A Fool and His Money. George Barr McCutcheon. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: George Barr McCutcheon
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 4064066181895
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      "They are yours to destroy, mein herr, God knows," said he dismally. "It is a pity to destroy fine old padlocks—"

      "Well, you wait and see," said I, grimly.

      His face beamed once more. "Ach, I forgot to say that there are padlocks on the other side of the door, just as on this side. It will be of no use to destroy these. The door still could not be forced. Mein Gott! How thankful I am to have remembered it in time."

      "Confound you, Schmick, I believe you actually want to keep me out of that part of the castle," I exploded.

      The four of them protested manfully, even Gretel.

      "I have a plan, sir," said Britton. "Why not place a tall ladder in the courtyard and crawl in through one of the windows?"

      "Splendid! That's what we'll do!" I cried enthusiastically. "And now let's go to bed! We will breakfast at eight, Mrs. Schmick. The early bird catches the worm, you know."

      "Will you see the American ladies and gentlemen who are coming to-morrow to pick out the—"

      "Yes, I'll see them," said I, compressing my lips. "Don't let me over-sleep, Britton."

      "I shan't, sir," said he.

      Sleep evaded me for hours. What with the possible proximity of an undesirable feminine neighbour, mysterious and elusive though she may prove to be, and the additional dread of dogs and babies, to say nothing of the amazing delinquencies to be laid to the late owner of the place, and the prospect of a visit from coarse and unfeeling bargain-hunters on the morrow, it is really not surprising that I tossed about in my baronial bed, counting sheep backwards and forwards over hedges and fences until the vociferous cocks in the stable yard began to send up their clarion howdy-dos to the sun. Strangely enough, with the first peep of day through the decrepit window shutters I fell into a sound sleep. Britton got nothing but grunts from me until half-past nine. At that hour he came into my room and delivered news that aroused me more effectually than all the alarm clocks or alarm cocks in the world could have done.

      "Get up, sir, if you please," he repeated the third time. "The party of Americans is below, sir, rummaging about the place. They have ordered the workmen to stop work, sir, complaining of the beastly noise they make, and the dust and all that, sir. They have already selected half a dozen pieces and they have brought enough porters and carriers over in the boats to take the stuff away in—"

      "Where is Poopendyke?" I cried, leaping out of bed. "I don't want to be shaved, Britton, and don't bother about the tub." He had filled my twentieth century portable tub, recently acquired, and was nervously creating a lather in my shaving mug,

      "You look very rough, sir."

      "So much the better."

      "Mr. Poopendyke is in despair, sir. He has tried to explain that nothing is for sale, but the gentlemen say they are onto his game. They go right on yanking things about and putting their own prices on them and reserving them. They are perfectly delighted, sir, to have found so many old things they really want for their new houses."

      "I'll—I'll put a stop to all this," I grated, seeing red for an instant.

      "And the ladies, sir! There are three of them, all from New York City, and they keep on saying they are completely ravished, sir—with joy, I take it. Your great sideboard in the dining-room is to go to Mrs. Riley-Werkheimer, and the hall-seat that the first Baron used to throw his armour on when he came in from—"

      "Great snakes!" I roared. "They haven't moved it, have they? It will fall to pieces!"

      "No, sir. They are piling sconces and candelabra and andirons on it, regardless of what Mr. Poopendyke says. You'd better hurry, sir. Here is your collar and necktie—"

      "I don't want 'em. Where the dickens are my trousers?"

      His face fell. "Being pressed, sir, God forgive me!"

      "Get out another pair, confound you, Britton. What are we coming to?"

      He began rummaging in the huge clothespress, all the while regaling me with news from the regions below.

      "Mr. Poopendyke has gone up to his room, sir, with his typewriter. The young lady insisted on having it. She squealed with joy at seeing an antique typewriter and he—he had to run away with it, 'pon my soul he did, sir."

      I couldn't help laughing.

      "And your golf clubs, Mr. Smart. The young gentleman of the party is perfectly carried away with them. He says they're the real thing, the genuine sixteenth century article. They are a bit rusted, you'll remember. I left him out in the courtyard trying your brassie and mid-iron, sir, endeavouring to loft potatoes over the south wall. I succeeded in hiding the balls, sir. Just as I started upstairs I heard one of the new window panes in the banquet hall smash, sir, so I take it he must have sliced his drive a bit."

      "Who let these people in?" I demanded in smothered tones from the depths of a sweater I was getting into in order to gain time by omitting a collar.

      "They came in with the plumbers, sir, at half-past eight. Old man Schmick tried to keep them out, but they said they didn't understand German and walked right by, leaving their donkeys in the roadway outside."

      "Couldn't Rudolph and Max stop them?" I cried, as my head emerged.

      "They were still in bed, sir. I think they're at breakfast now."

      "Good lord!" I groaned, looking at my watch. "Nine-thirty! What sort of a rest cure am I conducting here?"

      We hurried downstairs so fast that I lost one of my bedroom slippers. It went clattering on ahead of us, making a shameful racket on the bare stones, but Britton caught it up in time to save it from the clutches of the curio-vandals. My workmen were lolling about the place, smoking vile pipes and talking in guttural whispers. All operations appeared to have ceased in my establishment at the command of the far from idle rich. Two portly gentlemen in fedoras were standing in the middle of the great hall, discussing the merits of a dingy old spinet that had been carried out of the music room by two lusty porters from the hotel. From somewhere in the direction of the room where the porcelains and earthenware were stored came the shrill, excited voices of women. The aged Schmicks were sitting side by side on a window ledge, with the rigid reticence of wax figures.

      As I came up, I heard one of the strangers say to the other:

      "Well, if you don't want it, I'll take it. My wife says it can be made into a writing desk with a little—"

      "I beg your pardon, gentlemen," said I confronting them. "Will you be good enough to explain this intrusion?"

      They stared at me as if I were a servant asking for higher wages. The speaker, a fat man with a bristly moustache and a red necktie, drew himself up haughtily.

      "Who the devil are you?" he demanded, fixing me with a glare.

      I knew at once that he was the kind of an American I have come to hate with a zest that knows no moderation; the kind that makes one ashamed of the national melting pot. I glared back at him.

      "I happen to be the owner of this place, and you'll oblige me by clearing out."

      "What's that? Here, here, none of that sort of talk, my friend. We're here to look over your stuff, and we mean business, but you won't get anywhere by talking like—"

      "There is nothing for sale here," I said shortly. "And you've got a lot of nerve to come bolting into a private house—"

      "Say," said the second man, advancing with a most insulting scowl, "we'll understand each other right off the reel, my friend. All you've got to do is to answer us when we ask for prices. Now, bear that in mind, and don't try any of your high-and-mighty tactics on us."

      "Just remember that you're a junk-dealer and we'll get along splendidly," said the other, in a tone meant to crush me. "What do you ask for this thing?" tapping the dusty spinet with his walking-stick.

      It suddenly occurred to me that