Analysis and Control of Electric Drives. Ned Mohan. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Ned Mohan
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр произведения: Физика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781119584551
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      With the optimum gear ratio, in Eq. (2-43), using TL = 0, and using Eq. (2-41),


      Similar calculations can be made for other types of coupling mechanisms (see homework problems).

      Load torques normally act to oppose rotation. In practice, loads can be classified into the following categories [2]:

      1 Centrifugal (Squared) Torque

      2 Constant Torque

      3 Squared Power

      4 Constant Power

      Centrifugal loads, such as fans and blowers, require torque that varies with speed2, and load power that varies with speed3. Similarly, wind turbines produce torque that is proportional to speed2.

Schematic illustrations of (a) electric drive and (d) four-quadrant operation.

      The motor drives the load in the forward direction in quadrant 1, and in the reverse direction in quadrant 3. In both of these quadrants, the average power is positive and flows from the motor to the mechanical load. In order to control the load speed rapidly, it may be necessary to operate the system in the regenerative braking mode, where the direction of power is reversed, so that it flows from the load into the motor, and usually into the utility (through the power‐processing unit). In quadrant 2, the speed is positive, but the torque produced by the motor is negative. In quadrant 4, the speed is negative and the motor torque is positive.

      1 1. What are the MKS units for force, torque, linear speed, angular speed, speed, and power?

      2 2. What is the relationship between force, torque, and power?

      3 3. Show that torque is the fundamental variable in controlling speed and position.

      4 4. What is the kinetic energy stored in a moving mass and a rotating mass?

      5 5. What is the mechanism for torsional resonances?

      6 6. What are the various types of coupling mechanisms?

      7 7. What is the optimum gear ratio to minimize the torque required from the motor for a given load‐speed profile as a function of time?

      8 8. What are the torque‐speed and the power‐speed profiles for various types of loads?

      1 1. Bosch (1993). Automotive Handbook. Robert Bosch GmbH.

      2 2. Nondahl, T. (1998). Proceedings of the NSF/EPRI‐Sponsored Faculty Workshop on “Teaching of Power Electronics” (25–28 June 1998). University of Minnesota.

      1 Gross, H. (ed.) (1983). Electric Feed Drives for Machine Tools. New York: Siemens and Wiley.

      2 (1980). DC Motors and Control ServoSystem – An Engineering Handbook, 5e. Hopkins, MN: Electro‐Craft Corporation.

      3 Spong, M. and Vidyasagar, M. (1989). Robot Dynamics and Control. Wiley.

      1 2‐1 A constant torque of 5 Nm is applied to an unloaded motor at rest at time t = 0. The motor reaches a speed of 1800 rpm in 3 s. Assuming the damping to be negligible, calculate the motor inertia.

      2 2‐2 Calculate the inertia if the cylinder in Example 2-2 is hollow, with the inner radius r2 = 4 cm.

      3 2‐3 A vehicle of mass 1500 kg is traveling at a speed of 50 km/h. What is the kinetic energy stored in its mass? Calculate the energy that can be recovered by slowing the vehicle to a speed of 10 km/h.

      Belt‐and‐Pulley Systems

      1 2‐4 Consider the belt and pulley system in Fig. 2-13. Inertias other than that shown in the figure are negligible. The pulley radius r = 0.09 m and the motor inertia JM = 0.01 kg ⋅ m2. Calculate the torque Tem required to accelerate a load of 1.0 kg from rest to a speed of 1 m/s in a time of 4s. Assume the motor torque to be constant during this interval.

      2 2‐5 For the belt and pulley system shown in Fig. 2-13, M = 0.02 kg. For a motor with inertia JM = 40 g ⋅ cm2, determine the pulley radius that minimizes the torque required from the motor for a given load‐speed profile. Ignore damping and the load force fL.


      1 2‐6 In the gear system shown in Fig. 2-14, the gear ratio nL/nM = 3 where n equals the number of teeth in gear. The load and motor inertia are JL = 10 kg ⋅ m2 and JM = 1.2 kg ⋅ m2. Damping and the load‐torque TL can be neglected. For the load‐speed profile shown in Fig. 2-1b, draw the profile of the electromagnetic torque Tem required from the motor as a function of time.

      2 2‐7 In the system of Problem 2-6, assume a triangular speed profile of the load with equal acceleration and deceleration rates (starting and ending at zero speed). Assuming a coupling efficiency of 100%, calculate