Ecology. Michael Begon. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Michael Begon
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр произведения: Биология
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781119279310
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in the past, as we have seen. We are currently approaching the end of one of the warming periods that started around 20 000 years ago, during which global temperatures have risen by about 8°C. The greenhouse effect adds to global warming at a time when temperatures are already higher than they have been for 400 000 years. Buried pollen provides evidence that North American forest boundaries have migrated north at rates of 100–500 m year−1 since the last ice age. However, this rate of advance has not been fast enough to keep pace with postglacial warming. The rate of warming forecast to result from the greenhouse effect is 50–100 times faster than postglacial warming. Thus, of all the types of environmental pollution caused by human activities, none may have such profound effects as global warming. We must expect latitudinal and altitudinal changes to species’ distributions and widespread extinctions as floras and faunas fail to track and keep up with the rate of change in global temperatures. What is more, large tracts of land over which vegetation might advance and retreat have been fragmented in the process of civilisation, putting major barriers in the way of vegetational advance. It will be very surprising if many species do not get lost on the journey.

      The ecological implications of greenhouse gas emissions are profound indeed for the spread of pest species, for future conservation and restoration management, and for the production of wild fisheries, agriculture and aquaculture. These topics will crop up throughout the book, but especially in its final chapter.


      3.1 Introduction

      According to Tilman (1982), all things consumed by an organism are resources for it. But consumed does not simply mean ‘eaten’. Bees and squirrels do not eat holes, but a hole that is occupied is no longer available to another bee or squirrel. Similarly, females that have already mated may be unavailable to other mates. All these things have been consumed in the sense that their stock or supply can be reduced by the activities of the organisms concerned.

      autotrophs and heterotrophs

      There is a fundamental distinction between autotrophic and heterotrophic organisms. Autotrophs assimilate simple inorganic resources into packages of organic molecules (proteins, carbohydrates, etc.). These become the resources for the heterotrophs (decomposers, parasites, predators and grazers), which take part in a chain of events in which each consumer of a resource becomes, in turn, a resource for another consumer. At each link in this food chain, the most obvious distinction is between saprotrophs and predators. Saprotrophs – bacteria, fungi and detritivorous animals (see Chapter 11) – use other organisms as food but only after they have died, or they consume another organism’s waste or secretory products. Predators, defined broadly, feed on other living organisms, or parts of other living organisms (see Section 3.7).

      photoautotrophs and chemoautotrophs

      Autotrophs may themselves be divided into photoautotrophs and chemoautotrophs. The photoautotrophs – green plants and algae, and photosynthetic protists and bacteria – utilise solar radiation, carbon dioxide (CO2), water and mineral nutrients as resources. Through photosynthesis, they use the radiation as a source of energy to reduce CO2 to obtain the organic compounds and energy that they need for growth and reproduction. Directly or indirectly, photosynthesis is the source of all energy in terrestrial and most aquatic ecosystems. Its evolution has led to the current 21% levels of oxygen in the atmosphere, driving down the levels of CO2. By contrast, chemoautotrophs – certain bacteria and archaea – use chemical energy from the oxidation of inorganic substances such as hydrogen sulphide, elemental sulphur, ferrous iron or ammonia to reduce CO2 and so obtain the organic compounds and energy that they need. They typically live in ‘extreme’ environments such as hot springs and deep‐sea vents.

      For both autotrophs and heterotrophs, resources, once consumed, are no longer available to another consumer. This has the important consequence that organisms may compete with each other to capture a share of a limited resource – a topic to which we turn in Chapter 5.

An illustration of a map depicting the solar radiation absorbed annually in the earth–atmosphere system: from data obtained with a radiometer on the Nimbus 3 meteorological satellite.

      Source: After Laing & Evans (2011).

      the fate of radiation

      When a plant intercepts radiant energy it may be reflected (with its wavelength unchanged), transmitted (after some wavebands have been filtered out) or absorbed. Part of the fraction that is absorbed may raise the plant’s temperature and be reradiated at much longer wavelengths. In terrestrial plants, part may contribute latent heat of evaporation of water and so power the transpiration stream. Something like 80% may reach the chloroplasts and drive the process of photosynthesis, but of this, only a small proportion may end up in the plant’s organic molecules, because there is insufficient capacity in carbon metabolism to use all the energy absorbed. Again, the remainder is dissipated as heat.

      radiant energy must be captured or is lost forever
