Art in Theory. Группа авторов. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Группа авторов
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр произведения: Изобразительное искусство, фотография
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781119591399
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are known by comparison, and where the originals are concealed from proper inspection, let us see how much these travellers have improved the taste of this nation, by their perigrinations: in architecture, Inigo Jones, and Sir Christopher Wren have been excellent, the first equal perhaps to any man amongst the whole list of these artists; and perhaps at that time the four greatest men in the world in point of genius were natives of and resided in this island, Verulam, Shakespeare, Hervey, and Jones … It was then, genius seems to have been most prevalent in this isle, from which time it has declined, and that taste which was its companion, is lost entirely. […]

      The simple and sublime have lost all influence almost every where, all is Chinese or Gothic; every chair in an apartment, the frames of glasses, and tables, must be Chinese: the walls covered with Chinese paper filled with figures which resemble nothing of God’s creation, and which a prudent nation would prohibit for the sake of pregnant women.

      In one chamber, all the pagods and distorted animals of the east are piled up, and called the beautiful decorations of a chimney‐piece; on the sides of the room, lions made of porcelain, grinning and misshapen, are placed on brackets of the Chinese taste, in arbors of flowers made in the same ware, and leaves of brass painted green, lying like lovers in shades of old Arcadia.

      Nay, so excessive is the love of Chinese architecture become, that at present the fox‐hunters would be sorry to break a leg in pursuing their sport over a gate that was not made in the eastern taste of little bits of wood standing in all directions; the connoisseurs of the table delicacies can distinguish between the taste of an ox, which eats his hay from a Chinese crib, a hog that is inclosed in a stye of that kind, or a fowl fattened in a coop the fabric of which is in that design, and find great difference in the flavour. […]

      To my unpolite ears, the airs which are sung at present have no longer the imitation of any thing which would express passion or sentiment, and the whole merit lyes in the Gothic and Chinese closes and cantabiles, frithered into niceties and divisions, which, like minute carvings, are the certain characteristics of a little taste, that delight more in difficulties than truth … The Chinese taste is so very prevalent in this city at present, that even pantomime has obliged harlequin to seek shelter in an entertainment, where the scenes and characters are all in the taste of that nation.

      XIV The reception of the chinese from a lady of distinction.

      I was some days ago agreeably surprised by a message from a lady of distinction, who sent me word, that she most passionately desired the pleasure of my acquaintance; and, with the utmost impatience, expected an interview. I will not deny, my dear Fum Hoam, but that vanity was raised at such an invitation … My imagination painted her in all the bloom of youth and beauty. I fancied her attended by the loves and graces; and I set out with the most pleasing expectations of seeing the conquest I had made.

      In a house like this, thought I, one must live continually upon the watch; the inhabitant must resemble a knight in an enchanted castle, who expects to meet an adventure at every turning. ‘But, madam,’ said I, ‘do not accidents ever happen to all this finery?’ ‘Man, Sir,’ replied the lady, ‘is born to misfortunes, and it is but fit I should have a share. Three weeks ago, a careless servant snapped off the head of a favourite mandarine: I had scarce done grieving for that, when a monkey broke a beautiful jar; this I took the more to heart, as the injury was done me by a friend. However, I survived the calamity; when yesterday, crash went half‐a‐dozen dragons upon the marble hearth‐stone; and yet I live … I could not but smile at a woman who makes her own misfortunes, and then deplores the miseries of her situation. Wherefore, tired of acting with dissimulation, and willing to indulge my meditations in solitude, I took leave.