3.Chinese Medicine Diagnosis and Acupuncture
Qi Stagnation and Blood Stasis
Damp and Phlegm Accumulations
Heat Toxin
Deficient Conditions
Qi and Blood Deficiency
Blood and Yin Deficiency with Heat
Acupuncture Technique: Pricking Therapy
Yang Deficiency and Yin-Yang Separation
Cancer-related Pain
Abdominal Ascites
Low Appetite
End of Life: The Separation of Yin and Yang
A Brief History of Moxibustion
What is Moxibustion?
Therapeutic Function and Purpose of Moxibustion
Moxibustion for Yin Deficiency
Moxibustion for Yang Deficiency
Moxibustion for Excess Patterns
Moxibustion Applications for Cancer Management: Neutropenia, Fatigue, Radiation Fibrosis
Cancer-related Fatigue
Moxibustion for Cancer-related Fatigue
Radiation Fibrosis Syndrome
Moxibustion for Radiation Fibrosis Syndrome
Current Research and Trends of Herbal Medicine
TCM Integration with Physical Therapy
7.Chinese Nutrition and Dietary Therapy
8.Eight Extraordinary Meridians
A Brief History of Eight Extra Meridians
Basic Development and Concepts of the Eight Extras
The Yin and Yang of the Wei and Qiao Channels