2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1 Response curves illustrating the effects of a range of environmen...Figure 2.2 The ecological niche in one, two and three dimensions. (a) A nich...Figure 2.3 The use of ordination to facilitate understanding of the multidim...Figure 2.4 Ecological niche modelling. The first step is to characterise a s...Figure 2.5 Modelling the potential range of an invasive starfish. (a) Curren...Figure 2.6 Ordination contrasts the multidimensional niches of native and in...Figure 2.7 Location of fossil bones of the takahe in the South Island of New...Figure 2.8 Exponential effects of temperature on metabolic reactions. (a) Th...Figure 2.9 Effectively linear relationships between rates of growth and deve...Figure 2.10 The temperature–size rule (final size decreases with increasing ...Figure 2.11 The avenues of heat exchange between an ectotherm and its enviro...Figure 2.12 Examples of the thermoneutral zone. (a) Thermostatic heat produc...Figure 2.13 Acclimatisation involves conversion of glycogen to glycerol in a...Figure 2.14 Alfalfa can be selected for improved freezing tolerance. (a) Tol...Figure 2.15 The chilling tolerance of Miscanthus can be transferred to Sacch...Figure 2.16 Features of the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and the Nort...Figure 2.17 The abundance of three‐year‐old cod, Gadus morhua, in the Barent...Figure 2.18 The treelines (high‐altitude limits of forest cover) of the worl...Figure 2.19 Warm boundary limits of nine Australian fish species are correla...Figure 2.20 Geographic variation in thermal tolerances. (a) Terrestrial ecto...Figure 2.21 Niches of cover crops in terms of temperature and base water pot...Figure 2.22 Metabolic expenditure in relation to salinity for two shrimp spe...Figure 2.23 General zonation scheme for the seashore determined by relative ...Figure 2.24 Individuals of Platynympha longicaudata in a polluted site are m...Figure 2.25 Acid emissions have been decreasing in Europe since 1970 while t...Figure 2.26 Atmospheric concentrations of CO2during the past 420 000 years a...Figure 2.27 Total annual anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from 1...Figure 2.28 Annual land and ocean surface temperature anomalies and sea‐leve...
3 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 Global map of the solar radiation absorbed annually in the earth–...Figure 3.2 Levels of solar radiation vary over time and space and with depth...Figure 3.3 The spectral distribution of radiation changes with depth as show...Figure 3.4 The response of photosynthesis to radiation intensity in various ...Figure 3.5 Bioengineering of photoprotection can improve crop plant performa...Figure 3.6 Variation in light quality in lakes can give rise to different co...Figure 3.7