ʿĪsā ibn Hishām said: They went on their way to the place which they had selected. As we followed behind them, we were lost in thought and assessing the situation. The Pāshā turned towards that great hotel, a veritable al-Khawarnak and al-Sadīr, and noticed the electric lights gleaming brightly like rising suns, so much so that darkest night shone in white raiment and its surface seemed like ebony embossed with silver. The street lamps resembled tree branches glowing with light rather than mere lamps. Each pillar seemed like a ray of dawn piercing the cavity of darkness—and what a piercing it was! In the pitch darkness the lights were like stars scattered throughout the dome of the firmament. Beneath these lights the Pāshā could see rows of men mingling freely with women. Favored by continuing good fortune and enveloped in a becoming opulence, they were sitting opposite each other and lounging on sofas, looking like an exquisite posy on a flowering branch caught by the rustle of the breeze. The sound of musical instruments could be heard. “Is this a reception for some sociable occasion?” the Pāshā asked me in amazement, “or a bridal procession? Has some house opened its rooms so that anyone can see what’s inside? Or is it perhaps a festival night for a group of demons who are socializing with human beings like tame animals? They’ve forsaken the earth’s interior for its surface, its belly for its lap.”
فقلت له: نعم هؤلاء جن الارض وعفاريت الانس يطوون البر والبحر ويقطعون الحزن والوعر ويطيرون في السماء ويمشون على الماء ويخرقون الجبال وينسفون القلال ويجعلون الآكام وهادا ويبسطون الربى مهادا ويقلبون القفار بحارا ويحيلون البحار بخارا ويسمعون من بالمشرقين صوت من بالمغربين ومن بالمغربين صوت من بالمشرقين ويستنزلون لنظرك أقصى الكواكبويعظمون كالجبل أصغر العناكب ويجمدون الهواء ويذيبون الحصباء ويزنون الأضواء ويستحدثون الأنواء ويستشفون خبايا الأحشاء ويستكشفون خفايا الأعضاء.
“Yes,” I replied, “these people are devils in human form. They traverse land and sea, cut through hard and rugged earth, and fly in the heavens. They can walk on water, penetrate through mountains, and pulverize mountain peaks, turning hills into lowlands, levelling mounds, making deserts into seas, and changing seas into steam. They make people in the East listen to sounds made by people in the West, and vice versa. They can bring down the remotest stars for you to see, magnify the tiniest spider into a mountain, freeze the air, melt stones, start gales, cure secret intestinal ailments, and discover unknown facts about the limbs.”
فقال لي صاحبي: أنك لتصف جن سليمان في هذا الزمان فقلت له: هؤلاء كبراء الافرنج أرباب المدنية والحضارة الناظرون الينا من صياصي العظمة بعين الاستهانة والحقارة فان نظروا الينا من جهة العزة والمنعمة نظرونا بنظر العقاب فوق شماريخ رضوى وثبير الى جنادب الرمل وضفادع الغدير وان نظروا الينا من طريق العلم نظرونا بنظر معلم الاسكندر حكيم الحكماء الى صبي يتهجى في العين والياء وان نظروا الينا من جهة الصناعة نظرونا بنظر فيدياس الى جرار أوكلاس وان نظروا الينا من باب الغنى نظرونا بنظر صاحب المفاتيح التي تنوء بالعصبة الى مجهود ينوء لقوت يومه تحت القربة وان نظروا الينا من حيث السجايا نظرونا بنظر رضوان الى الشيطان فقال لي الباشا: رويدك وهل هم في الحقيقة كما يزعمون فقلت: كلا بل هو قوم مدعون مباهتون مبتدعون قبح ما يعملون وساء ما يعملون أولئك هم سلاب الارزاق ونهاب الآفاق وقطاع الدهماء وقراصين الدأماء وسفاك الدماء أولئك هم الذين يخادعوننا بزبرجهم ويغشوننا بهرجهم { سَحَرُوا أَعْيُنَ النَّاسِ وَاسْتَرْهَبُوهُمْ وَجَاءُوا بِسِحْرٍ عَظِيمٍ}.
My companion told me, “You’re describing Solomon’s jinn living in this era!”24 “They’re European officials,” I replied, “steeped in civilized society. From their lofty perch they look down on us with utter contempt. From the perspective of power and prosperity, they regard us like an eagle perched on the peaks of Raḍwā and Thabīr staring down at desert grasshoppers and pool frogs. With regard to learning, it’s like the great sage and teacher Alexander having to watch a boy spelling out his alphabet. In the sphere of arts and crafts, it’s as though Pheidias the sculptor were placed alongside Euclas.25 Concerning wealth, it would be like a man with a bunch of keys weighing down his waistband looking at a laborer wiping the sweat from his brow beneath a waterskin. Finally, if we investigate the finer qualities of mind, it would be like Riḍwān looking at the very Devil.” “But wait a minute!” the Pāshā said. “Are they really the way they claim to be?” “Certainly not!” I replied. “They posture and show off, and keep bringing in innovations. Their activities are evil and their knowledge is pernicious. They’re the people who rob others of their wages. They plunder territories, cross deserts and destroy common folk. They’re the pirates of the high seas who make other people’s blood flow. They’re