Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda. Swami Vivekananda. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Swami Vivekananda
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Документальная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9782378077099
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       Abou Ben Adhem’s Ideal

       The Doctrine Of The Swami

       “Universal Religion”

       Vivekananda’s Lecture on the Creeds of the World

       Vivekananda’s Philosophy

       He Would Have Many Kinds of Religion

       Heard Swami Talk

       Philosophy Of Freedom

       Out Of The East

       Message Brought by the Swami Vivekananda — in His Country the Gods Are “Bright Ones” That Help

       Said A Universal Religion Is Impossible

       For Universal Religion

       Swami Vivekananda

       Lectures on Hindoo Religion and Philosophy

       Hindu Philosophy

       Conception Of The Universe In Distant India

       Conception Of The Universe

       Swami Vivekananda’s lecture before the Academy of


       Told About India

       Lecture last night at Blanchard Hall by

       Swami Vivekananda

       The Religious Legends Of India*

       The Swami

       The Science Of Yoga

       Swami Vivekananda At The Los Angeles Home

       Hindoo Monk Lectures

       Swami Vivekananda’s Topic Is “The Idea of Universal


       Vedantism, And What It Is And What It Is Not

       Lecture of Swami Vivekananda on the Religion of the


       It is the Only Creed, He Says, that Can Be Taught Without

       Lies and Without Compromise

       True Religion

       Hindu Philosopher Gives His Ideas

       Swami Vivekananda On Love

       An Indian Ascetic

       Native Indian Lecturer At Princes’ Hall

       The Christian Commonwealth

       South Place Chapel Lecture

       An Universal Religion


       Spiritualism And The Vedanta Philosophy

       An October Class Review

       A Bengali Sadhu

       The Vedic Religion

       The Hindu Ideal of Life

       The Shradh [Shrâddha] Ceremony

       Education of Women

       Emancipation of the Hindus

       The Parliament Of Religions

       Parliament Of Religions In Chicago

       On Christian Conversion

       The Central Idea Of The Vedas

       Swami Vivekananda On The Sea-Voyage Movement

       A Summary Of “Buddhism, The Fulfilment Of Hinduism”

       Indian Philosophy And Western Society