The Gift of Black Folk &
The Souls of Black Folk
The Gift of Black Folk &
The Souls of Black Folk
W. E. B. Du Bois
Wisehouse Classics
W. E. B. Du Bois
The Gift of Black Folk & The Souls of Black Folk
Wisehouse Classics
© 2020 Wisehouse Publishing | Sweden
All rights reserved without exception.
ISBN 978-91-7637-775-8
IV The Emancipation of Democracy
V The Reconstruction of Freedom
[The Racial Contributions to the United States]
III Of Mr. Booker T. Washington and Others
VI Of the Training of Black Men
IIX Of the Quest of the Golden Fleece
IX Of the Sons of Master and Man
XI Of the Passing of the First-Born
The Negros in the Making of America
Who made America?
Who made this land that swings its empire from the Atlantic to the Sea of Peace and from Snow to Fire—this realm of New Freedom, with Opportunity and Ideal unlimited?
Now that its foundations are laid, deep but bare, there are those as always who would forget the humble builders, toiling wan mornings and blazing noons, and picture America as the last reasoned blossom of mighty ancestors; of those great and glorious world builders and rulers who know and see and do all things forever and ever, Amen!
How singular and blind!
For the glory of the world is the possibilities of the commonplace and America is America even because it shows, as never before, the power of the common,