Basically, when it comes to 9/11, there are now two perceived realities where patriotism and the paradigms affecting our country are concerned. The first “reality” is based on the “official version” communicated to us that day. This version states that nineteen Muslims, armed with box cutters, gained access to the cockpits of four jetliner, murdered the combat-trained crews of these aircraft, and took over the controls. We were told, these supposed hijackers, after obtaining control of these huge aircraft, then proceeded to carry out preplanned missions. We were told the reason they did this is because they, and basically the entire Islamic world, “hated our freedoms” here in the West.
In response, President Bush’s command to the military was the same as the reported “heroes” that overtook the terrorists onboard Flight 93, which supposedly crashed near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, that morning: “Let’s roll.”
Most Americans’ gut reaction to such a perceived attack was one of righteous indignation, shock, and disbelief. Flames of pure vengeance were stoked as we now seemed to have a new, definite enemy that should be dealt with immediately.
It seems that in the minds of many Americans, if a terrorist group had become sophisticated, coordinated, and bold enough to plan and execute an attack of this magnitude and of this nature, obviously, this “Al-Qaeda” represented a “clear and present danger” to American citizens and our way of life. Therefore, the flags came out, despite the fact this “enemy” had no common uniform, neither were they identified was not identified with a particular country.
Deep feelings of patriotism and nationalism were common among most citizens of the United States. This was a powerful expression of the way Americans feel connected to this country. Apparently once the concerted will of the American people was attained on the matter, without delay, almost as if it had all been planned out beforehand, the result was the ongoing “war on terror,” with the accompanying destruction of our precious rights and civil liberties guaranteed under the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
Conversely, for 9/11 “Truthers,” patriotism has now been defined in a different way. Thanks to information on the internet, or friends and neighbors who have cared enough to share this information with us, or gratefully, by Divine Providence, our lives have been changed forever because once a person sees what we have seen, there is no way to “unsee” or otherwise to deny it. For us, we know the 9/11 attacks were preplanned as an attack on the core of our country and liberties, which are encapsulated in the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Our eyes have been opened to a conspiracy that—in the words of former FBI director J. Edgar Hoover as he described this ominous beast—“the individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists.”5 We realize and understand who the real enemies of our freedoms are, and we know it is not primarily Islam or Muslims as we have been misdirected to believe. We have been shown a very important truth about how the world really works and the “hidden hand” that is behind it all. Our patriotic loyalty is strongly linked to the Constitution and Bill of Rights. We realize without these primary documents, we would have no distinctive country in the first place. It is the Constitution and Bill of Rights that have historically set the United States apart in the world. The fact that the Patriot Act, which almost immediately followed 9/11 and was written before 9/11, was and still is, an affront to these foundational documents stokes flames of Revolution within us, along with a strong desire for justice to be executed on the real perpetrators of 9/11, justice and liberty being two main tenants of the Constitution and Bill of Rights and what we have believed our country to have been founded upon all these years. One of my favorite memes has a picture of General Washington crossing the Delaware. It is captioned, “War is when your government tells you who the enemy is. Revolution is when you figure it out for yourself.”
When I joined the military in 1983, and every reenlistment thereafter, I swore to “protect and defend the Constitution of the United States from all enemies, foreign and domestic.” Nowhere in the oath of enlistment, which millions of others have taken as well, does it say we are vowing loyalty to a political party, a presidential administration, or another political ideal. Our devotion should be to the Constitution and Bill of Rights. No one has ever relieved me of my oath. Sharing this information with you, “my fellow patriot,” is one way I am keeping my oath.
In the chapters that follow, I will share with the reader things I have personally learned on my “journey of truth.” Much of what I have learned has been derived from the internet, which, may I add, is one of our last venues of free speech, free thought, and free opinion. Also, the things I have learned have been through the means of visual realization. In other words, videos revisited and watched regarding the way the three buildings came down on 9/11 are visual evidence that we were lied to and deceived big-time that day. These things must be seen to be understood and believed.
I am indebted to documentarian David Hooper who produced and published Anatomy of a Great Deception.6 It is available on DVD here: Within ten minutes of watching, I realized something was very wrong with the story we had been told about that terrible day. By the end, I knew the buildings came down that day due to “controlled demolition,” not jet fuel as we were told. Controlled demolition takes months to set up the charges for a job that included three huge skyscrapers! There is no way Arabs could have done this!
This book is intended to be a compilation of things I have personally learned since November of 2015 when I first realized that not everything is as it seems to be, thanks to Mr. Hooper and his efforts with this documentary. If this book becomes a catalyst to motivate others to watch this documentary, and many others like it, then for these individuals to come to the knowledge of the truth about that day, writing it shall not have been in vain.
I would also like to add that implicating our government leaders in the crime that happened on 9/11 gives me no pleasure. I was a proud soldier deploying to Iraq in the righteous cause of liberty and democracy. I revered President Bush and Vice President Cheney as my commanders in chief, and I stuck to my oath to follow their orders even though something in the pit of my stomach was telling me something was not right about the whole thing. Then again, I did not create this situation; our leaders and their shadowy partners created it. I am merely a messenger, not unlike Paul Revere on his famous midnight ride shouting, “The British are coming, the British are coming!” My message is not so different… “The New World Order is coming!” Now I realize my oath was, and is, and always will be, to “protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” I have not been relieved of this oath, even though I am no longer on active duty. If you have served, have you been relieved of it? I do not think so.
Unfortunately, a huge portion of our citizens don’t understand the importance of our Constitution or Bill of Rights, or the totalitarian and despotic type of government that can and will, and is now, circumventing our precious liberties afforded to us—not by man, but by the Almighty Creator himself.
President Theodore Roosevelt once stated: “The President is merely the most important among many public servants. He should be supported or opposed exactly to the degree which is warranted by his good conduct or bad conduct, his efficiency or inefficiency in rendering loyal, able, and disinterested service to the Nation as a whole. Therefore, it is necessary that there should be full liberty to tell the truth about his acts, and this means that it is exactly necessary to blame him when he does wrong as to praise him when he does right. Any other attitude in an American citizen is both base and servile. To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public. Nothing but the truth should be spoken about him or anyone else. But it is even more important to tell the truth, pleasant or unpleasant, about him than about anyone else.”7
Spreading knowledge as to what really happened that day