A Library Primer. John Cotton Dana. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: John Cotton Dana
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Математика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 4057664629388
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This subdivision is shown by the numbers prefixed to each entry.

      2. Adams, C. K. Manual of historical literature. 1889. O. Harper, cl. $2.50.

      1. Adams, O. F. Dictionary of American authors. 1897. O. Houghton, Mifflin, cl. $3.

      1. Adler, G. J. Dictionary of the German and English languages. 1893. Q. Appleton, mor. $5.

      4. Allibone, S. A. Critical dictionary of English literature. 1891, 3 v. Q. Lippincott, sh. $22.50.

      4. Allibone, S. A. Supplement to the critical dictionary of English literature, by J.F. Kirk. 1892, 2 v. Q. Lippincott, sh. $15.

      1. Appleton's annual cyclopædia and register of important events. Q. Appleton, cl. $5.

      3. Appleton's cyclopædia of American biography. 1888–92, 6 v.Q. Appleton, cl. $30, half mor. $42.

      1. Appleton's cyclopædia of applied mechanics, ed. by P. Benjamin. 1893, 2 v. Q. Appleton, sh. $15, half mor. $17.

      2. Appleton's modern mechanism, supplement to Cyclopædia of applied mechanics. 1892, 1 v. Q. Appleton, sh. $7.50, half mor. $8.50.

      2. Bartlett, J., ed. Familiar quotations. 1892. O. Little, cl. $3.

      3. Bliss, E. M., ed. Cyclopædia of missions, 2 v. 1891. Q. Funk & Wagnalls, cl. $12.

      1. Bliss, W. D. P. Cyclopædia of social reform, including political economy, science, sociology, statistics, anarchism, charities, civil service, currency, land, etc. 1897. Q. Funk & Wagnalls, cl. $7.50, sh. $9.50.

      3. Brannt, W. T. and Wahl, W. H. Technico-chemical receipt book. 1895. D. Baird, cl. $2.

      1. Brewer, E. C. Reference library, 1885–98. 4 v. O. Lippincott. $13. Dictionary of miracles, Historic notebook, Dictionary of phrase and fable, Reader's handbook.

      2. Brown, E. and Strauss, A. Dictionary of American politics. 1895. D. Burt, cl., $1.

      1. Bryant, W. C, ed. Library of poetry and song. 1876. Q. Fords, Howard, cl., $5.

      3. Century dictionary and cyclopædia. (Century dictionary and the Century cyclopædia of names combined with the atlas of the world.) 10 v. Prices from $60 to $150. Often can be picked up second-hand.

      1. Century atlas of the world. 1897. F. Century Co., cl. $12.50, half mor. $15.

      1. Century cyclopædia of names, n.d. F. Century Co., cl. $10.50, buf. $12.50.

      (Note.—The two last are included in the Century dictionary and cyclopædia, but can be bought separately.)

      2. Chambers, R., ed. Book of days, 2 v. O. Lippincott. 1893. $7.

      2. Champlin, J. D. jr. Young folks' cyclopædia of common things. 1893. O. Holt, cl. $2.50.

      2. Champlin, J. D. jr. Young folks' cyclopædia of persons and places. 1892. O. Holt, cl. $2.50.

      2. Champlin, J. D. jr. and Bostwick, A. E. Young folks' cyclopædia of games and sports. 1890. O. Holt, cl. $2.50.

      2. Channing, E. and Hart, A.B. Guide to the study of American history. O. Ginn. 1896. $2.

      1. Clement, C. E. Painters, architects, engravers, and their work. 1881. D. Houghton, Mifflin, cl. $3. (Artists not living.)

      1. Clement, C. E. and Hutton, L. Artists of the 19th century and their work. 1885 D. Houghton & Mifflin, cl. $3.

      4. Cram's Bankers and brokers' railroad atlas; complete alphabetical index. 1898. F. Cram. $17.50.

      1. Cumulative index of periodicals, monthly and annual. 1898. Helman-Taylor Co., Cleveland, pa. $5.

      4. Cyclopædia of American biographies. J. H. Brown, ed. 1897. v. 1, A-C. Q. Cyclo. Pub. Co., Boston, half mor. $7.

      2. Fields, J. T. and Whipple, E. P., ed. Family library of British poetry. 1882. Q. Houghton, cl. $5, mor. $10.

      3. Fletcher, W. I., ed. A. L. A. index to general literature. 1893. Q. Houghton, cl. $5.

      1. Fletcher, W. I., ed., and Bowker, R. R. Annual literary index, including periodicals and essays. 1899. O. Publishers' weekly, cl. $3.50.

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