Given a path p we may define a subpath in a natural way: a path q is a subpath of the path p if there exist two paths p1, p2 such that p = p1qp2. In the same way a subword is defined.
Given an alphabet
Definition 1.1. If for each edge e of a map Δ the following relation holds:
then the map Δ is called a diagram over
Here the symbol “≡” denotes the graphical equality of the words in the alphabet
When p = e1. . . en is a path in a diagram Δ over
Consider a group G with presentation
That means that
Note that if a presentation of a group has a relation R, then it has all its cyclic permutations as relations as well.
Let Δ be a map over the alphabet
Definition 1.2. A cell of the diagram Δ is called a
This definition effectively means that choosing direction and the starting point of reading the label of the boundary of any cell of the map and ignoring all trivial labels (the ones with φ(e) ≡ 1) we can read exactly the words from the set of relations of the group G and nothing else.
Sometimes it proves useful to consider cell with effectively trivial labels. To be precise, we give the following definition.
Definition 1.3. A cell Π of a map Δ is called a 0-cell if the label W of its contour e1. . . en graphically equals φ(e1). . . φ(en), where either φ(ei) ≡ 1 for each i = 1, . . . , n, or for some two indices i ≠ j the following holds:
Finally, we can define a diagram of a group.
Definition 1.4. Let G be the group given by a presentation (1.1). A diagram Δ on a surface S over the alphabet
1.1.3The van Kampen lemma
Earlier we gave two examples of diagrams used to show that a certain equality of the type W = 1 holds in a group given by its presentation. In fact this process is made possible by the following lemma due to van Kampen:
Lemma 1.1 (van Kampen [van Kampen, 1933]). Let W be an arbitrary non-empty word in the alphabet