The Prosperity & Wealth Bible. Kahlil Gibran. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Kahlil Gibran
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Социология
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9782378078102
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to the heights of success.

      This strength in constant increase can be brought into your life if you will keep a free and clear mind, in a healthy and vigorous body, working in harmony with the Divine Plan of Nature.

      Do you ask me what that Plan is? It is revealed in the location of the organs of the brain, where you find those representing the appetites and passions at the base of the brain; those representing intellectual powers higher up and nearer the crown; those representing the spiritual faculties in the crown of the head. This shows that the body is subject to the mind, both mind and body should be subservient to the spiritual nature.

      On this plan you can organize your life and secure harmony, and harmony means peace and power, without which you can never conquer the world.

      A life and character built upon any other plan must be discordant, weak, chaotic since the spiritual nature can never take a subservient place. It is God’s plan of organizing your life. Make the mind positive, therefore, toward the body; the spiritual nature should rule all departments of the life. Let Reason dictate how time, money, energy, be spent, just how far appetite should be indulged, hours for labor, sleep, recreation, and through all life’s activities let there run a High Spiritual Purpose to make the most and best of life for yourself and accomplish the most good for humanity.

      Avoid All Waste of Time, Money, Energy

      Closely related to the above is the careful conservation of life’s resources, and opportunities. It has been said by some one that ‘‘time is money,” but time is infinitely more than money. Time improved spells character and character means destiny, so the wasting of time is infinitely greater prodigality than the waste of money.

      Let no reader mistake me: I am no advocate of constant work, believing that rest, recreation and amusement are as necessary as food and exercise, especially to real workers. Yet it is the unfortunate fact that most of the recreation and amusement are not sought by the workers but by the idlers. Good judgment must determine when the mind and body need recreating, and time and money thus spent are not wasted but used to good advantage.

      But so much time and money are needlessly spent by multitudes, where mind and body do not require the sacrifice, that it seems pitiable, from the standpoint of self-improvement, to see so much of life frittered away. The hours spent needlessly by men and boys, if improved in study or practice, would soon mean greater efficiency in labor, better wages, shorter hours, and comfort if not affluence.

      Money spent on cigars, occasional drinks, or other useless expenditures, if saved and invested, would soon give the very capital required as the foundation of a fortune.

      And how much human strength and magnetic force is wasted by many in idle talk, or senseless activity, or sensual indulgence, that would give vigor to the blow, conviction and power to the statement, or charm and winning force to the personality, if conserved in place of wasted.

      Thousand of men go to business every day depleted of the very vital and magnetic forces necessary to success, because they have not had moral courage and strength to govern the body and its passions in place of being governed by them. Over indulgence in this regard has ruined many a man’s prospects for life.

      The conservation of the vital, germinal forces in the human body gives light to the eye, charm to the voice, magnetic power to the personality, and that indefinable yet most potential ability to find one’s way into the good graces and wishes of others, upon which success so largely depends.

      If you want to win, go to business, to the office, to the conference, or to the public meeting, brim full of vitality and people will realize without any act on your part that a king is in their midst.

      Cultivate Seership in Business

      There is such a thing as Business Clairvoyance and to be successful a man must develop this “inner vision” of the soul so that he can discover the doors of opportunity, the pathways around him leading to success.

      He must cultivate alertness of mind, close powers of observation, careful study of present and prospective conditions, and set his imagination at work in constructive planning for success. In the silence a man must commune with his own soul and with present conditions and then build up mentally better possible conditions for the future.

      A stolid multitude crosses the continent, but having eyes to see, they see not, the open doors to wealth in the unused water power, in the desert convertible into a paradise by a stream of water, in the outcropping ore convertible into an Eldorado ; and having ears to hear, they hear not the many voices calling for the strong arm of labor and the fertile mind to change the wilderness into a garden of roses. One man in a thousand possesses business clairvoyance as a natural gift; others by attention, care and study can develop it, and to those who thus find the Door of Opportunity, the rest is easy.

      “Sezito Myself” Auto-Suggestion

      Undoubtedly the most remarkable discovery in Psychology in our times is the Wonderful Power of Suggestion in the formation of character and the awakening of the soul’s powers. It has been found that our lives are ruled to a large extent by suggestion i. e., by impressions made upon the mind by what we see, hear and sense, or by telepathic action of other minds. This is true of men generally and in the ordinary waking state that they are ruled and governed more largely in this way than would, at first sight, seem possible. Under suggestion received from without or by telepathy men often do what they had not planned; what, in some cases, they had not dared to do, and often with most surprising results to themselves and to others.

      Under “Suggestion” men have undertaken tasks that ordinarily would have appalled them sometimes meeting with phenomenal success, sometimes developing in the very novel attempts thus inspired, powers of mind and body they did not believe themselves to possess, and often gathering to themselves new strength and inspiration in their life work.

      While this is true of suggestion received in the normal, working state, it is found that Suggestion given to one in sleep, or in the hypnotic condition enters more deeply into the nature, affects the life much more powerfully, and has a most surprising, a seemingly magical effect, in calling out the latent powers and talents of the soul. Indeed, the records of the results of suggestion are so wonderful that it may be looked upon as the real “Aladdin Lamp” of modern times in psychology.

      Its affects are seen not only in a changed and strengthened mental condition, greater courage, faith, daring and ability, but its marvelous results on the human body are now fully recognized in the cure of disease, the conquest of the drink and opium habit, and the general regeneration of the human system.

      Educators of the New School and all students of the New Psychology know it to be one of the most efficient instruments in the building of character and the proper training of children. Through its power parents today by mental suggestion to their sleeping children are building up a loftier type of manhood and womanhood for the future, endued with powers of mind and body surpassing those of past days.

      While all this and much more is true of Suggestion and many are silently curing the sick and reforming the vicious by proper suggestions administered to them in sleep, it is not generally known that the same wonderful power may be applied by a person to himself, by what is known as Auto-Suggestion.

      The Great Sub-conscious Mind, which is not a second mind, or a separate mind, but that most reservoir of subjective mental activities which is continually active which works automatically which reasons only deductively which presides over all the vital functions (digestion, circulation, respiration, secretion, nutrition, etc.) and rules us absolutely in sleep and hypnosis is amenable to suggestion by our normal waking consciousness. All our ordinary thinking, our experiences of every kind, constitute suggestions to the Subjective Mind, which receives them as the hopper receives all grain, and forthwith proceeds to grind them up into material for the building of our minds, and into patterns and ideals for the rebuilding of our bodies. So we are constantly furnishing these suggestions to the subjective mind and constantly rebuilding mind and body according to suggestions given.

      If then we want health, vigor, soundness of body, strong mentality, great courage, faith and will power,