Strength Of Beams, Floor And Roofs - Including Directions For Designing And Detailing Roof Trusses, With Criticism Of Various Forms Of Timber Construction. Frank E. Kidder. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Frank E. Kidder
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Техническая литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781528762069
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      Prepared Especially for Carpenters and Builders.


      Author of “The Architect’s and, Builder’s Pocket Book,” “Building Construction and Superintendence,” and “Churches and Chapels.”




       CHAPTER I.

       Determining the Strength of Wooden Beams

       CHAPTER II.

       How to Determine the Strength or Safe Load of Wooden Floors


       How to Compute the Size of Floor Timbers for New Buildings

       CHAPTER IV.

       Types of Wooden Roof Trusses—showing number and correct position of members and the action of the stresses.—Triangular and Queen Trusses.—Trusses for Flat Roofs.—Scissors Trusses

       CHAPTER V.

       Determining the Stresses in Roof Trusses

       CHAPTER VI.

       How to Compute the Size of Truss Members


       Proportioning the Joints of Wooden Roof Trusses


       Wind Bracing of Buildings, Towers and Spires

       CHAPTER IX.

       Examples of Truss Construction, with Criticisms by the Author


      DURING the past six years, the author has contributed to Carpentry and Building, from time to time, series of articles bearing on the strength of wooden floors and roofs, and answered many questions pertaining to the strength of various forms of construction. These articles were so well received—the numbers containing them being long since exhausted—that it has been deemed wise to collate them in book form. This the author has endeavored to do in such a way as to make them most valuable to the student and builder and also for reference.

      A few new tables have been added, and the material divided into chapters, and the tables and engravings numbered consecutively.

      In the preparation of the original articles, the author tried to present the matter in the simplest possible manner consistent with accuracy, avoiding algebraic formulas and obtuse or technical language, and this object has been constantly in mind in their revision and arrangement in book form.

      This work is therefore purposely very elemental, being designed for those readers who have had only a common school education; nevertheless, it is believed to be as accurate and reliable—as far as it goes—as the author’s more advanced treatises. Those readers who desire more information on these subjects will find it in the author’s “Architect’s and Builder’s Pocket Book” and in the volumes of “Building Construction and Superintendence.” The third volume of the latter work will contain examples of almost every form of trussed-roof construction and a vast amount of information relating to roof-trusses.

      For young mechanics and draughtsmen who are taking up the study of these subjects without other assistance, this work, however, will probably be found easier to understand and a valuable preparation for more advanced treatises. In fact, the author hopes that this book will be of practical value to a great many carpenters, both young and old, and result in a more intelligent use of building materials.

      CHAPTER I.


      Many persons doubtless think that the strength of wooden beams is a matter of conjecture and not of mathematics, but except for a slight variation in the strength of the wood, due to different conditions inherent in the tree and also in the degree of seasoning, the strength of a given beam can be very accurately determined by simple calculations. Even with the variation due to the wood, it is possible to determine the maximum load that it is safe to put upon a beam, which is usually the information desired.

      Fig. 1.—Showing Meaning of Terms Used.

      Fig. 2.—Some Forms of Cantilever Beam.

      Before giving any rules, however, it will be well to consider some of the facts relating to the strength of beams. The strength of a beam depends upon its size and shape, its span, (or if a cantilever, the projection beyond the point of support), the kind of wood and its condition, and also the manner of loading. The following facts are also true of all rectangular wooden beams:

      1. The strength of a beam decreases in the proportion that its span is increased. Thus the strength of a given beam, with a span of 10 feet, is one-half that of the same beam with a 5-foot span. With a span of 12 feet the strength will be five-sixths what it would be with a span of 10 feet. Or if we have a beam with a span of 20 feet and place a support under the center we just double the strength.

      2. The strength of a beam increases exactly as its breadth or thickness is increased. Thus a beam 2 inches thick is twice as strong as a beam 1 inch thick, provided the other conditions remain the same.

      3. The