Table of Contents
1 Cover
4 Preface
7 1 Introduction to Dental Anatomy Definition of Dental Anatomy Types of Human Dentition Arch Quadrants Dental Formula Tooth Notation References
8 2 Armamentarium Wax Block Lecron Carver Metallic Scale or Ruler Vernier Caliper Waxing Instruments Instrument Grasps References
9 Part I: Carving 3 Pre‐carving Preparation of Wax Blocks Smoothing the Wax Surface Division of Wax Block References 4 Anatomical Landmarks Crown Root/Radicular Part Median Line Aspect Surfaces Mamelons Cingulum Occlusal Table Cusp Ridge Marginal Ridges Triangular Ridge Transverse Ridge Oblique Ridge Buccal Ridge Labial Ridge Fossa Pits Cervical Line Root Trunk Root Furcation Furcal Region or Interradicular Space Root Apex Developmental Groove Central Groove Buccal Groove Lingual Grooves Supplemental Groove Line Angle Point Angle Crest of Contour References 5 Permanent Maxillary Central Incisor Permanent Maxillary Right Central Incisor Labial Aspect Mesial Aspect Carving from Proximal (Mesial or Distal) Aspect Palatal Aspect Carving from the Palatal Aspect Incisal Aspect Distal Aspect Root Carving References 6 Permanent Maxillary Lateral Incisor Permanent Maxillary Right Lateral Incisor Labial Aspect Mesial Aspect Palatal Aspect Distal Aspect Incisal Aspect Root Carving References 7