Sämtliche Werke von Shakespeare in einem Band: Zweisprachige Ausgabe (Deutsch-Englisch). William Shakespeare. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: William Shakespeare
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9788075833631
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still, by these pickers and stealers.


       Good my lord, what is your cause of distemper? you do, surely, bar the door upon your own liberty if you deny your griefs to your friend.


       Sir, I lack advancement.


       How can that be, when you have the voice of the king himself for your succession in Denmark?


       Ay, sir, but ‘While the grass grows’—the proverb is something musty.

      [Re-enter the Players, with recorders.]

      O, the recorders:—let me see one.—To withdraw with you:—why do you go about to recover the wind of me, as if you would drive me into a toil?


       O my lord, if my duty be too bold, my love is too unmannerly.


       I do not well understand that. Will you play upon this pipe?


       My lord, I cannot.


       I pray you.


       Believe me, I cannot.


       I do beseech you.


       I know, no touch of it, my lord.


       ‘Tis as easy as lying: govern these ventages with your finger and thumb, give it breath with your mouth, and it will discourse most eloquent music. Look you, these are the stops.


       But these cannot I command to any utterance of harmony; I have not the skill.


       Why, look you now, how unworthy a thing you make of me! You would play upon me; you would seem to know my stops; you would pluck out the heart of my mystery; you would sound me from my lowest note to the top of my compass; and there is much music, excellent voice, in this little organ, yet cannot you make it speak. ‘Sblood, do you think I am easier to be played on than a pipe? Call me what instrument you will, though you can fret me, you cannot play upon me.

      [Enter Polonius.]

      God bless you, sir!


       My lord, the queen would speak with you, and presently.


       Do you see yonder cloud that’s almost in shape of a camel?


       By the mass, and ‘tis like a camel indeed.


       Methinks it is like a weasel.


       It is backed like a weasel.


       Or like a whale.


       Very like a whale.

       Ham. Then will I come to my mother by and by.—They fool me to the top of my bent.—I will come by and by.


       I will say so.



       By-and-by is easily said.

       [Exit Polonius.]

      —Leave me, friends.

      [Exeunt Ros, Guil., Hor., and Players.]

      ‘Tis now the very witching time of night,

       When churchyards yawn, and hell itself breathes out

       Contagion to this world: now could I drink hot blood,

       And do such bitter business as the day

       Would quake to look on. Soft! now to my mother.—

       O heart, lose not thy nature; let not ever

       The soul of Nero enter this firm bosom:

       Let me be cruel, not unnatural;

       I will speak daggers to her, but use none;

       My tongue and soul in this be hypocrites,—

       How in my words somever she be shent,

       To give them seals never, my soul, consent!




       Table of Contents

       A room in the Castle.

      [Enter King, Rosencrantz, and Guildenstern.]


       I like him not; nor stands it safe with us

       To let his madness range. Therefore prepare you;

       I your commission will forthwith dispatch,

       And he to England shall along with you:

       The terms of our estate may not endure

       Hazard so near us as doth hourly grow

       Out of his lunacies.


       We will ourselves provide:

       Most holy and religious fear it is

       To keep those many many bodies safe

       That live and feed upon your majesty.


       The single and peculiar life is bound,

       With all the strength and armour of the mind,

       To keep itself from ‘noyance; but much more

       That spirit upon whose weal depend and rest

       The lives of many. The cease of majesty

       Dies not alone; but like a gulf doth draw

       What’s near it with it: it is a massy wheel,

       Fix’d on the summit of the highest mount,

       To whose huge spokes ten thousand lesser things

       Are mortis’d and adjoin’d; which, when it falls,

       Each small annexment, petty consequence,

       Attends the boisterous ruin. Never alone

       Did the king sigh, but with a general groan.


       Arm you, I pray you, to this speedy voyage;

       For we will fetters put upon this fear,

       Which now goes too free-footed.

      ROS and GUIL.

       We will haste us.

       [Exeunt Ros. and Guil.]

      [Enter Polonius.]


       My lord, he’s going to his mother’s closet:

       Behind the arras I’ll convey myself

       To hear the process; I’ll warrant she’ll tax him home:

       And, as you said, and wisely was it said,

       ‘Tis meet that some more audience than a mother,

       Since nature makes them partial, should o’erhear

       The speech, of vantage. Fare you well, my liege:

       I’ll call upon you ere you go to