The Handbook of Peer Production. Группа авторов. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Группа авторов
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр произведения: Кинематограф, театр
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781119537090
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before Ford’s assembly‐line production, Karl Marx was analyzing the mechanisms of capitalist production, particularly toward the latter years of the Industrial Revolution from roughly the 1840s to the 1880s. His task was a critique of existing political economic thought, while specifically focusing on the consequences of capitalist production for the growing numbers of laborers who were joining the working class. Focusing on industrial factories in the mid‐1800s, Marx determined that labor was being exploited in at least two primary ways. First, surplus value was being extracted from labor through the prolongation of the working day, which Marx referred to as absolute surplus value. Second, and perhaps most important for the present discussion, was the extraction of what Marx referred to as relative surplus value, which drew attention to the ways the “technical processes of labor and the composition of society” were being revolutionized (Marx, 1906, p. 559). In other words, ongoing changes in the technical processes involved in production constantly placed pressure on workers, especially as they were subject to deskilling (i.e., reduction in the skills necessary for performing certain tasks), reskilling (i.e., learning how to operate new technologies), or automating jobs that were previously performed by humans.

      These trends would continue into the 20th Century, as global capitalism began to take shape. What emerged was a complex division of labor and an increasingly globalized capitalist economy. These developments also gave rise to a large pool of working‐class labor with common interests. As a result, workers in the Global North organized into trade unions to struggle against capital for fair wages, the eight‐hour work day, the end of child labor, and other labor rights. As the trade union movement grew, it ensured a certain degree of welfare for workers and created a shared identity among the working class.

      The crisis of the 1970s placed significant pressure on the profits of US capital. In response, policymakers and shareholders sought measures of restoring profitable capital accumulation. These measures essentially unfolded along two axes. First, policymakers began to cut away at policies designed to protect worker rights. These efforts began in the late 1970s, but really ramped up after leaders like Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, and Deng Xiaoping took office. These leaders ushered in an era of deregulation and the privatization of national industries, which also cut away at protections for labor (see Harvey, 2005). The upshot of these regulatory changes was a reduction in wages and the outsourcing of jobs, thereby reducing the fixed costs of firms. Second, shareholders and business owners also sought ways of reducing the fixed costs associated with their business operations. This was made possible by new developments in information and communication technologies, most notably software, which allowed owners to track their production processes in a more sophisticated way. The result was a further disciplining of labor and the maximization of efficiency throughout commodity supply chains. Furthermore, commodity supply chains could now be networked across geographic boundaries to take advantage of cost savings wherever they existed. This allowed for what Harvey (1989) refers to as flexible accumulation, which is “characterized by the emergence of entirely new sectors of production, new ways of providing financial services, new markets, and, above all, greatly intensified rates of commercial, technological, and organizational innovation” (p. 147). In effect, this new model of production no longer relied on mass production, which was the hallmark of Fordism. Rather, it made possible on‐demand production, which reduced stockpiles of mass‐produced inventory while simultaneously allowing firms to adapt to ever‐changing demands from consumers.

      One of the critical elements enabling this type of business model was the development of networked communication technologies, which could be put into the service of capital. It was during this time that information and communication technologies became viewed as a new vehicle for reinvigorating capital accumulation, and the sector saw massive capital investment, especially in the 1990s, while US manufacturing remained stagnant. Indeed, the massive surge in venture capital investment into the so‐called “dot‐com” companies during the 1990s fueled the financial bubble that eventually burst in the early 2000s (Cassidy, 2002). The investment in digital technologies continues today, as similar investments can be seen in a number of digital services that promise to reinvigorate capital accumulation, whether they are digital platforms like Uber, Lyft, Spotify, or cryptocurrency technologies like Blockchain.

      The structural changes of capitalism throughout the 20th century laid the foundation for the emergence of the Internet as a vehicle for intensifying capital accumulation. Furthermore, this process really began to ramp up toward the end of the 20th century when Internet service provision was privatized. In the wake of its privatization, Internet‐ and web‐based businesses went through a relatively rapid boom‐and‐bust cycle. While these years were somewhat tumultuous for speculative financial capital, the general tendency