How to Create Manga: Drawing Facial Expressions. NextCreator Henshubu. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: NextCreator Henshubu
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Изобразительное искусство, фотография
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781462921362
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happens or something makes characters happy to the

       point that they grin uncontrollably. It evokes a heart full

       to the brim with emotion.


      Expression Ideas

       Scrapbook: Joy



      We all know the various scenarios where laughter breaks out, rippling through an

       audience watching a funny movie or isolated in pockets among large gatherings of

       friends. No matter what prompts it, all manga artists need to master drawing faces

       twisted and contorted with joy.

      One of the basics for conveying laughter is depicting an open mouth. The shape of the eyebrows

       changes depending on the intensity of the laugh. The more enthusiastic the laughter, the lower

       the ends of the brows get, resembling the brows on a troubled face. On a regular laughing face,

       the brows are raised up, while on a kind laughing face, they form a gentle curve.




      Stifling a laugh

      These expressions indicate stifling laughter in situations that call for quiet or

       where it would be rude to laugh. The brows and cheeks are taut from restraint

       while the mouth loosens to form the expression of laughter. Adding a shaking

       effect also works well to indicate the effort to stifle the laugh.

      Laughter escaping

      This expression shows what happens when laughter can no longer

       be contained. Drawing the mouth slightly open evokes the image

       of air—and laughter—escaping from tightly closed lips.


      Suggestive laughter

      This type of unconscious laughter emanates from

       thoughts about one’s own (evil) schemes. Even when no

       scheming is involved, a grin may be used as a bluff.

      References: Plotting (Page 162)

      DISCUSSION The Relationship Between a Character’s Personality and Expressions

      Although “laughter” is a universal expression, it manifests

       differently depending on the character’s personality. Energetic

       characters laugh with their mouths wide open; subdued

       characters laugh quietly without opening their mouths wide,

       meaning that characters’ personalities can be conveyed via

       their expressions. Furthermore, cool characters may laugh

       using expressions other than that of traditional “laughter.”


      Hearty Laughter

      Hearty laughter spills out when someone is unable to control or contain her

       amusement. Of all the expressions of joy, it’s the boldest or most obvious, and is

       often used to express an exaggerated, uncontrollable reaction.

      When depicting an outbreak of uncontrollable, hearty laughter, troubled brows play a key role.

       This is laughter that can’t be restrained, and the more intense it gets, the more difficult it is to

       draw breath, leading to the tautening of the brows so that they appear troubled. Adding tears

       around the eyes increases the appearance of pain from laughing.




      Crying from laughter

      This expression depicts tears forming from laughing too hard, with

       a smiling face as the base to which lowered brows are added. When

       laughing to an extreme, the face uses different muscles from a typical

       run-of-the-mill laugh, which can cause tears to form in the same way

       as they may when yawning. Adding tears makes it easy to convey the

       intensity of the character’s laughter.

      DISCUSSION Using the Body to Express Emotion

      Using not only the face but the whole body is effective for depicting expression. Build up your

       understanding of this by watching situations in movies or TV shows where the actors are laughing.

       The following examples show overreactions, where tears emphasize the magnitude of the laughter.


      DISCUSSION The Difference Between Smiling and Laughing

      Facial expressions can be created intentionally in order to communicate with others or appear

       as the result of emotions welling up. Let’s look at the overall facial expression of smiling as an

       example. This expression can be divided broadly into smiling and laughing.

      A smile

      A smile is a facial expression that one summons

       to communicate a positive feeling to others,

       showing that no harm is intended and that a

       feeling of familiarity is desired. Even for those

       who are not studying acting, a smile is a facial

       expression that should be easy to conjure. In

       the same way as using language, a smile is an

       expression created in order to communicate with

       others, made of one’s own volition.

      A laugh

      Have you ever laughed so hard that you became short of breath? It can get so bad that the muscles stiffen and cause

       you to fall over. A laugh happens as a reaction to something amusing, such as watching a comedian or a skit. Within

       the range of emotions and expressions, some can be controlled and others cannot. Sometimes it’s not possible to

       control laughter. Keep these points in mind when drawing expressions.



      Anger is a threat and an emotion that is directed at others. It is often emphasized by being depicted through

       distortion or symbolic expression, in order to make the emotion easier to read.

      Distorted expressions

      When expressing anger, all the parts of the face

       sink inward. The area between the brows becoming

       strained and the outer corners of the eyes being

       pulled up is one basic expression of anger.

      Flow of expression

      Slight annoyance creates little change

       of expression. It could be said there is a

       fine line between a resting face and an

       expression of annoyance. When the face