The Manifestation Code. Raimon Samsó. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Raimon Samsó
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Документальная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781386927402
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      The unique reality is the cause of all perception and it also creates a sense of continuity. And why would we do such thing? That coming and going on from one side and to the other is what we call creation.

      Real / Unreal

      Spirit / World

      Consciousness / Conscience

      Eternal / Time

      Infinity / Space

      I Am / Ego

      Knowledge / Perception

      Unchanging / Changing

      Love / Fear

      What we call God did not create this world (which is an unreal illusion and, incidentally, an authentic asylum), "we" (separate conscience) did it. How can I affirm that? Because it's a dream of separation, and separation isn't real. It does not exist outside the mind that projects that illusion. And the world has a function: to act as a mirror to point out "the way back home" (at some point, the world will be incredible and it will wake you up).

      "Wait a minute, Raimon, you can't leave me like this, don't change the subject now... so if the world is separation and separation isn't real... isn't this world real?” you must think.

      That's right, it's an innocent misunderstanding within the conscience. It's just a crazy idea that has already been cleared up.

      How to raise your level of conscience

      The basic premise of this first power, the unique reality, is: change your level of conscience and you will transform your world.

      To raise your life, raise your conscience.

      For example, conscience of scarcity creates poverty, and conscience of abundance produces wealth. The conscience that sees guilty people summons its own enemies, and the conscience of innocence activates invulnerability. There are people for whom it seems like everyone is against them, while others feel that they are helped. And in all cases, their lives are a reflection of their projections.

      But how to raise the level of conscience to manifest desires?

      It’s what you're about to find out. And for that I make you three proposals.

      All right, it is that not simple, they are giant steps, but in return they are only three:

      1. Proposal One: Seek and capture new paradigms, ideas, beliefs, Discoveries that change what you know, or what you think you know. Be a tireless hunter of essential knowledge to transform your vision of the world and of one’s self. Read tirelessly reliable contents about consciousness. Investigate and form yourself in personal development.

      2. Proposal Two: Look at the world without seeing the world, see beyond what you see, dispense of the form, focus on what can’t, on metaphysics (beyond the matter). Look for the invisible foundations of everything visible that happens in your day-to-day. Go, get to know the Spirit that is in everything. Declare any situation you live as a spiritual experience.

      " First, get the conscience of the things you seek and leave the things alone ". NEVILLE

      3. Proposal Three: Change the concept of what or who you are, the concept of the built self. Give up your ego-based identities, and glimpse the Divinity in you. To find out who you are first, you need to know what you’re not. Recognize the creative Presence of all the things that is your real identity. Do introspection, mediation and mental silence. Have it present in every situation in which you find yourself.

      Find out what you're not and by a process of elimination you'll know what or who you are. When you abandon the identity of ego, invented and built over a lifetime, then the real I Am will emerge gently. The path to truth demands the abandonment of previous lies. The big lie is the ego, a failed attempt to replace what you are with what you think you are.

      Out of every 100 people who get to hear this, 99 of them smile, because they will think it can't be that simple. You will forget it, and soon you will fall into the collective hypnosis of the world -due to its cultural conditioning–, and their lives will never experience the desired realization.

      They will be trapped in this world and they will forget that the power is inner, not outer. They will leave the spiritual principles with which they flirted but with which they did not commit themselves. But one out of every one hundred people do incorporate these proposals and literally enter a level never imagined. Maybe you’re that one in a hundred, it’s just up to you.

      The simple thing, when we want a change, is to focus on the world, and try to change it, but it's as useless as correcting a mistake with an eraser on the computer screen. The change does not occur on the screen (world), but on the keyboard (reality). The visible world is nothing more than the projection of conscience.

      Changes in the world of the form occur in conscience. But in the spirit there is no change, nor is there time. Nothing real changes. And nothing subject to time is real. Therefore, the world is not real. The world is a subproduct of the conscience. It looks real to the senses. But being subject to change reveals its unreality.

      Every time that you want that something whether something is real or not, simply ask if it is subject to changes.

      To move to another level of conscience, you have to abandon limiting beliefs and paradigms, that's all that binds you to your current level of conscience. It's easier said than done, because people feel they own their mental baggage and they are not always willing to abandon it.

      Self-knowledge implicates not inventing a "new improved self", but stopping building non-existent self-concepts. For the real self to reveal itself, first the unreal self is to die. But this "sacrifice" is more than the ego can bear, so it is rare to find people who know what and who they really are. Ego does not want to find out because it knows that it is the beginning of its end.

      The world that each one sees is the result of the self-concept that each one has of himself. In order to reach a higher level of conscience, before it is necessary to assume a higher self-concept of oneself. More specifically, the lack of self-esteem reveals a deep ignorance of the essential self and an exacerbated attachment to an invented and defective self.

      Try to imagine an unlimited, eternal, omnipotent... infinite self.

      What if there was within each of us a power capable of creating universes? What if all we can do is imagine, and what is imagined needs to be manifested?

      What if we connected with a part of us where nothing is impossible? Well, stop imagining it and start experimenting it because that’s how it is. Just like that.

      Thoughts create beliefs, beliefs create paradigms, and paradigms define states of conscience. To change a state of conscience, some new paradigms are higher than others, like wise, implicate new perceptions of the world.

      "As much as you want to deny it, it remains a fact that consciousness is the unique reality and that things are nothing but a reflection of the what you’re aware to be" NEVILLE

      To want to change the world without a change of conscience is a waste of time.

      Do you really want what you want? Then you want to "stop being you", and you want it enough to stop depriving yourself of what you want. To see a desire fulfilling it is necessary to raise conscience to creating a state of being, a new mind. From that new mind it is possible to create new closer ties with the consciousness.

      It all comes down to this: to change your life, you must first change your self-concept (and almost everything you now believe about the nature of things). It is not a great price to pay if you consider that you have not achieved yet neither lasting happiness nor the ability to manifest your ideal of life. "To stop being you" is to think, feel and behave in a new way. It's "being someone different” and, consequently, different things happen out there. This is "reinvention", abandoning the habit of "being the same one", which is the worst of habits.

      I hope the person who finishes the reading of this book is "different" from the person who started it.