One Hundred Years' History Of The Chinese In Singapore: The Annotated Edition. Ong Siang Song. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Ong Siang Song
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Биографии и Мемуары
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9789811217647
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Chinese rifle shots—A Chinese volunteer funeral—Chinese shipowners—Teo Hoo Lye—Tan Yong Siak—Heap Eng Moh SS Co Ltd—Dr Lee Choo Neo—Oei Tiong Ham—Kwong Yik Bank—Later Chinese banking institutions—Wong Ah Fook and his three sons—An amazing hoax—Address to Mr Evans—First Straits Chinese theatricals—Sir F Swettenham on Chinese labour

       Chapter 11: The Ninth Decade (1899-1909) Second Part

      Tanjong Pagar Church—Tay Sek Tin—Ellis Shield—The Medical School—Tan Soo Bin—Buddhist Mission—Abortive Ratepayers’ Association—Boycott of American goods—Ching Keng Lee—SRA monthly shoots—Cornwall Minstrels—Chinese view on Crown Agents’ policy—Chinese Swimming Club—Registration of Partnerships Bill—First Inter-association debate—Extortion from Chinese priest—HRH Prince Arthur of Connaught entertained—Chinese Chamber of Commerce—’The King’s Chinese’—Failure of prosecutions for bigamy—The Six Widows case—Boycott of Sikh employees—Agri-horticultural Show—Low Kway Soo—Seah Eng Choe—Hokien-Teochew riot—Chia Keow—Chee Yam Chuan and his family—Motions in Municipal Board for Chinese cemetery—The coup de grace to ‘chingays’ and ‘sembayang hantus’—Tribute to the late GT Hare and to Mr Barnes—Welcome to TRH the Duke and Duchess of Connaught—A Chinese heroine—Goh Song Tian gets the ISM—Chinese YMCA—Opening of CVC—Appeal for general education of Chinese girls—Warren Shield (1907)—How to scare away cholera—Removal of Chinese graves at Telok Ayer—Dr SC Yin—British and Dutch methods of government compared—Wee Swee Teow—Pineapple preserving industry—Seah Eng Keong—Church of the Sacred Heart—Singing girls in clubs—Leong Man Sau—Dr Sun Yat Sen—Thong Chong Fee—Straits Chinese Annual—Opium Commission

       Chapter 12: The Tenth Decade (1909–19) First Part

      ‘Chap-ji-ki’ gambling—Social Purity Union—Goh Hood Keng—The Opium Farmers’ grievance—NB Chan—Interport shield for shooting—Variety entertainment—Boom in rubber industry—Mr Ridley on its history—The Shipping Conference—Tan Chow Kim at Bisley—7th annual Agri-horticultural Show—Hylam woman alleged to be in Singapore—King Edward VII Memorial—Sir John Anderson on education—Opposition to Income Tax Bill (1911)—Addresses to Messrs Fort and Baker—Tank Road Girls’ School—Phua Choon Hiang—Kwong Wai Shiu Hospital—Yow Ngan Pan—Chinese Produce Exchange—SCFA—Old Rafflesians’ dinner—Rev Father Michael Seet—Public protest against Municipal Bill (1911)—Fall of the Tsing dynasty—Chess Match—Seow Poh Leng—ADA—Hon Mr Tan Jiak Kim invested with CMG—Ong Tek Lim—Dr Lim Han Hoe—Holiday on Confucius’s birthday—The double ricksha—’Chinaman’ for ‘Chinese’—Messrs Buckley and Knight’s long service on Tan Tock Seng Hospital Board—Song Ong Joo—Straits Chinese in Netherlands India—The Reading Club—Service of intercession for China at St Andrew’s Cathedral—Kow Soon Kim—Eastern United Assurance Co Ltd—Address to Mr W Peacock—Ong Kim Wee—Chinese porcelain—The life of a Chinese girl—Sim Kia Jan—Straits Chinese Literary Association

       Chapter 13: The Tenth Decade (1909-19) Second Part

      ‘The Straits Chinese, their character and tendencies’—The Chinese Co SVI, during the Great War—A run on the Chinese Commercial Bank—Chinese dealers refuse to pay debts—The Prince of Wales’s Relief Fund—Local Relief Fund—The 5th Madras Light Infantry émeute—Lim Nee Soon—Liau Thian Iah’s semi-jubilee as preacher—Repatriation of Chinese unemployed—Chinese gift of battle-planes—Tan Kim Wah—Anniversary resolutions to carry on the War to a victorious issue—SCRC’s reception on Dr Boon Keng’s appointment as MLC—Movements to rouse Straits Chinese patriotism—Tan Keong Keng—Departure of Mr RJ Wilkinson—Public presentation of commissions to Chinese Officers—’Duty to the British Empire’—Penang ADC help in Red Cross Funds—Chinese ladies collect for Fighter No 27—The Garden Club—Chinese and a proposed Income Tax—The ‘Our Day’ Fund for 1916—Kampong Martin fire—Loke Yew, LLD of Hongkong—Chinese Ladies’ Association—Mrs Lee Choon Guan, MBE—Mr Eu Tong Sen’s Tank—Major H Millard—St Andrew’s Medical Mission—House shortage and Rent Restriction Ordinance—Two war measures affecting China-born Chinese—Wee Cheow Keng—Council debate on revival of Queen’s scholarships—’Our Day’ Fund (1917)—Chinese gifts of YMCA Huts—Cheng Kee Hean Club—Housing Commission Report—Straits Athletic Physical Culturists—Ordination of Chinese priests—The Armistice—The beginning of the rice crisis—The SCFA in Malacca—Centenary celebrations and the Chinese Addresses.



       Mr and Mrs Song Ong Siang

       Seah Eu Chin

       Seah Pek Seah

       Mr Teo Lee & Mrs Teo Lee

       Tan Kim Seng

       Chinese Free School (Ghi-ok) in Amoy Street

       Hoo Ah Kay (Whampoa), CMG

       Hoo Ah Yip

       Hoo Keng Choong

       Hoo Keng Tuck

       Cheong Swee Whatt

       A Chinese Embroidered Catafalque Enclosing a Coffin

       Dr Legge and His Three Chinese Pupils (From a Painting in the Offices of the London Missionary Society)

       Song Hoot Kiam

       Wan Eng Kiat

       Tan Beng Swee

       Hamilton, Gray and Co’s Gift to Tan Kim Seng

       Boustead and Co’s Gift to Tan Kim Seng and Tan Beng Swee

       Tan Kim Ching

       Foo Teng Quee

       Ong Sam Leong

       Khoo Cheng Tiong

       Khoo Cheng Teow

       Khoo Teck Siong

       Wee Ah Hood

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