What is Early Modern History?. Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр произведения: Историческая литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781509540587
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swept the academic landscape, there were also critiques and disputes. Some of these were about continuities. The voyages of Columbus may have marked the beginning of intensive European exploration and colonization, but there was plenty of earlier contact between Europeans and other cultures, and Columbus himself was motivated more by religious zeal – generally regarded as “medieval” – than by a “modern” desire to explore the unknown.10 The Protestant Reformation did bring a major break in western Christianity, but Martin Luther was seeking to reform the church, not split it, just like medieval reformers, of which there were many. Other developments traditionally regarded as marks of modernity, such as the expansion of capitalism, the growth of the nation-state, or increasing interest in science and technology, were also brought into question as scholars found both earlier precedents and evidence that these changes were slow in coming. Though many Anglophone followers of the Annales school called themselves “early modernists,” Annalistes themselves saw no dramatic break, but posited a longue durée stretching from the eleventh century to the nineteenth, a period the French historian and Annaliste Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie termed “motionless.”11 The French medieval historian Jacques Le Goff argues for a “long Middle Ages” that saw a number of “renaissances,” and that lasted until the mid eighteenth century, when industrialization allowed people to “leave one period behind and leap forward to the next.”12 Among women’s historians, Judith Bennett used examples from women’s work experiences and other areas of life to challenge what she termed the “assumption of a dramatic change in women’s lives between 1300 and 1700.”13

      Map 2: Europe in 1763

      “Modernity” was (and often is) also explicitly or implicitly western, and connected with colonial domination.19 Reflecting sentiments that are widely shared, the historians of Southeast Asia Leonard and Barbara Andaya comment, “especially in light of subaltern writings that reject the notion of modernity as a universal … the very invocation of the word implicitly sets a ‘modern Europe’ against a ‘yet-to-be modernized’ non-Europe.”20 The world beyond Europe joins the Middle Ages as a “them” as compared to “us,” consigned to what the historian of South Asia Dipesh Chakrabarti calls the “waiting room of history,” on the same path but not arrived.21 Such critiques mean that scholars of areas outside of Europe who use “early modern” have tended to explain their use of the term more than those who focus on Europe do. (For more on scholarship on areas outside of Europe, see Chapters 4 and 5.) More philosophical issues also emerged: What exactly do we mean by “modernity”? Will it ever end? Has it ended? What comes afterward?

      Despite these critiques, “early modern” seems here to stay, as a handy through problematic term. The aim of this book is thus to sort out the early modern muddle, and introduce key topics and theories in the field as these have emerged over the last several decades. The book surveys various subfields of history, discussing the marks of modernity that have traditionally been seen as emerging in them, and ways in which they have been questioned, nuanced, and rethought. As you explore the concept of modernity, you will also gain a sense of broader issues and concerns in early modern studies, how these have changed, and how they relate to developments within history as a discipline.

      Moving beyond Europe, Chapter 4 examines the growth of the Atlantic world as a unit of study, surveying changing views of exploration and the Columbian Exchange, slavery and the slave trade, cultural blending in religious and marital practices, and the development of racial hierarchies. Bringing politics into the story, the chapter discusses trends in the analysis of nation-states, nationalism, empires, and the Atlantic revolutions – American, French, and Haitian. Chapter 5 widens the scope further still, surveying work that explores topics increasingly being investigated on a global scale: how goods, people, and ideas moved around the world, the relationship between warfare and the expansion of states and empires, and the impact of environmental change, especially the Little Ice Age, along with the broader intersection between humans and the natural world. Chapter 6 explores popular and public presentations of the period, and how these have changed – or not – in the last several decades as a result of new research, changing public interests, new technologies, and other factors. The chapter suggests that “what is early modern history?” is a question that matters not just to historians, but also to the wider public. The book ends with a brief afterword discussing the future of early modern history within the context of the