Figure 2.8 The dose-response curve of the plaque assay. The number of plaques produced by a virus with one-hit kinetics (red) or two-hit kinetics (blue) is plotted against the relative concentration of the virus. In two-hit kinetics, there are two classes of uninfected cells, those receiving one particle and those receiving none. The Poisson distribution can be used to determine the proportion of cells in each class: they are e–m and me–m (Box 2.12). Because one particle is not sufficient for infection, P(0) = e–m(1 + m). At a very low multiplicity of infection, this equation becomes P(i) = (1/2)m2 (where i = infection), which gives a parabolic curve.
The titer of a virus stock can be calculated in plaque-forming units (PFU) per milliliter (Box 2.5). The plaque assay may also be used to prepare clonal virus stocks. When one infectious virus particle initiates a plaque, the viral progeny within the plaque are biological clones, and virus stocks prepared from a single plaque are known as plaque purified. The tip of a small pipette is plunged into the overlay above the plaque, and the plug of agar containing the virus is recovered. The virus within the agar plug is eluted into buffer and used to prepare virus stocks. To ensure purity, this process is usually repeated at least one more time.
Fluorescent-Focus Assay
The fluorescent-focus assay, a modification of the plaque assay, can be done more rapidly and is useful in determining the titers of viruses that do not form plaques. The initial procedure is the same as in the plaque assay. However, after a period sufficient for adsorption and gene expression, cells are made permeable and incubated with an antibody raised against a viral protein. A second antibody, which recognizes the first, is then added. This second antibody is usually conjugated to a fluorescent molecule. The cells are then examined under a microscope at an appropriate wavelength. The titer of the virus stock is expressed in fluorescent-focus-forming units per milliliter. When the gene encoding a fluorescent protein is incorporated into the viral genome, foci may be detected without the use of antiviral antibodies.
Calculating virus titer from the plaque assay
To calculate the titer of a virus in plaque-forming units (PFU) per milliliter, 10-fold serial dilutions of a virus stock are prepared in a buffer, and suitable aliquots are inoculated onto susceptible cell monolayers which are covered with an agar overlay (see figure). After a suitable incubation period, the monolayers are stained and the plaques are counted. To minimize error in calculating the virus titer, only plates containing between 10 and 100 plaques are counted, depending on the area of the cell culture vessel. Plates with >100 plaques are generally not counted because the plaques may overlap, causing inaccuracies. According to statistical principles, when 100 plaques are counted, the sample titer varies by ±10%. For accuracy, each dilution is plated in duplicate or triplicate (not shown in the figure). In the example shown, 10 plaques are observed on the plate produced from the 10–6 dilution. Therefore, the 10–6 dilution tube contains 10 PFU per 0.1 ml, or 100 PFU per ml, and the titer of the virus stock is 100 × 106 or 1 × 108 PFU/ml.
Infectious-Centers Assay
Another modification of the plaque assay, the infectious-centers assay, is used to determine the fraction of cells in a culture that are infected with a virus. Monolayers of infected cells are suspended before progeny viruses are produced. Dilutions of a known number of infected cells are then plated on monolayers of susceptible cells, which are covered with an agar overlay. The number of plaques that form on the indicator cells is a measure of the number of cells infected in the original population. The fraction of infected cells can therefore be determined. A typical use of the infectious-centers assay is to measure the proportion of virus-producing cells in persistently infected cultures.
Transformation Assay
The transformation assay provides a method for determining the titers of some retroviruses that do not form plaques. For example, when Rous sarcoma virus transforms chicken embryo cells, the cells lose their contact inhibition (the property that governs whether cells in culture grow as a single monolayer [see Volume II, Chapter 6]) and become heaped up on one another. The transformed cells form small piles, or foci, that can be distinguished easily from the rest of the monolayer (Fig. 2.9). Infectivity is expressed in focus-forming units per milliliter.
End-Point Dilution Assay
The end-point dilution assay provided a means to determine virus titer before the development of the plaque assay. It is still used for measuring the titers of certain viruses that do not form plaques or for determining the virulence of a virus in animals. Serial dilutions of a virus stock are inoculated into replicate test units (typically 8 to 10), which can be cell cultures, eggs, or animals. The number of test units that have become infected is then determined for each virus dilution. In cell culture, infection may be determined by the development of cytopathic effect; in eggs or animals, infection may be gauged by virus titer, death, or disease. An example of an end-point dilution assay using cell cultures is shown in Box 2.6, with results expressed as 50% infectious dose (ID50) per milliliter. This type of assay is also suitable for high-throughput applications.
When the end-point dilution assay is used to assess the virulence of a virus or its capacity to cause disease (Volume II, Chapter 1), the result can be expressed in terms of 50% lethal dose (LD50) per milliliter or 50% paralytic dose (PD50) per milliliter, end points of death and paralysis, respectively. The 50% end point determined in an animal host can be related to virus titer, determined separately by plaque assay or other means. In this way, the effects of the route of inoculation or specific mutations on viral virulence can be quantified.
Efficiency of Plating
Efficiency of plating is defined as the infectious virus titer (in PFU/ml) divided by the total number of virus particles in the sample. The particle–to–plaque-forming-unit (PFU) ratio, a term more commonly used today, is the inverse value (Table 2.1). For many bacteriophages, the particle-to-PFU ratio approaches 1, the lowest value that can be obtained. However, for animal viruses, this value can be much higher, ranging from 1 to 10,000. These high values have complicated the study of animal viruses. For example, when the particle-to-PFU ratio is high, it may not be clear that properties measured biochemically are in fact those of the infectious particle or those of the noninfectious component.