Now, we assume that Health manifests as a law of Nature; that it expresses itself as a law, not of command to act in a particular way, but of conditions under which actions of any kind can be done. Laws of Nature state the conditions under which certain results invariably follow. Water boils at 100° C. under normal atmospheric pressure. If boiling water is desired at a higher altitude, the conditions connected with pressure must be accurately followed. Health, like the other laws of Nature of which we know, seems to abide or remain as an eternal verity, unchanging, inviolable. From our limited viewpoint, it seems to contain within itself many potential powers; one of these is the power of abiding, so to say, at every closed point in matter until a channel is made; another is the power of extending or being extended into and through any channel open for its outflowing. Health expresses itself by means of the Life side of everything; in this it differs from disease, which expresses itself through or in matter. Eternally present as its polar opposite and thus making it possible for Health to manifest, is disease; for Nature manifests by means of pairs of opposites such as Health-Disease; positive-negative; light-darkness; life-form. Neither can manifest without its polar opposite.
Disease in general terms may be defined as a condition of discord in the matter of the bodies which Life uses. It is disharmony in matter; it is disintegrating in its action, preventing the free flow of Life through the parts, and is full of pain or non-bliss. It is a condition of disturbance of equilibrium of the energies in matter, is unstable, impermanent, liable always to rearrangement and readjustment, either by death of the body or by the restoration of the energies to harmonious action. Disease has no place in Health harmonies and cannot attach itself to Health. With no connecting link, these extremes cannot approach each toward the other.
How then, in view of this permanent oppositeness, can one take the place of, or supplant the other? Only by means of a third factor, which we will find in the study of Occultism. Health, by right of its own divine Life nature, abides potentially—latent as possibility only—in every atom of matter, in all bodies; but it comes out into manifestation through a mediator, which is formed of mighty Intelligences, living, active entities administering the great Law of Health.
If Health remains potential in the atoms of the form, if it is inactive, or having become active is, by conditions, forced back into potentiality again, then disease—disharmony, unequilibrium—may become dominant, positive, and establish itself as ruler. But if the healing Intelligence can dominate for a time and a channel can be opened through the etheric (atomic) matter of a diseased body which will make an inlet for the abiding, waiting Health Life, in sufficient quantity to overcome and drive out the unstable vibrations and establish its own blissful equilibrium, then disease is no longer active there. Health becomes the positive factor, and Disease the negative or potential.
This Healing Intelligence, this distributing agency in substituting health for disease, is an occult, a hidden, a polarized living Force, composed of intelligent entities or classes of angels, who, according to Iamblichus, the great occultist of the Fourth century A.D., are the intermediaries, the conveyers of all good from God to mankind. It is they who prepare the soul to receive truth, health and all good.* They can do this because they are consciously united with their source. As the Western Scriptures phrase it: “Their angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in Heaven.”†
We differentiate, then, between Health and the Healing Intelligence, assuming that it is reasonable that Health is an Eternal Spiritual Law with its source in the great Architect of Nature; while its outer expression in this world and these bodies of ours, is made possible by the Healing Intelligence, which is to some degree analyzable and understandable. This Intelligence should be studied by all healers, for according to all the ancient Scriptures, it is the true channel for the Health-Life.
* Iamblichus on the Mysteries of the Egyptians, Chaldeans and Assyrians. Thomas Taylor’s translation.
† St. Matt., XVIII, 10.
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