“All wars are lies. David Swanson shows that World War II was no exception. We must not allow the power holders to continue to argue that WWII -- the ‘good war’ -- justifies the idea that fighting wars and preparing for ever more wars as the way to fight the ‘next Hitler’ can create security for our country and the world. Without the idea of ‘the good war,’ the notion of war as a means of resolving conflicts and achieving ‘security’ goes out the window. Too bad for the war profiteers! Why did the United States pass up so many opportunities to stop U.S. companies investing in and helping arm Germany in preparation of WWII? Why did the U.S. and other countries refuse to accept Jewish refugees fleeing Germany? Why did the U.S. delay making peace with Japan before the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki even though Japan indicated offers to surrender and end the war earlier? Was preparing for a future war with the Soviet Union the real reason for many U.S. actions during and after WWII? The U.S. did NOT pursue all peaceful means to resolve conflicts with either Germany or Japan before the war, but by their actions, chose to prepare for war and do those things which made war more likely. Through WWII, the U.S. became addicted to militarism, and wars, and preparations for more wars. But this addiction is our choice. We can choose to end our addiction to war and pursue peaceful means to achieve security -- not only for ourselves, but for the whole world. Swanson holds out the vision of creating real security by spending one trillion dollars a year (which we are presently spending on wars) to create a good and decent life for every American and people all over the world – and create REAL SECURITY for the American people rather than the FAKE SECURITY of endless wars and creating ever more enemies. People all over the world should read Leaving World War II Behind, give up our addiction to war, and get involved with World BEYOND War to help end all wars. Very highly recommended if you want a future of peace and well being for your children, grandchildren, and future generations!” --David Hartsough, Co-Founder World BEYOND War and Nonviolent Peaceforce, author of Waging Peace: Global Adventures of a Lifelong Activist
“In Leaving World War II Behind, David Swanson continues his chronicle of the full costs of militarization. His new work centers on a fundamental dimension of those costs, the many-sided environmental consequences of war and perpetual preparations for war. For the public that hardly understands the links between military operations and environmental damage, this book is a major contribution.” --Richard Tucker, editor of Nature at War: American Environments and World War II
“Many of us World War II authors wrote the Who, What, When, Where and How. Seventy-five years after the largest event in world history changed the world, David Swanson presents the Who?, What?, When?, Where? and How? of World War II.” -- James Bradley, author of Flags of Our Fathers
Leaving World War II Behind
By David Swanson
Charlottesville, VA First edition—2020
Also by David Swanson:
20 Dictators Currently Supported by the U.S. (2020)
Peace Almanac (2019)
Curing Exceptionalism (2018)
War Is Never Just (2016)
War Is A Lie (2010, 2016)
Killing Is Not A Way of Life (2014)
War No More: The Case For Abolition (2013)
Iraq War Among World’s Worst Events (2013)
Tube World (2012)
The Military Industrial Complex at 50 (2011)
When The World Outlawed War (2011)
Daybreak: Undoing the Imperial Presidency and Forming a More Perfect Union (2009)
The 35 Articles of Impeachment (Introduction, 2008)
©2020 David Swanson
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including mechanical, electric, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.
Swanson, David, 1969 Dec. 1-
Leaving World War II Behind
Book design by David Swanson
About the cover image: The author, at lower right, and friends raised a peace flag at the Iwo Jima Memorial near the end of a bicycle trip that World War II veteran and peace activist Sam Winstead led from North Carolina to Washington, D.C. several years ago. The photographer is unknown.
Ebook First Edition / September 2020 ISBN: 978-1-7347837-4-2
Table of Contents
1. What WWII has to do with military spending
2. WWII was not fought to save anyone from death camps
3. WWII did not have to happen
4. The United States did not have to develop and promote the dangerous bunk science of eugenics
5. The United States did not have to develop the practice of racist segregation
7. The United States did not have to fund and arm the Nazis
8. The United States did not have to prioritize opposing the Soviet Union
9. The United States did not have to develop the pledge of allegiance and the one-arm salute
10. The United States welcomed Nazis into the U.S. military
11. The United States did not have to engage in an arms race with Japan
12. WWII does not prove that violence is needed for defense
13. WWII was the worst thing humanity has done to itself and the earth in any short period of time
14. WWII in western culture is a dangerous set of myths