Travels in North America, From Modern Writers. William Bingley. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: William Bingley
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Книги о Путешествиях
Год издания: 0
isbn: 4064066239459
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Source, Length, Banks, 165—Tides, New Orleans, 166—Adjacent Country, Natchez, 167—Navigation of the Mississippi, 168—New Madrid, the Ohio, Illinois Territory, Kaskaski, 169—St. Louis, 170. Pike's Voyage from St. Louis to the Source of the Mississippi. St. Louis, 170—Illinois River, Buffalo River, Sac Indians, Salt River, 171—Rapids des Moines, Jowa River, Jowa Indians, Rock River, 172—Turkey River, Reynard Indians, Ouisconsin River, Pecant or Winebagoe Indians, 173—Sioux Indians, Prairie des Chiens, 174—Sauteaux or Chippeway River, Scenery of the Mississippi, Sioux village, Canoe. River, St. Croix River, 176—Cannon River, Indian Burying-place, Falls of St. Anthony, 177—Rum River, Red Cedar Lake, Beaver Islands, Corbeau or Raven River, 178—Pine Creek, Lake Clear, Clear River, Winter Quarters, Indians, 179—Falls of the Painted Rock, Pine River, Chippeway Indians, 180—Leech Lake, Pine Creek, 181—Indians, Falls of St. Anthony, Prairie des Chiens, 182—Sioux and Puant Indians, Salt River, 183. Western Territory of America 184 The River Missouri. Lewis and Clarke's Voyage from St. Louis to the Source o f the Missouri. St. Louis, Osage River, Osage Indians, Big Manitou Creek, 185—Kanzes River, Platte River, 186—Pawnee Indians, Ottoe and Missouri Indians, 187—Indian Villages 188—Water of the Missouri, Fruit, Yankton Indians, 189—Teton Indians, 191—Ricara Indians, Chayenne River, 194—Le Boulet or Cannon-ball River, Mandan Indians, 196—Winter Quarters, 197—Fort Mandan, Ahanaway and Minnetaree Indians, 198—Knife River, 199—Little Missouri, Indian Burying-place, 201—Yellow Stone River, 202—Porcupine River, Muscle-shell River, 203—Great Falls of the Missouri, 205—Maria's River, 207—Three Forks of the Missouri, 209—Source of the Missouri, 210. Lewis and Clarke's Travels from the Source of the Missouri to the Pacific Ocean. Rocky Mountains, 210—Mountainous Country, Indians, 211—Travellers' Rest Creek, Koos-koos-kee River, Chopunnish Indians, 213—Shoshonees and Snake Indians, 214—Pierced-nose Indians, 217—Indian Fisheries, 218—Solkuk Indians, 218—Columbia or Oregan River, Echeloot Indians, 219—The Pacific Ocean, Indians in the Vicinity of the Coast, 221. Lewis and Clarke's Return from the Pacific Ocean to St. Louis. Rocky Mountains, 225—Travellers' Rest Creek, Clarke's River, Maria's River, Missouri River, 226—Yellow-stone River, Jefferson's River, 227—La Charette, St. Louis, 228. Pike's Journey from St. Louis, through Louisiana to Santa Fé, New Spain. Missouri River, St. Charles, Osage River, Gravel River, 229—Yungar River, Grand Fork, Osage Indians, 230—Kanzes River, Pawnee Indians, 231—Arkansaw River, 232—Indians, 233—Grand Pawnees, Rio Colorado, 234—Rio del Norte, 236—Santa Fé, 237. Mexico or New Spain in general 239 Pike's Journey from Santa Fé to Montelovez St. Domingo, Albuquerque, Sibilleta, 247—Passo del Norte, Carracal, Chihuahua, 248—Florida River, Mauperne, Hacienda of Polloss, 249—Montelovez, Durango, 250. Description of the City of Mexico. Situation, 250—Ancient City, 251—Quarters, Teocallis or Temples, 252—School of Mines, Valley of Mexico, 253—Streets, Aqueducts, Dikes or Embankments, Public Edifices, 254—Public Walk, Markets, Chinampas, 255—Hill of Chapoltepec, Lakes of Tezcuco and Chalco, 256. Description of some of the most important Places in Mexico. Tlascala, 256—Puebla, Cholula, Vera Cruz, 257—Xalapa, Volcano of Orizaba, Coffre de Perote, Volcano of Tuxtla, Papantla, Indian Pyramid, 259—Acapulco, 260—Guaxaca or Oaxaca, Intendancy of Yucatan, Bay of Campeachy, 261—Merida, Campeachy, Honduras, Balize, 262—Nicaragua, Yare River, 263—Leon de Nicaragua, 264. British American Dominions 264 Nova Scotia in general ib. Halifax 265 Canada in general 265 Description of Quebec. Situation, Cape Diamond, 267—Lower Town, Houses, Streets, Mountain Street, 268—Shops or Stores, Taverns, Public Buildings, Upper Town, 269—Charitable Institutions, Wolf's Cove, Heights of Abram, Markets, 270—Maple Sugar, Fruit, Climate, 271. Mr. Hall's Journey from Quebec to Montreal. Jacques Cartier Bridge, Cataract, Country Houses, 272—Post-houses, Trois Rivieres, River St. Maurice, Falls of Shawinne Gamme, Belœil Mountain, 273—Belœil, Montreal Mountain, 274. Description of Montreal. Situation, Buildings, Streets, Square, Upper and Lower Towns, Suburbs, Religious and Charitable Institutions, 275—Public Edifices, Parade, 276—Markets, Climate, 277. Route from Montreal to Fort Chepewyan. La Chine, 277—St. Ann's, Lake of the two Mountains, Utawas River, Portage de Chaudiere, 278—Lake Nepisingui, Nepisinguis Indians, Riviere de François, Lake Huron, Lake Superior, Algonquin Indians, 279—Grande Portage, River Au Tourt, 280—Lake Winipic, Cedar Lake, Mud Lake, Sturgeon Lake, Saskatchiwine River, Beaver Lake, Lake of the Hills, Fort Chepewyan, 281. Account of the Knisteneaux and Chepewyan Indians. Knisteneaux, 282—Chepewyans, 285. Mackenzie's Voyage from Fort Chepewyan, along the Rivers to the Frozen Ocean.