Turning 40 at 60. Raimon Samsó. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Raimon Samsó
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781386368823
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knows what I'm talking about.

      Someone told me that a child with migraine has all the odds of continuing to suffer as an adult (about 65 per cent of possibilities). What a panorama.

      With the passing of the years, on the one hand I was assuming that it was my nature, my genes, the DNA and all that roll. And that I would die with the "migraine monster" after accompanying me all my life. In fact, many times I thought that death should be something very good because I would get rid of the headache. The prospect of dying had a great advantage: to stop suffering.

      On the one hand, as I said, I was satisfied and accepted it. After all, many people suffered from the same and the world was still spinning. I investigated and saw that many of humanity's characters had suffered from headaches. I was one more, nothing to object.

      But on the other hand, I was reluctant to believe that suffering, and disease in general, are normal or even acceptable. So I explored alternative medicine, already disillusioned with conventional medicine.

      I tried almost everything: reiki, hypnosis, acupuncture, herbal medicine, osteopathy, massage, traditional Chinese medicine, homeopathy, Bach flowers, reflexotherapy, EFT, biomagnetic pair, chiropractic, yoga, and various energy therapies that I can not remember. Imagine the money and time spent. I'm not saying they did not work, they did not do it with my problem.

      Some disciplines helped me on time, but they did not "cure" me. Others did not help me at all. I arrived at the absolute satiety after spending a lot of time and money without getting results in more frustration and despair.

      I read dozens and dozens of books on the subject of the headache but his approach was very mental or scientific, nothing to write home about. You end up knowing what happens but not why or how to solve it. Add it to the previous budget.

      A day when I was not expecting anything (acceptance is also a medicine, at least for the ego), a copy of the magazine Discovery Salud, a very transgressive publication, with an article that seemed to have nothing to do with it, fell into my hands with me: the gluten. But I did have although at that time I did not know it.

      Thanks to that article, today this book exists.

      Discovering that gluten could be linked to headache lit the bulb. My research took a year and led me to eliminate many of the foods that are generally considered healthy and, in reality, were creating serious problems in my digestive system. Once the digestive system is affected, the symptoms are noticed, for example, in the head as was my case.

      I was exploring a new line of research that was going to take me to solve the case. I was like Sherlock Holmes or Hercules Poirot trying to solve a mystery (nutritional).

      I also discovered that I had to improve my lifestyle (simplify and reduce stress) and, in addition, to supplement my cells lacking the essential nutrients that I did not obtain with food.

      Of all this I will speak to you in this book.

      The feeding was an unexplored terrain that now investigated. In fact, none of the doctors I consulted were very interested in what I ate or stopped eating. I understand that in medicine, food is not studied in depth and that doctors rely more on drugs than on food as medicine. But I find it hard to understand that they are not curious about it.

      One test led to another, a sign became a revelation. Then I discovered, by my own means, the focus of the fire that consumed my well-being:

       leaky gut syndrome

       gluten intolerance

       histamine intolerance

       Chronic inflammation

      At last, I had identified the suspects to cause my problem. And apparently, I suffered from that, all at once. Oh my God (OMG)

      It is as if the light entered a room that had been dark for fifty years.

      The magazine I mentioned (Discovery Salud, available online in spanish) based his article on the experience of a US doctor (Dr. David Perlmutter) and, since this doctor had several books published, I read them. Reading has always helped me in all aspects of life, and once again I was about to solve my biggest challenge.

      A book took me to another book. I read tirelessly about health, and the fruit of the experiences that these readings created in me is this book.

      In case you did not know, the "leaky gut" is a dysfunction of the layer that separates the digestive tract from the immune system. You get to that after a lot of gluten, many medicines that eliminate the good bacteria in the digestive system, and many inflammatory foods (the list is not exactly short). From there to develop an autoimmune disease there are a few steps. Fortunately, I have not developed any, but I take this whole thing as a priority.

      The principle is the same: the cereal, certain medicines ... damage the walls of the intestine, and at the same time destroys the balance of the intestinal flora (microbiota, to be exact), and from there intolerances, allergies and autoimmune diseases they are the following.

      I've been lucky, I'm not a celiac (which is the most extreme form of gluten intolerance). You see, with everything I feel lucky, it could have been much worse.

      In my case, probably, so many years of taking analgesics for the headache had decimated my microbiota, creating additional problems such as leaky gut and hypersensitivity to gluten and lectins, which ended up creating more and more migraines ... and so on. An endless loop, a more analgesic, such as ibuprofen or paracetamol, which I took tons, worse intestinal health, more complications in the digestive tract, worse health ... and my headaches still did not disappear. Quite the opposite: they were chronicled.

      From what is revealed the uselessness of my procedure: if my head hurt, I went to the pharmacy to get an analgesic. I did what the doctors had told me. I was obedient. This is the mistake that most people make, they listen to others without listening to themselves. There are no guilty parties, only unconsciousness. In defense of all, I will say that medicine and the pharmaceutical industry have trained us all to behave in this way.

      What happens if the organism becomes inflamed? In case of not stopping the inflammation, the risk of suffering a serious autoimmune disease, or a neurological disease, is high. And yes, we are all intolerant to gluten and modern cereal, to a greater or lesser degree, and it all ends up affecting us in some way in the long term. 99% of those affected do not discover it, they do not have symptoms, until the big problem appears.

      Again I think I have been lucky: the symptoms may have saved me from greater evils and even life.

      What happens if the intestine is damaged? Naturally, you will realize that nothing good. If the intestines are permeable, you submit to your body certain substances that should not have penetrated the digestive tract. They just should not have reached your bloodstream because they are toxic. I do not want to anticipate what I will reveal in the next chapters. Follow me and you will understand the magnitude of the problem that affects all people with symptoms or without them.

      I had found the cause. Now it was time to apply the solution and believe me it is not easy at all. But you already know me, I love the difficult so I turned in body and soul.

      One day of total despair, I promised myself that if I came up with the headache remedy I would write a book to help people as desperate as I am. This book is my promise fulfilled. If I was only born to suffer first and to help others later, my life will be glorious.

      Reader, you can lend this book to the people you want, because I did not write it for my benefit, but for the poor people who like me know too well what the headache means. Make it run from hand to hand. This book is a vow, a penance, a promise fulfilled, a debt settled. It is a promise to God.

      I did not do all the way alone but only one part.

      I found a medical center of "integrative medicine" that combines conventional medicine with complementary therapies scientifically validated and I kept moving forward. I also started to visit regularly, as a preventive therapy, an Ayurvedic medicine center. I let myself be helped by loving hands who took care of me.

      And I also had the wisdom of the authors,