The Woods. Vladimir Bibikhin. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Vladimir Bibikhin
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр произведения: Философия
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781509525904
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also to talk about what faith is. Faith means that a person must sincerely do their utmost to pray continually if its grace is to descend. There is a paradox here: I am doing my utmost to attain something I know is beyond my strength, but if I give up and tell myself it is all right to rest, the gift will not be given.

      What we imagine we need to do is not necessarily what we genuinely must do. An error frequently encountered in theological writing is describing something as a matter for the believer: in other words, not for everybody because not everybody goes to church. To some extent, perhaps to a large extent, and we will need to decide for ourselves how large, these matters may be of importance for everybody.

      By failing to distinguish between what is common to everybody and what is of relevance only to those within the faith community, theologians do immense damage. They professionalize what is common to all humanity, ‘relieving’ ordinary people of work that needs to be done, ‘relieving’ them of the Cross that is theirs by right, as if spiritual matters were the concern only of us, the church-goers and, more particularly, of the people who write books about theology. You can, however, oppress someone not only by imposing an unsupportable burden on them, but also by depriving them of a task, and the theologians who declare that sort of lockout are trying to deprive the large numbers of people who do not go to church of the employment that is of the greatest importance for a human being. That is one kind of harm. The other is the opposite: ‘For they bind heavy burdens and grievous to be borne, and lay them on men’s shoulders’ (Matthew, 23: 4). The harm comes not from placing burdens on people’s shoulders, since, as we read in Matthew, 11: 29, Christ himself is a yoke and a burden, but from the fact that the Pharisees tie the burden to be borne in the wrong way, perhaps even deliberately, with the intention of making it uncomfortable, δɛσμɛύουσι (δɛσμός, binding and shackles): they bind it so as to fetter a person. Whereas the church should be a place of divine freedom, they make it a prison. It will be our job to unpick the granny knots they tie.

      We read the theologian’s instructions.

      Before the commencement of prayer, arrange yourself reverently in the presence of God until you are conscious of his nearness, and kindle in your heart a living faith that God sees and is ready to hear you.

      Make yourself mindful of who God is and who you are. He is the Creator, the lord and master of all. He is the One who holds in His hand your life on earth and in the hereafter. He is your Maker and, although you were created in His image, because of the Fall you languish in inner darkness and spiritual blindness. As one blind from birth, you pray to Him continually to give you sight, and thus you stand in ever growing godly fear before Him, filled with the pain of self-knowledge.2

      There is a confusion surrounding the issue of unceasing prayer. There is a confusing of the focusing of the mind – which is the task and most important job of every human being, and is indeed what makes us human, something which is the continual obligation of all of us – and a highly specialized monastic practice, both Christian and non-Christian (in the case, for example, of Tibetan monks). This practice is extremely difficult and unusual, and achieved, according to a monk with a great deal of experience of prayer, by only a very few, perhaps one in a thousand.

      Ladies and gentlemen, perhaps I really ought to be somewhere else, but the duty of mindfulness is upon me at this moment, and on however many me’s there may be, and wherever I am. A cat goes out to a soft flower bed in the garden, does its business in a hole, and, using its two front paws alternately, it fills in the hole with loose soil, approaching it from different directions, then sniffs to make sure there is no longer any smell there. It brings its claws out a little further, adds a little more soil, again from different directions to ensure that the surface is level and that it has not formed another hole, then goes off reassured to lie down peacefully in the sun. It has done so not because it remembered that was the right thing to do, but because it is an automaton, in the sense in which Philo of Alexandria says that humans are incapable of creating an automaton; our present-day so-called robots are the exact opposite of real automata. The cat is in no danger of forgetting, because it does not need to remember; what you have never memorized you can never forget. It is the law without the need to remember it. Without going into what remembering and consciousness are, let us make one very plausible supposition, that the aim of the law, as indeed the overall goal, is not consciousness and remembering but salvation, redemption. The cat, when it has done everything in accordance with its own law, goes off a little smugly, with a sense of appropriateness and having done the right thing. If the situation were different, it might hastily skulk off. A question to check you are still awake: what has all this got to do with the forest? The cat is not, of course, in the forest, but domesticated animals are like the forest coming to visit us. In them the forest comes to us or into us. It comes very close.

      Let us adopt this inseparability of the law from grace from Metropolitan Hilarion, and thank Olga Sedakova for drawing our attention to it.4 If, however, this portent of salvation, the law, always lies over us, if the law is in essence grace and is innate in us, why do we not see it, and why do we claim that human nature is freedom? It is because the law is too integral to us, and because it operates of its own accord, as an automaton, we do not notice it because that faculty we could notice it with is being used for purposes other than those for which the faculty was designed.

      Olga Sedakova, to whom we will find ourselves referring increasingly, responded to a questionnaire sent out by Lettres internationales. The magazine was planning to mark the year 2000 by holding a contest for the best philosophical essay, analogous to the one that launched the career of Jean-Jacques Rousseau in 1750.5