History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Vol. 1-7). Joseph F. Smith. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Joseph F. Smith
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Документальная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 4064066399986
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him during the troublous times through which the Church passed in those days. Much of the correspondence between the Missouri brethren and Governor Dunklin was the work of Elder Gilbert, and it bears witness to the truth of what is here said of him. Nor did he entirely refuse to bear witness of the truth of the Gospel to others. In a communication to the Messenger and Advocate from Huntington, Connecticut, under date of September 24, 1834, his aged father, Eli Gilbert, describing the visit of his son to that place some two years previous, says: "He continued with us about two weeks, and in that time was pressed by his friends and acquaintances to meet them and others, and inform them concerning the people, and the Book of Mormon. This he cheerfully did, as often as his low state of health would permit; and although threatened and abused by some of our pious persecutors, yet he was not much hurt nor interrupted. When a meeting was held, a goodly number were brought to serious inquiry concerning these things, and several would gladly have received baptism, as they afterwards told me. And, thank God, some retain that desire and determination yet."

      4. This formal order to discharge every man of Zion's camp and release him to return home may be considered as the termination of Zion's camp expedition for the redemption of Zion. Had Governor Dunklin possessed the courage to enforce the law of the State; had he called out the militia of Missouri to reinstate the exiles in their homes as at one time he expressed a willingness to do, the history of Zion's camp might have had a different ending; for the exiles reinstated in their lands, and reinforced by the two hundred brethren who constituted Zion's camp, might have been able to have maintained their inheritances on that land; but Governor Dunklin when the crisis came, lacked the necessary courage to fulfill his promise, and without the moral assistance which the reinstatement of the Saints upon their lands by the military forces of the state would give, the exiles and Zion's camp were powerless. Perhaps also another view is admissible. Had the members of Zion's camp been more faithful, less contentious, more united; had the Saints in the eastern branches had more faith—faith to send up to Zion more men and more money with which to strengthen the hands of the Saints on the land of Zion—the history of Zion's camp might have been different: for with a larger force they would doubtless have been able to hold their lauds against the mob, independent of the action of the State authorities. But thus it is: what men and great movements might attain to is often defeated, sometimes by the actions of enemies, sometimes by the lack of devotion and faith and energy on the part of those into whose hands great enterprises are committed. While God's general purposes will never ultimately be defeated by man, still upon each side of the general purposes of God a margin somewhat wide seems to have been left in which those both for and against those purposes may write what history they please—one that will meet with the approval of God, or one that will meet only with condemnation—herein is the agency of man. But in the exercise of that agency God's purposes will not be thwarted, for man's agency will not extend so far as that; if it did, it would interfere with God's agency and decrees. The order above, I again remark, closed the history of this first march of Zion's Camp; and the redemption of Zion has been left to other hands, and to other times. But that its redemption will come no one doubts who believes in the firm decrees of God.

      5. The editor of the Evening and Morning Star (Oliver Cowdery) thus concluded an editorial which preceded this "Appeal," published in the number of the Star above quoted:

      "With the most of individuals and societies who have been traduced, and their characters and designs misrepresented, their last appeal has been made to the world or nation at large; here they rested their claim, and here the matter, with them, was brought to a final close. If the community approved their course, they triumphed; if not, it sank forever; but this is not the last resort of a people whose interest is in heaven, and whose hope is built upon the everlasting word of Omnipotence. When earthly courts and tribunals fail, and when the voice of the people is not given in their favor, and a place on earth is denied them, and their helpless, innocent posterity, their last great refuge is Jehovah; and if, like the ancients, they are driven from the face of society, that even a lodging place is forbidden them, they can wander in obscurity, not 'accepting deliverance,' till their change comes, and they 'obtain a better resurrection.'" Evening and Morning Star, vol. 2, p. 361.

      6. Doctrine and Covenants, sec. 58:21.

      7. Doctrine and Covenants, sec. 63:29-31.

      8. Doctrine and Covenants, sec. 101:76-80.


       Table of Contents

      Return of the Prophet to Kirtland—Sundry Events in Missouri.

      The Prophet Returns to Kirtland.

      On the 8th of July I went to the eastern part of Clay county, and held a meeting in the evening at the house of Thomas B. Marsh. Those present were chiefly High Priests and Elders. On the 9th I started for Kirtland, in company with my brother Hyrum, Frederick G. Williams, William E. M'Lellin and others, in a wagon.

      July 10.—Elder Corrill wrote as follows:

      Samuel C. Owens, Esq.:

      SIR—The last time I saw you in Liberty you said that an answer to our proposals, you thought, would be forwarded soon; but it has not been done. We are anxiously waiting to have a compromise effected, if possible. Respecting our wheat in Jackson county, can it be secured so that we can receive the avails of it, or not, seeing that we are at present prohibited the privilege (of harvesting it)?


      P. S.—Please hand the following to Colonel Pitcher.

      J. C.

      LIBERTY, July 10, 1834.

      Colonel Thomas Pitcher:

      SIR—The following is a true copy of an order from the governor for our arms. Have the goodness to return an answer as soon as possible, that we may know whether we can have the arms upon said order or not; also, when. Send word when we can receive them, and we will appoint an agent to receive and receipt the same. Be assured we do not wish to obtain them from any hostile intentions, but merely because the right of property is ours. If I remember right, there is one gun and a sword more than the order calls for.


      (Here followed a copy of the Governor's order of May 2, to Colonel Lucas.)1

      Assembling of the High Council in Missouri.

      On the 12th the High Council of Zion assembled in Clay county, and appointed Edward Partridge, Orson Pratt, Isaac Morley and Zebedee Coltrin to visit the scattered and afflicted brethren in that region, and teach them the ways of truth and holiness, and set them in order according as the Lord shall direct; but it was decided that it was not wisdom for the Elders generally to hold public meetings in that region.

      It was also decided that Amasa Lyman assist Lyman Wight in his mission of gathering the strength of the Lord's house, to which labor I had appointed him.

      July 31.—The High Council of Zion assembled, and heard the report of Edward Partridge, Orson Pratt, Zebedee Coltrin, and Isaac Morley, concerning the mission appointed them at the previous council.

      The Counsel of David Whitmer.

      President David Whitmer gave the council some good instructions, to the effect that it was their duty to transact all business in order, and when any case is brought forward for investigation, every member should be attentive and patient to what is passing in all cases, and avoid confusion and contention, which are offensive in the sight of the Lord. He also addressed the Elders, and said it was not pleasing in the sight of the Lord for any man to go forth and preach the Gospel of peace, unless he is qualified to set forth its principles in plainness to those whom he endeavors to instruct; and also he should be informed as to the rules and regulations of the Church of the Latter-day Saints; for just as a man is, and as he teaches and acts, so will his followers be, let them be ever so full of notions and whims. He also addressed the congregation, and told them it was not wisdom for the brethren to vote at the approaching