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Series Editor
Fabrice Papy
Platform and Collective Intelligence
Digital Ecosystem of Organizations
Antoine Henry
First published 2021 in Great Britain and the United States by ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2020946598
British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data
A CIP record for this book is available from the British Library
ISBN 978-1-78630-492-6
The scientific work and research that concerns organizations has grown considerably in recent years. This is due to the polarization of human activities within structures whose projects and vocations are extremely diverse. It is then as many pluriverses and plurivocal processes that coexist, function and interact locally, globally – and even glocally – in the multitude of these existing organizations and social structures whose legal and managerial form often remains conventional (Svensson 2001; Batazzi-Alexis 2002; Eberhard 2013; Koop 2018). Moreover, this polarization in organizations has spread with the unifying framework represented by the “information society” (IS), which has been further aggravated by the intensification of the economic dimension in contemporary societies (Ahrne and Brunsson 2005). This recent context has exacerbated the place of organizations, identified as atomic entities through which, and within which, a wide range of the multiplicity of human activities is expressed. The complexity of these agencies, which are being developed on a planetary scale with the explosion of international economic transactions, explains why the organizations are studied by a wide variety of disciplines and scientific fields that are often complementary: management sciences, economics, information technology, law, commerce, sociology, anthropology, social psychology, ethnology, and information and communication sciences (Geslin 2002; Bernard 2004).
It is clear that today’s organizations, which have risen to the new “information society”, much to the delight of political and economic forces, bear witness to a new complexity engendered by a heterogeneous set of structures whose boundaries have become more flexible and whose communication processes have become intertwined. These structures increasingly interact through an increase in self-emerging cross-cutting collaborative activities and processes (El Amrani 2008). This complexity surpasses the binary categorization used until recently, distinguishing according to a trivial typology between private and public entities: the former are generally associated with the world of business, trade and industry, and the latter with the institutional and governmental world in its national or international declinations (such as the UN, UNESCO, ISO and WHO) (Bouillon 2005; Bernard 2016), both evolving until now in an implicitly recognized territorialization.
The massive penetration of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in all spheres of human activities and the unprecedented expansion of digitally mediated communications have completely reshuffled the maps and functional boundaries of these basic types of organizations built on a common hierarchical decision-making model. An unprecedented complexity has emerged, which is driven by the immediate concentric and/or eccentric influences propagated by the dissemination and sharing of natively digital information. Concentric influences emanate from outside the organization and intrude, either