сильный ветер
A gale
шторм, буря
A hurricane
≡ Examples:
It was a hot day but there was a lovely breeze.
The wind blew my hat off.
The hurricane in Florida destroyed trees and buildings.
Вопросы для первого знакомства
1. What’s your home town?
2. Do you live there now?
3. What state/province is it in?
4. Is it the largest city in the state/province?
5. What’s the climate like?
6. Is it mild/hot/dry/wet/cold?
7. Is it near the mountains/desert/a river?
8. Is it far from the border with another country?
9. Is it a center of tourism?
10. What industries are there?
11. What’s the most famous building?
12. How old it it?
13. How was your trip?
14. How was the traffic (from the airport)?
15. Do you like (this city)?
16. Did you find our offices easily?
17. How is your family?
18. Is this your first visit to (Chicago)?
Возможные диалоги
▪ Alicia and Simon are making small talk or social conversation, before they discuss work.
Simon: There we go. Two teas.
Alicia: Which one’s mine?
Simon: That one. The one without a spoon. There’s sugar in mine, but there’s no sugar in yours.
Alicia: Thanks.
Simon: Be careful, it’s hot!
Simon: Is this your first visit to Vancouver?
Alicia: Yes, it is.
Simon: What do you think of it?
Alicia: It’s beautiful. Really beautiful.
Simon: I agree, but then it’s my home town!
Simon: Where are you staying?
Alicia: At the Columbia Towers. Do you know it?
Simon: Yes, it’s on Granville Street. What’s it like?
Alicia: It’s excellent.
Simon: Good.
Simon: How do you like the weather here?
Alicia: It’s fine. Not too hot. San Diego’s pretty hot at this time of year. Anyhow, is it going to rain? I want dry weather for my pictures.
Simon: We get a lot of rain in the fall and winter. December and January are the wettest months. But the weather forecast is OK for this week.
Alicia: Great.
3. Аэропорт
Полезная лексика
a boarding pass
посадочный талон
a flight
a shuttle
a terminal
a ticket
a сustoms declaration
таможенная декларация
an aircraft document organizer
органайзер для авиадокументов
carry-on luggage
ручная кладь
luggage, baggage
online check-in
Схема аэропорта
a car hire/rental
прокат автомобилей
a cash-machine
customs red point
красный таможенный коридор (для декларации товаров)
meeting point
место встречи
toilets / WC
a check-in counter / desk
стойка регистрации пассажиров
departure gate
выход на посадку
departure lounge
зал ожидания
departures board
доска информации о вылете
стойка сдачи багажа в аэропорту
магазин беспошлинной торговли
an information desk
служба информации
baggage claim
место получения багажа
nursery / mother and child room