Christina, Book 3: Consciousness Creates Peace. Christina von Dreien. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Christina von Dreien
Издательство: Bookwire
Серия: Christina
Жанр произведения: Зарубежная психология
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9783905831702
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the help or information you need will either still come or that, in the past, you’ve already acquired the experience and the information on which you can build. If your soul wants to experience something specific and you’ve planned this experience into your soul path, then it will definitely happen and nothing in the world will be able to prevent it. However, we may only recognise the higher meaning in some events and experiences later, only when we look back. But we will always find it, sooner or later.

      Globally, this means that as long as there are human beings who want conditions on this Earth to change for the better, it will happen. The questions are simply: When will it happen? How fast will it happen? And what will happen between now and the time of change? These questions may be open, but one thing is certain: the change will take place.

      The question of work and profession is also important in connection with your soul path. You not only earn your living through the work you do, it also keeps you busy for about five out of seven days a week. Therefore, it’s important that you choose a profession that is consistent with what your soul wants and what it has planned for this incarnation. This may require you making the one or the other change in your outer life, but it’s worth it, because the most important thing at all times is that you are yourself, that you live your soul. We all came here to leave individual traces behind us. We didn’t come here to just walk around like remote-controlled robots.

      But don’t put yourselves under pressure with regard to this either. Just take the time that’s necessary to bring about any possible change in your working life. It’s good to have heard about this now, so that you can start moving step by step in this direction.

      Another way to increase your vibration is to forgive, love, be grateful and accept. To meet other people and other living beings in general with love, compassion and acceptance, to accept them as they are and to forgive their shortcomings – all this leads immediately to an increase in vibration.

      These are all qualities of our heart and not of our head. They unfold as soon as we are in our heart and listen to our heart. This, of course, doesn’t mean we should just chuck our brains out of the window, because we need both – heart and brains. The point is to find a harmonious balance between these two energies. In everyday life, there are many things we have to analyse or plan with the help of our reason, and we should be glad therefore that we do have a rational mind. But it shouldn’t simply be allowed to do what it wants, it should be subordinated to the heart instead. The mind tends to think and weigh up everything too much: “Is that at all possible?”, “What if …”, “But …”, “Could …”. Such considerations on the part of the mind are sometimes useful and important, but sometimes they also get in the way and prevent us from being spontaneous. Depending on the situation, we should listen to the mind or not, as the case may be.

      Another way to increase your vibration is to be an optimist. If we look at things in our lives in a positive and optimistic way, we support the increase in our vibration. It also helps us not to immediately view any particular state of affairs as a problem. If we see a particular situation in our life as a problem, it’s mostly because we feel unable to cope with this situation, or because we have no idea how to deal with it or what to do now.

      Actually, there are no problems at all; they’re all simply situations. Whether we see a situation or a state of affairs as a problem or not is always a question of our perspective and consciousness. We only perceive a particular state of affairs as a problem if the frequency of our consciousness is at the same level or below the frequency of that state of affairs. But the moment we succeed in increasing our personal vibration and elevating it above the vibration of the state of affairs in question, the situation is still there, but we have a different perspective on it. We no longer perceive the same situation as a problem, but as an opportunity.

      Imagine, for example, a house where the third floor is on fire. As long as we run around on the third floor, trying to extinguish the fire from there, we’ll find no solution. If we run up the stairs to the fourth floor, however, we might find an enormous fire-extinguisher. This gives us a solution to the problem on the third floor.

      Being an optimist and thinking and acting in a solution-oriented way helps us, in terms of vibration, to rise above challenging conditions. The circumstances may still be the same, but we gain a different perspective and a different basis for action. We either see solutions immediately, or are at least confident that solutions will come along soon. If we believe there is no solution to a particular problem, then things aren’t going to improve; the situation won’t improve, nor will we feel any better personally. If we’re convinced that there is a positive solution that either already exists or is going to come along soon, then it’s easier for us to be constructive in the given situation and make the right decisions. Even if a particular situation doesn’t change, an optimist within that situation will definitely be better off than a pessimist. That’s reason enough to be an optimist.

      Another good reason for being an optimist is the following: As optimists, we recognise meaning in our own lives and in life in general. And as soon as we see meaning behind things, we’re filled both with the conviction that the world can get better, and with the desire to change things. The world can only change for the better if human beings have hope and confidence. We’re shown the worst in newspapers, on television and also on the internet, and that could easily cause us to become pessimists. But as optimists, we know that according to cosmic law there must be something light-filled wherever there is darkness. It’s therefore up to us to consciously look for the light-filled and let it into our lives.

      We can also increase our vibration by harmonising the land and the sky.

      The personal vibration that goes out from each of us is made up of various components. At the same time – whether we perceive this consciously or not – our level of vibration is also affected by various external factors. Every town, every region, every country, even every single building and every room has its own vibration too, its own energy. This means that where we are also influences our personal vibration. It therefore makes sense to pay attention to how good the vibration around us is, because this effects our consciousness. Of course, when it comes down to it, we are the ones responsible for our own vibration at all times and not our environment. Our environment provides us with certain triggers, but what they trigger within us is individual and depends on our own patterns and conditioning.

      As for the sky, you may have noticed that some days it looks like there’s a kind of grid of white stripes across the sky. These are what people call chemtrails, and I don’t think that’s a concoction, but something real that’s neither good for us human beings nor for the Earth. A while ago, I saw grids like that in the sky at home, and wondered how they could be removed to purify and harmonise the sky. I found a number of tips on the internet, but they were all too complicated, or too tedious, and in some cases too expensive because there were things you had to buy to be able to do it. I thought to myself: Having a pure, clear sky that is natural and unpolluted should be one of our birthrights as human beings. And if something is a birthright or a fundamental right, it should be available free of charge, and it should be yours without any great effort on your part. I therefore carried on searching, and at some point, I found information on a construction called “the nine-element vortex” which cost nothing and promised to actually clear the sky.

      I went into the forest, picked up some branches and built a wooden vortex in our garden like the one described – although I decided on a “seven-element vortex”, meaning a construction made of seven branches. To my great joy, as soon as I’d laid the last branch, the sky cleared straight away and was completely purified and neutralised again. The vortex had built up an energy field that dissolved the white stripes, so that the sky returned to its normal, deep dark blue. When I saw that the vortex worked beautifully, I thought: “Well, problem solved”, and I turned back to other things.

      The effect lasted exactly three days. During this time, the white stripes were dissolved repeatedly, and the sky was always this deep blue colour.