The Steam Engine Familiarly Explained and Illustrated. Dionysius Lardner. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Dionysius Lardner
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 4064066151614
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dispose of the condensing water, and condensed steam, which would collect in the bottom of the condenser. But besides this, a quantity of air or permanent uncondensible gas would collect from various sources. Water in its ordinary state always holds more or less air in combination with it: the air thus combined with the water in the boiler passes through the tubes and cylinder with the steam, and would collect in the condenser. Air also would enter in combination with the condensing water, which would be set free by the heat it would receive from admixture with the steam. The air proceeding from these sources would, as Watt foresaw, accumulate in the condenser, even though the water might be withdrawn from it, and would at length resist the descent of the piston. To remedy this he proposed to form a communication between the bottom of the condenser and a pump which he called the AIR PUMP, so that the water and air which might be collected in the condenser would be drawn off; and it was easy to see how this pump could be worked by the machine itself. This constituted the second great step in the invention.

      To make it air-tight in the cylinder, it had been found necessary to keep a quantity of water supplied above the piston. In the present case, any of this water which might escape through the piston, or between it and the cylinder, would boil, the cylinder being kept at 212°; and would thus, by the steam it would produce, vitiate the vacuum. To avoid this inconvenience, Watt proposed to lubricate the piston, and keep it air-tight, by employing melted wax and tallow.

      Another inconvenience was still to be removed. On the descent of the piston, the air which must then enter the cylinder would lower its temperature; so that upon the next ascent, some of the steam which would enter it would be condensed, and hence would arise a source of waste. To remove this difficulty, Watt proposed to close the top of the cylinder altogether by an air-tight and steam-tight cover, allowing the piston-rod to play through a hole furnished with a stuffing-box, and to press down the piston by steam instead of the atmosphere.

      This was the third step in this great invention, and one which totally changed the character of the machine. It now became really a steam engine in every sense; for the pressure above the piston was the elastic force of steam, and the vacuum below it was produced by the condensation of steam; so that steam was used both directly and indirectly as a moving power; whereas, in the atmospheric engine, the indirect force of steam only was used, being adopted merely as an easy method of producing a vacuum.

      The last difficulty respecting the economy of heat which remained to be removed, was the circumstance of the cylinder being liable to be cooled on the external surface by the atmosphere. To obviate this, he first proposed casing the cylinder in wood, that being a substance which conducted heat slowly. He subsequently, however, adopted a different method, and inclosed one cylinder within another, leaving a space between them, which he kept constantly supplied with steam. Thus the inner cylinder was kept continually at the temperature of the steam which surrounded it. The outer cylinder was called the jacket.[15]

      (48.) Watt computed that in the atmospheric engine three times as much heat was wasted in heating the cylinder, &c. as was spent in useful effect. And, as by the improvements proposed by him nearly all this waste was removed, he contemplated, and afterwards actually effected, a saving of three fourths of the fuel.

      The honour due to Watt for his discoveries is enhanced by the difficulties under which he laboured from contracted circumstances at the time he made them. He relates, that when he was endeavouring to determine the heat consumed in the production of steam, his means did not permit him to use an efficient and proper apparatus, which would have been attended with expense; and it was by experiments made with apothecaries' phials, that he discovered the property already mentioned, which was one of the facts on which the doctrine of latent heat was founded.

      A large share of the merit of Watt's discoveries has, by some writers, been attributed to Dr. Black, to whose instructions on the subject of latent heat it is said that Watt owed the knowledge of those facts which led to his improvements. Such, however, was not the case; and the mistake arose chiefly from some passages respecting Watt in the works of Dr. Robison, in one of which he states that Watt had been a pupil and intimate friend of Dr. Black; and that he attended two courses of his lectures at college in Glasgow. Such, however, was not the case; for "Unfortunately for me," says Watt in a letter to Dr. Brewster, "the necessary avocations of my business prevented me from attending his or any other lectures at college. In further noticing Dr. Black's opinion, that his fortunate observation of what happens in the formation and condensation of elastic vapour 'has contributed in no inconsiderable degree to the public good, by suggesting to my friend Mr. Watt of Birmingham, then of Glasgow, his improvements on the steam-engine,' it is very painful for me to controvert any opinion or assertion of my revered friend; yet, in the present case, I find it necessary to say, that he appears to me to have fallen into an error. These improvements proceeded upon the established fact, that steam was condensed by the contact of cold bodies, and the later known one, that water boiled at heats below 100°, and consequently that a vacuum could not be obtained unless the cylinder and its contents were cooled every stroke below the heat."

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