Автор: | Группа авторов |
Издательство: | John Wiley & Sons Limited |
Серия: | |
Жанр произведения: | Изобразительное искусство, фотография |
Год издания: | 0 |
isbn: | 9781119591399 |
Homi K. Bhabha (b. 1949) ‘The Postcolonial and the Postmodern’
VIIIA4 Arjun Appadurai (b. 1949) from Modernity at Large
VIIIA5 Michael Hardt (b. 1960) and Antonio Negri (b. 1933) from Empire
VIIIA6 Irit Rogoff (b. 1963) On visual culture
VIIIA7 Richard Bell (b. 1953) ‘Bell’s Theorem: Aboriginal Art – It’s a White Thing’
VIIIA8 Dipesh Chakrabarty (b. 1948) from Provincializing Europe
VIIIA9 Immanuel Wallerstein (b. 1930) from World‐Systems Analysis
VIIIA10 James Elkins (b. 1955) from Is Art History Global?
VIIIA11 Partha Mitter (b. 1938) ‘Decentering Modernism’
VIIIA12 Fredric Jameson (b. 1934) from A Singular Modernity
VIIIA13 Aruna D’Souza Introduction to Art History in the Wake of the Global Turn
VIIIA14 Peter Weibel (b. 1944) ‘Modernity Reset: Renaissance 2.0’
VIIIB Diversity, Translation, Creolization and Identity
VIIIB1 Stuart Hall (1932–2014) ‘New Ethnicities’
VIIIB2 Édouard Glissant (1928–2011) ‘Creolisation and the Americas’
VIIIB3 Sonia Boyce and Manthia Diawara (b. 1962 and 1953 respectively) ‘The Art of Identity: A Conversation’
VIIIB4 Paul Gilroy (b. 1956) from The Black Atlantic
VIIIB5 Coco Fusco and Guillermo Gómez‐Peña (b. 1960 and 1955 respectively) Interview with Anna Johnson
VIIIB6 Sarat Maharaj (b. 1951) ‘Perfidious Fidelity; the Untranslatability of the Other’
VIIIB7 Gordon Bennett (1955–2014) Letter to Jean‐Michel Basquiat
VIIIB8 Antonio Benítez‐Rojo (1931–2005) ‘Three Words toward Creolization’
VIIIB9 Edward Said (1935–2003) ‘The Art of Displacement’
VIIIB10 Fred Wilson (b. 1954) and Kwame Anthony Appiah (b. 1954) ‘Fragments of a Conversation’
VIIIB11 Homi K. Bhabha (b. 1949) ‘Another Country’
VIIIB12 Yinka Shonibare (b. 1962) Interview with Bernard Müller
VIIIB13 Fiona Tan (b. 1966) ‘Other Facets of the Same Globe’
VIIIB14 Lubaina Himid (b. 1954) ‘We are Us not Other’
VIIIB15 Kara Walker (b. 1969) ‘A Sonorous Subtlety’: an interview with Kara Rooney
VIIIB16 Fred Moten (b. 1962) On the art of Chris Ofili, from ‘Blue Vespers’
VIIIC Global Art and the Museum
VIIIC1 Jean‐Hubert Martin (b. 1944) Preface to Magiciens de la terre
VIIIC2 Rasheed Araeen (b. 1935) from The Other Story
VIIIC3 Llilian Llanes Godoy (b. 1947) ‘Introduction’ to the Third Havana Biennial
VIIIC4 Luis Camnitzer (b. 1937), Jane Farver (1947–2015) and Rachel Weiss ‘Foreword’ to Global Conceptualism
VIIIC5 Salah M. Hassan (b. 1964) and Olu Oguibe (b. 1964) from Authentic/Ex‐Centric
VIIIC6 Okwui Enwezor (1963–2019) ‘The Black Box’
VIIIC7 Artforum Roundtable discussion on ‘Global Tendencies’
VIIIC8 Kwame Anthony Appiah (b. 1954) ‘Whose Culture Is It Anyway?’
VIIIC9 Chin‐Tao Wu ‘Biennials Without Borders?’
VIIIC10 Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak (b. 1942) ‘Sign and Trace’
VIIIC11 Hans Belting (b. 1935) and Andrea Buddensieg ‘From Art World to Art Worlds’
VIIIC12 Clémentine Deliss (b. 1960) ‘Stored Code’ and ‘Foreign Exchange’
VIIID Concerning the Contemporary
VIIID1 Geeta Kapur (b. 1943) ‘Contemporary Cultural Practice: Some Polemical Categories’
VIIID2 Slavoj Žižek (b. 1949) ‘Multiculturalism, or, the Cultural Logic of Multinational Capitalism’
VIIID3 Nicolas Bourriaud (b. 1965) from Relational Aesthetics
VIIID4 William Kentridge (b. 1955) Interview with Dan Cameron
VIIID5 Grant Kester ‘A Critical Framework for Dialogical Practice’
VIIID6 Terry Smith (b. 1944) from What Is Contemporary Art?
VIIID7 Hal Foster, Miwon Kwon, Chika Okeke‐Agulu, Alexander Alberro, Christopher P. Heuer, Matthew Jesse Jackson and Andrew Perchuk, Responses to a questionnaire on ‘The Contemporary’
VIIID8 Ai Weiwei (b. 1957) ‘Epilogue’ to his blog
VIIID9 Francis Alÿs (b. 1959) ‘Francis Alÿs: A to Z’
VIIID10 Romuald Hazoumè (b. 1962) Cargoland
VIIID11 Gerardo Mosquera (b. 1945) ‘Beyond Anthropophagy’
VIIID12 Xu Bing (b. 1955) ‘On Holding a Retrospective’
VIIID13 Doris Salcedo (b. 1958) ‘A Work in Mourning’
VIIID14 Hito Steyerl (b. 1966) ‘If You Don’t Have Bread, Eat Art!’
VIIID15 Art & Language (Michael Baldwin b. 1945, Mel Ramsden b. 1944) from Flags for Organisations