The Apollonides Mistress Scandal / Rich Man's Vengeful Seduction. Tessa Radley. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Tessa Radley
Издательство: HarperCollins
Серия: Mills & Boon Desire
Жанр произведения: Контркультура
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781408900635
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memory? Maybe this will help you remember.” There was a huskiness to his voice that caught her attention.

      Slowly she raised her head. He was close, far closer than she’d realised and in the flickering light his gaze was intent. Her heart started to pound. She swallowed and the sudden ringing silence stretched between them.

      “Yes?” The sound was little more than a croak. But Angelo understood. It meant yes to so much more. Even to that which she most feared.

      The instant his lips brushed hers Gemma knew her life would never be the same again. Every preconception she had of what it might’ve been like to be kissed by him vanished.

      It was fire and light. Energy and emotion. Then his tongue touched hers and sparks shot through her. Adrenaline. And something magical.

      She held her breath, didn’t move in case the magic vanished. Then his tongue swept her mouth and the fire leapt inside her. Gemma groaned, closed her eyes and abandoned herself to the wonder.

      When his fingers stroked the naked skin of her shoulder, every nerve ending went crazy. Frissons rippled down her spine and a reckless want followed. She moved closer, pressing herself up against him, until she felt the unmistakable ridge of his erection through the soft silk of her dress. It was a shock…a sign of how out of control this had become…but it was also incredibly satisfying.

      Whatever the past held, Angelo wanted her. Now.

      She sighed into his mouth, he deepened the kiss and his breathing grew ragged. His hand closed on her shoulder and he pulled her against him.

      At last he raised his head. “Do you remember that?”

      Gemma stared at him, then regretfully shook her head.

      He put her away from him, his hands shaking a little. “Thiavlo. I think we both need to cool down. Let’s visit the casino—you always enjoyed that.”

      “Okay,” she managed as he led her out from behind the inscrutable Hephaestus. Her knees shook. She had never felt less like gambling in her life.

      Large double doors opened into the Apollo Club, the casino reserved for A-list clientele. Crystal chandeliers hung from the domed ceiling painted with beasts and heroes from myths Gemma knew well. The ambience in the room warned her that the stakes would be frighteningly high.

      Angelo led her to a table with a group of men in tuxedos and two women—a blonde and a brunette—in evening gowns, jewels glittering at their necks and wrists. No voices hummed in here. Only the clatter of chips broke the solemn silence.

      Murmuring an order, Angelo placed a wad of notes on the table. An elegant croupier in a long black dress slid several stacks of chips across the baize. Angelo passed the stacks to her, and Gemma realised he’d spent a small fortune for her to fritter away. She started to feel ill. “I can’t gamble that kind of money.”

      The look he gave her was more than a little pointed. “It never troubled you in the past.”

      Gemma bit her lip. “What if I lose it all?”

      Angelo shrugged. “Then I’ll buy more.”

      And what would he expect from her then? Sex? Obviously that had happened in the past. Something within her shrivelled at the thought.

      “No!” She shoved the chips back at him. “I might have forgotten how to do this, forgotten the rules.”

      “Try and we’ll see.”

      “Angelo, I don’t want to do this.”

      His gaze held hers. After a long moment he said, “All right. We’ll see if we can penetrate that memory another way. Keep these—” he separated a small heap of chips “—in case you decide you want to play later.”

      She shook her head and pushed the chips away. “I don’t feel like gambling tonight.”

      “Would you like to go for a drink?”

      She nodded. This close she could see the laugh lines around his eyes, the glitter in his compelling eyes. He stilled in the act of gathering the chips and stared down at her.


      With a start, she looked away, breaking the tenuous thread that linked them, and turned her head, searching for the source of the call that cut through the hush of the huge room.

      “I thought it was you.” The guy coming towards her was darkly tanned with Gallic features and carefully styled shaggy black hair. Gemma stared at him blankly.

      The blonde at their table squealed in delight and grabbed his arm. He bent to kiss her cheek. Her much older companion didn’t look happy.

      The hand cupping Gemma’s elbow tensed. “Did you invite him?” Angelo murmured in her ear.

      “Invite him?” She swung around to cast Angelo a frown. “What are you talking about? I don’t even know—” She broke off.

      “Who he is,” Angelo finished smoothly, and started to laugh, but Gemma noticed his eyes were devoid of humour. “I don’t think Jean-Paul will appreciate being forgotten so soon.”

      “Who is he?” Gemma hissed.

      “Jean-Paul Moreau.” From Angelo’s air of expectancy Gemma suspected the name was supposed to mean something to her. It didn’t.

      She lifted her shoulders and let them drop. “So…” she prompted.

      “Your lover.” Some ugly emotion flashed over Angelo’s face then his features turned wooden. “The man I threw naked out of my—our—bed three years ago.”


      Gemma stared.

      Angelo’s shocking revelation was the last thing she’d expected. Yet, judging by his narrow-eyed expression, he clearly believed it to be true.

      She tested the discovery against her own belief. No, she couldn’t accept it. Angelo must’ve made some awful mistake.

      But before she could question him further, a mist of designer aftershave surrounded her. Then came a whisper of “Cherie, you are more beautiful than ever,” and male lips nudged her cheek.

      “Hello—” she tried frantically to remember his name “—Jean-Paul.”

      “I thought you were ignoring me, cherie. You stared straight through me earlier. I’m glad to know you remember your old friends.”

      Beside her Angelo snorted. Gemma shot him a warning look. She didn’t want Jean-Paul knowing about the amnesia.

      At least not yet.

      Coming face-to-face with a man Angelo considered her lover had taken her aback. Much as she disliked Angelo, he had no reason to lie to her about the past. She needed to learn more.

      With an extravagant flourish Jean-Paul produced a roll of euro notes from inside his jacket and signalled to the croupier. When the chips came, he slipped one pile across to Gemma. “For you, cherie.”

      The smile Jean-Paul gave her was disconcertingly intimate. The secretive smile of a man to a woman he knew very, very well.

      Gemma could sense Angelo’s silent tension. Her stomach rolled over. “Thanks,” she said stiltedly. Realising that she sounded terse she pointed to the unused chips on the table that Angelo had been in the process of gathering up before Jean-Paul’s arrival. “But I have enough—and we’re going for a drink.”

      Jean-Paul’s gaze swept over her, explicit, knowing. Leaning towards her, he whispered, “Cherie, you’re not the kind of woman ever to have enough. Here—” he slid a handful of chips towards her “—have a bet on me.”

      “Enough!” Angelo said harshly. A tanned arm hooked around Gemma’s waist from behind, his other hand pushed his chips towards the croupier. “The lady doesn’t want your chips.” Against the