On Prayer and The Contemplative Life. Saint Aquinas Thomas. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Saint Aquinas Thomas
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 4064066121099
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Nobis plana faciens,

       Tu de verbis Salvatoris

       Dulcem panem conficis,

       Et propinas potum vitæ

       De Psalmorum nectare.

      Tu de vita clericorum

       Sanctam scribis Regulam,

       Quam qui amant et sequuntur

       Viam tenent regiam,

       Atque tuo sancto ductu

       Redeunt ad Patriam.

      Regi regum salus, vita,

       Decus et imperium:

       Trinitati laus et honor

       Sit per omne sæculum:

       Qui concives nos adscribat

       Supernorum civium. Amen.



       Table of Contents

      [1] The Ascent of Mount Carmel by S. John of the Cross. Prefatory Essay on the Development of Mysticism in the Carmelite Order, by Benedict Zimmerman, O.C.D., pp. 13–17. (London: Thomas Baker, 1906.)

       Table of Contents

       Table of Contents

      I. Does the Virtue of Religion Direct a Man To God Alone? S. Augustine, sermon, cccxxxiv. 3 on Psalm lxxvi. sermon, cccxi. 14–15

       II. Is Religion a Virtue?

       III. Is Religion One Virtue?

       IV. Is Religion a Special Virtue Distinct From Others?

       V. Is Religion One of the Theological Virtues?