Strength Of Beams, Floor And Roofs - Including Directions For Designing And Detailing Roof Trusses, With Criticism Of Various Forms Of Timber Construction. Frank E. Kidder. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Frank E. Kidder
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Техническая литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781528762069
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the square of its depth. A 2 × 8 inch beam will be four times as strong as a 2 × 4 inch beam, and a 2 × 12 inch beam will be nine times as strong as a 2 × 4 inch beam, the square of four being 16, and of twelve 144, or nine times as great.

      It follows from the second and third paragraphs that the strength of a rectangular beam is in proportion to the product of the breadth by the square of the depth if the span remains the same. A knowledge of these facts is very important for the wise use of timber.

      A beam 8 × 8 contains 64 square inches in cross section, and a beam 6 × 10 contains 60 square inches, yet their strength will be in the proportion of 512 (8 × 8 × 8) to 600 (6 × 10 × 10), the 6 × 10 beam being the stronger. The strength of a 6 × 8 inch beam on edge in proportion to the strength of the same beam laid flat wise is as 6 × 8 × 8 to 8 × 6 × 6, or 384 to 288.

      Deep beams are also very much stiffer than shallow beams, the resistance of a beam to bending increasing in proportion to the cube of the depth. The stiffness therefore of a 2 × 12 inch beam and a 2 × 10 inch beam is in the proportion of the cube of 12 to the cube of 10, or 1728 to 1000. This property of stiffness is very important in floor joists, where the span in feet is usually greater than the depth in inches, but for shorter beams it need not be considered.

      In speaking of the strength or stiffness of beams the breadth of the beam always refers to the thickness measured horizontally, and the depth to the height of the beam as it sets in place, without regard to which is the larger dimension. When a beam is supported at each end the distance between supports is called the span. The distance which the ends rest on their support is called the bearing.


      In the rules hereinafter given the breadth and depth of the beam are always supposed to be measured in inches and the span in feet. The meaning of the terms referred to is clearly shown in Fig. 1. Beams are also sometimes supported at three or more points, in which case they are called continuous beams. These will be considered in their proper place. There is also the cantilever beam, or a beam fixed at one end. The cantilever portion of the beam is that which projects beyond the support. The other end may be fixed in a wall, as at A, Fig. 2, or it may be held down by its own weight and the load on it, as at B. A beam supported at the center only, as at C, is a double cantilever, each side being considered as a cantilever. All three cases are met with in building construction, although that shown at B is the most common.

      There are also different ways of loading a beam, although loads are usually classed either as distributed or concentrated. A distributed load is one that is applied over the entire length of the span, and when the load is uniform, as in the case of a plain brick wall of uniform height, the load is called uniformly distributed. Floor loads, although as a matter of fact not absolutely uniform, are generally considered as such. Floor joists resting on a girder may be considered as a uniformly distributed load, when the joists are not spaced more than 2 feet on centers. When they are spaced 4 feet or more on centers they should be considered as a series of concentrated loads.

      A concentrated load is one that is applied at a single point of a beam, although in practice the “point” may be perhaps 3 feet long. An iron safe resting on the center of a beam 10 feet or more in length would be considered as a concentrated load. The end of a header framed to a trimmer is also a concentrated load, as is also a partition extending across a series of beams or joists.

      The effect of a concentrated load applied at the center of a beam is just twice as great as if the load were uniformly distributed. When the load is applied between the center and the end the effect may be greater or less than that of a distributed load, according as the point of application is nearer to the center or to the support.


      Loads are also spoken of as “live” and “dead” loads. A dead load is one that does not move of itself, such as the weight of any kind of material or a brick wall, for instance. A live load is one that is constantly moving and quickly applied. Live loads that produce a decided impact or vibrations are nearly twice as destructive as those that remain perfectly still. The principal live loads met with in building construction are moving crowds of people, particularly if they move in regular time, as in dancing or marching; machinery and wind pressure.


      The strength of a beam subject to almost any of the different variations of loading may be determined with about the same degree of accuracy as if simply loaded at the center, but the calculations require a considerable knowledge of mathematics, so that only a few of the more common cases can be covered by simple rules. These we will now consider.

      In the following rules this quantity will be represented by the letter A, the values of this letter for the different woods used in construction being given in Table I:

Kind of Wood. A, in Pounds.
Chestnut 60
Hemlock 55
Oak, white 75
Pine, Georgia yellow 100
Pine, Norway 70
Pine, Oregon 90
Pine, Texas yellow 90
Pine, common white 60
Redwood 60
Spruce 70
Whitewood (poplar) 65

      To find the strength of a rectangular beam, supported at both ends and uniformly loaded over its entire length.