16. How Sir Lionel slew Sir Colgrevance, and how after he would have slain Sir Bors.
4. Of the marvels of the sword and of the scabbard.
6. How Solomon took David’s sword by the counsel of his wife, and of other matters marvellous.
7. A wonderful tale of King Solomon and his wife.
12. How Galahad and Percivale found in a castle many tombs of maidens that had bled to death.
14. How a knight brought unto Sir Galahad a horse, and bade him come from his father, Sir Launcelot.
15. How Sir Launcelot was tofore the door of the chamber wherein the Holy Sangreal was.
17. How Sir Launcelot returned towards Logris, and of other adventures which he saw in the way.
18. How Galahad came to King Mordrains, and of other matters and adventures.
21. How Galahad anointed with the blood of the spear the Maimed King, and of other adventures.
22. How they were fed with the Sangreal while they were in prison, and how Galahad was made king.
2. How the queen commanded Sir Launcelot to avoid the court, and of the sorrow that Launcelot made.
8. How the truth was known by the Maiden of the Lake, and of divers other matters.
10. How the tourney began at Winchester, and what knights were at the jousts; and other things.
12. How Sir Launcelot and Sir Lavaine departed out of the field, and in what jeopardy Launcelot was.