10 Appendix: Fill-in-the-Blanks Workout Calendar
11 Index
List of Tables
1 Chapter 1TABLE 1-1 Heart Rate Zones
2 Chapter 2TABLE 2-1 Minimum ACFT Physical Demand Requirements
3 Chapter 4TABLE 4-1 Enlisted Physical Demand CategoriesTABLE 4-2 Officer Physical Demand CategoriesTABLE 4-3 ACFT Scoring Scale
4 Chapter 5TABLE 5-1 ACFT Events in 4Q QuadrantsTABLE 5-2 Core Muscles in ActionTABLE 5-3 Leg Muscles in ActionTABLE 5-4 Back Muscles and MovementTABLE 5-5 Arm and Shoulder Muscles
5 Chapter 6TABLE 6-1 Average Target and Maximum Heart Rate ZonesTABLE 6-2 The Borg RPE ScaleTABLE 6-3 The Modified Borg RPE Scale
6 Chapter 7TABLE 7-1 Top PRT Exercises for the ACFTTABLE 7-2 Top PRT Drills and Equipment for the ACFTTABLE 7-3 Preparation DrillTABLE 7-4 Focus Areas for the Preparation DrillTABLE 7-5 The Army’s Condensed 14-Day PRT Schedule
7 Chapter 8TABLE 8-1 Rep Ranges and Goals
8 Chapter 10TABLE 10-1 General Physiological Differences between Biological SexesTABLE 10-2 Menstrual Phases
9 Chapter 12TABLE 12-1 Musculoskeletal Injuries Common among Troops
10 Chapter 15TABLE 15-1 Push-ups for MalesTABLE 15-2 Push-ups for FemalesTABLE 15-3 Crunches for MalesTABLE 15-4 Crunches for FemalesTABLE 15-5 Squats for MalesTABLE 15-6 Squats for Females
11 Chapter 16TABLE 16-1 Astrand Treadmill Test StagesTABLE 16-2 VO2 Max Cardiorespiratory Fitness Levels (Males)TABLE 16-3 VO2 Max Cardiorespiratory Fitness Levels (Females)TABLE 16-4 Average Target and Maximum Heart Rate Zones
12 Chapter 18TABLE 18-1 Goals, Rep Ranges, and 1RM PercentagesTABLE 18-2 Sample One-Week Workout CalendarTABLE 18-3 Sample Workout Log
13 Chapter 19TABLE 19-1 Weight Requirements for Male HeightTABLE 19-2 Weight Requirements for Female HeightTABLE 19-3 Allowable Body Fat for Male and Female SoldiersTABLE 19-4 Adult BMI RangesTABLE 19-5 Army’s Max BMI
14 Chapter 21TABLE 21-1 Vitamins and What They Do for Your BodyTABLE 21-2 DRIs and ULs for VitaminsTABLE 21-3 Minerals and What They Do for Your Body
15 Chapter 23TABLE 23-1 MET Values for Common ExercisesTABLE 23-2 Calories and Fat Content of Popular Fast Foods
List of Illustrations
1 Chapter 2FIGURE 2-1: Muscles used in the 3 Repetition Maximum Deadlift. FIGURE 2-2: Muscles used in the Standing Power Throw. FIGURE 2-3: The Standing Power Throw. FIGURE 2-4: Muscles used in the Hand Release Push-Up – Arm Extension. FIGURE 2-5: The Hand Release Push-Up – Arm Extension. FIGURE 2-6: Muscles used in the Sprint-Drag-Carry. FIGURE 2-7: Sled drag. FIGURE 2-8: Muscles used in the Leg Tuck. FIGURE 2-9: The Leg Tuck. FIGURE 2-10: Muscles used in the Two-Mile Run.
2 Chapter 3FIGURE 3-1: The ACFT work-rest cycle. FIGURE 3-2: Climbing pods for the ACFT. FIGURE 3-3: Required ACFT field. FIGURE 3-4: Sample DD 2977 for an ACFT.
3 Chapter 4FIGURE 4-1: Proper form for the MDL. FIGURE 4-2: Proper form for the HRP. FIGURE 4-3: Proper form for the Sled Drag. FIGURE 4-4: Latissimus dorsi and deltoids. FIGURE 4-5: The up position of the LTK. FIGURE 4-6: The Army Combat Fitness Test scorecard.
4 Chapter 5FIGURE 5-1: The 4Q model. FIGURE 5-2: Muscles of the front of the body. FIGURE 5-3: Muscles of the back of the body.
5 Chapter 7FIGURE 7-1: The sumo squat. FIGURE 7-2: The alternate staggered squat jump, step by step. FIGURE 7-3: The forward lunge with weights. FIGURE 7-4: The power jump. FIGURE 7-5: The overhead push-press. FIGURE 7-6: The tuck jump. FIGURE 7-7: The supine chest press. FIGURE 7-8: The 8-count T push-up. FIGURE 7-9: The incline bench. FIGURE 7-10: The straight-leg deadlift. FIGURE 7-11: The bent over row. FIGURE 7-12: The bent-leg raise. FIGURE 7-13: The leg tuck and twist. FIGURE 7-14: The alternating grip pull-up. FIGURE 7-15: Side bridge, back bridge, and quadraplex. FIGURE 7-16: The Army’s Strength Training Circuit.
6 Chapter 8FIGURE 8-1: Spinal positions. FIGURE 8-2: The weighted sumo squat. FIGURE 8-3: The bodyweight-only staggered squat. FIGURE 8-4: The bodyweight-only lunge. FIGURE 8-5: The deadlift. FIGURE 8-6: Bent over row. FIGURE 8-7: Power jump. FIGURE 8-8: Overhead push press. FIGURE 8-9: Tuck jump. FIGURE 8-10: Romanian deadlift. FIGURE 8-11: Kettlebell swing. FIGURE 8-12: Medicine ball power jump. FIGURE 8-13: Standing front shoulder raise with bands. FIGURE 8-14: Supine chest press. FIGURE 8-15: Incline bench press. FIGURE 8-16: Chest fly. FIGURE 8-17: Renegade row push-ups. FIGURE 8-18: Medicine ball push-ups. FIGURE 8-19: Straight-leg deadlifts. FIGURE 8-20: Zercher carry. FIGURE 8-21: Plank. FIGURE 8-22: Glute-hamstring raise. FIGURE 8-23: Bent-leg raise. FIGURE 8-24: Leg tuck and twist. FIGURE 8-25: Mixed-grip pull-up. FIGURE 8-26: Foot position for the rope climb. FIGURE 8-27: Starting position of an isometric hang with underhand or overhand ...FIGURE 8-28: Side pillar hold. FIGURE 8-29: Contralateral dead bug. FIGURE 8-30: Is, Ys, and Ts. FIGURE 8-31: Kettlebell pull-through. FIGURE 8-32: Internal shoulder rotation. FIGURE 8-33: External shoulder rotation. FIGURE 8-34: Elevated shoulder rotation. FIGURE 8-35: Walking lunge. FIGURE 8-36: Barbell squats. FIGURE 8-37: Calf raise. FIGURE 8-38: Glute bridge.
7 Chapter 9FIGURE 9-1: The overhead arm pull. FIGURE 9-2: The rear lunge. FIGURE 9-3: The extend and flex. FIGURE 9-4: The thigh stretch. FIGURE 9-5: The single-leg over. FIGURE 9-6: Standing hamstring stretch. FIGURE 9-7: Piriformis stretch. FIGURE 9-8: Frog stretch. FIGURE 9-9: Butterfly stretch. FIGURE 9-10: Lunging hip flexor stretch. FIGURE 9-11: Lying quad stretch. FIGURE 9-12: Calf stretch. FIGURE 9-13: Triceps stretch. FIGURE 9-14: Bicep stretch. FIGURE 9-15: Seated bicep stretch. FIGURE 9-16: Wrist extension and flexion. FIGURE 9-17: Forearm flexor stretch. FIGURE 9-18: Seated shoulder squeeze. FIGURE 9-19: Upper back stretch. FIGURE 9-20: Knee to chest stretch. FIGURE 9-21: Seated back rotation. FIGURE 9-22: Side-lying thoracic rotation. FIGURE 9-23: Upper trap stretch. FIGURE 9-24: Cross-body shoulder stretch. FIGURE 9-25: Lying chest stretch. FIGURE 9-26: Elbow-to-elbow grip. FIGURE 9-27: Bent-arm wall stretch. FIGURE 9-28: Sphinx stretch. FIGURE 9-29: Child’s pose against a wall. FIGURE 9-30: Lunge with spinal twist. FIGURE 9-31: 90/90s. FIGURE 9-32: Side bend stretch standing and sitting. FIGURE 9-33: Extended child’s pose with sphinx stretch. FIGURE 9-34: Standing figure 4. FIGURE 9-35: Quadruped rotation. FIGURE 9-36: