN GIVEN LIFE THAT YOU MAY ENJOY IT MORE AND MORE FULLY The steady recognition of this Truth makes you declare yourself a PRINCE OF POWER.

      You recognize, accept and use this power as A CHILD OF A KING AND HENCE DOMINION IS YOUR BIRTHRIGHT Then when you feel the light of this great Truth flooding your consciousness — open the floodgates of your soul in Heartfelt Praise that you have the understanding that... THE CREATOR AND HIS CREATION ARE ONE.

      Also that the Creator is continually creating through his creation.

      Close your treatment in the happy assurance that the Prayer which is fulfilled is not a form of supplication but a steady habitual affirming that The Creator of all Creation is operating Specifically through you, therefore


      Hints for Application and Practice

      For every five minutes given to reading and study of the theories of Mental Science, spend fifteen minutes in the use and application of the knowledge acquired.

      1. Spend one minute in every twenty-four hours in conscientiously thinking over the specification that must be observed in order to have your prayers answered.

      2. Practice the steady recognition of desirable thought possession for two periods of fifteen minutes each every day. Not only time yourself each period to see how long you can keep a given conception before your mental vision, but also keep a written record of the vividness with which you experience your mental image. Remember that your mental senses are just as varied and trainable as your physical ones.

      3. Spend five minutes every day between 12 noon and 1 o’clock with a mental search for new sources of wealth.

      Chapter 17 — Things to Remember

      Remember that the greatest Mental Scientist the world has ever known (Jesus Christ, the Man) said all things are possible unto you.

      Also the “things I do you can do.” Did he tell the truth?

      Jesus did not claim to be more divine than you are. He declared the whole human race children of God. By birth he was no ‘exception to this rule. The power he possessed was developed through His personal effort. He said you could do the same if you would only believe in yourself. A great idea is valueless unless accompanied by physical action. God gives the idea; man works it out upon the physical plane.

      All that is really worthwhile is contentment. Self-command alone can produce it. The soul and body are one. Contentment of mind is contentment of soul, and contentment of soul means contentment of body.

      If you wish health, watch your thoughts, not only of your physical being, but your thoughts about everything and everybody. With your will keep them in line with your desire, and outwardly act in accordance with your thoughts, and you will soon realize that all power both over thoughts and conditions has been given to you. You believe in God. Believe in yourself as the physical instrument through which God operates. Absolute dominion is yours when you have sufficient self-mastery to conquer the negative tendency of thoughts and actions.

      Ask yourself daily: “What is the purpose of the power which put me here?” “How can I work with the purpose for life and liberty in me?”

      Upon having decided these questions, endeavor hourly to fulfill them. You are a law unto yourself.

      If you have a tendency to overdo anything, eat, drink or blame circumstances for your misfortunes, conquer that tendency with the inward conviction that all power is yours outwardly. Eat less, drink less, blame circumstances less, and the best there is will gradually grow in the place where the worst seemed to be.

      Always remember that all is yours to use, as you will. You can if you will: if you will you do.

      God the Father blesses you with all He has to give.

      Make good Godly use of it.

      The reason for greater success when you first began your studies and demonstrations in Mental Science is that your joy and enthusiasm at the simple discovery of the power within was greater than you have been able to put into your understanding later.

      With increased understanding put increasing joy and enthusiasm, and the results will correspond.



      Our prosperity as a nation depends upon the personal financial prosperity of each of us as individuals.

      This book deals with the personal successes of each of us. Success means accomplishments as the result of our own efforts and abilities. Proper preparation is the key to our success. Our acts can be no wiser than our thoughts. Our thinking can be no wiser than our understanding.

      This book of cures for lean purses has been termed a guide to financial understanding. That, indeed, is its purpose: to offer those who are ambitious for financial success an insight which will aid them to acquire money, to keep money and to make their surpluses earn more money.

      In the pages which follow, we are taken back to Babylon, the cradle in which was nurtured the basic principles of finance now recognized and used the world over.
