Chapters 12 and 13 present integer programming algorithms. These relate to the earlier material because of the importance of linear programming to establish bounds when solving an integer program. Integer programming also has greater modeling power, as demonstrated by the many applications in Chapter 14. Chapters 14 and 15 introduce convex programming, including some motivating applications. The earlier chapters are designed to prepare the reader to understand convex programming more readily. The KKT optimality conditions and duality theorems are a generalization of Lagrangian duality (Section 8.4). Necessary and sufficient conditions for a global optimum follow from convexity theory, already applied to linear programs in Chapter 6. Chapter 15 culminates in the primal‐dual interior point method, which was presented for linear programs in Section 11.3. Quadratic programming is also introduced and the connection between the primal‐dual interior point method and sequential quadratic programming is made.
Supplemental material will be available at the web site⁄michaelveatch⁄optimization for the book. A full solution manual will be made available to instructors.
The book contains the amount of material covered in a typical two‐semester sequence of undergraduate classes. A semester course focusing on linear programming could cover Chapters 1, 2, Sections 3.1–3.2, 5, 6, Sections 7.1–7.4 and 8.1–8.3, 9, 10 plus some other topics from these chapters and Chapter 11. A course on linear and integer programming could cover Chapters 1, 2, Sections 3.1–3.2, 4, 5, 6, Sections 7.1–7.4 and 8.1–8.3, 9, 12, and 13. A somewhat more advanced course on linear and convex programming could cover Chapters 1–3, 5–7.4, 8, 9, Sections 11.1–11.13, 14, and 15.
Several more advanced or specialized topics have been included at the end of chapters or sections that are optional and can be easily skipped. Section 3.3 shows that a dynamic program can be solved as a linear program, an approach that relates to machine learning. Section 5.3 on computational complexity, while not difficult, is only occasional mentioned in the later chapters. Section 7.5 extends the optimality conditions needed to solve linear programs to general polyhedra. Section 8.4 introduces Lagrangian duality for linear programs and shows that it is equivalent to the usual dual; it is only needed if convex programming (Chapter 14) is being covered. Farkas' lemma is presented in Section 8.5, providing another approach to duality theorems. The computational strategies in Section 9.4 are important to the simplex method but are not used in the sequel. The interior point algorithm in Section 11.4 is computationally more involved. It is closely related to Section 15.5.
I want to express my deep appreciation to the many people who helped make this book possible. First, I want to thank David Rader, Larry Leemis, and Susan Martonosi for encouraging me to undertake the project. I am grateful to my former and current students Isaac Bleecker, Mackenzie Hinds, Joe Iriana, Stephen Rizzo, and Michael Yee for reviewing portions of the draft. I also thank my friend John Sanderson for drawing the figures, my colleague Jonathan Senning for his technical advice, and students Isaac Bleecker, Jessica Guan, Seth McKinney, and Yi Zhou for their help with the exercises and figures.
Most of all, I am grateful for my wife Cindy's confidence in me and acceptance of my working odd hours on the project. Now we are both authors.
Michael H. Veatch
Wenham, MA
March, 2020
About the Companion Website
This book is accompanied by a companion website:
The website includes the instructor solutions manual.
1 Introduction to Optimization Modeling
1.1 Who Uses Optimization?
Data‐driven decision‐making is on the rise. Many businesses, governmental organizations, and nonprofits collect large amounts of data and seek to use them to inform the decisions they make. In addition to data and statistical analysis, a mathematical model of the system is often needed to find the best or even a viable option. Examples include planning the flow of goods through a supply chain, scheduling personnel shifts, or choosing an investment portfolio. The approach of optimization is to develop a model describing which potential decisions could be taken, in light of physical, logical, financial, or other limitations, and assess them using a single objective. This objective could be profit or loss in a business setting, expected return on an investment, a physical measure such as minimizing time to complete a task, a health measure such as expected lives saved, or in the government and nonprofit sector,