8 Chapter 8Figure 8.1 Illustrating the resolution of the RBW filter.Figure 8.2 Comparison of filter shapes: Gaussian, flat‐top, and uniform.Figure 8.3 Spectrum analyzer block diagram up/down‐conversion.Figure 8.4 Diagram of SA tracking YIG filter, with FFT detection.Figure 8.5 Images of a single CW signal, as measured on a non‐image‐protecte...Figure 8.6 Images of two LO settings. Only one signal remains in the same pl...Figure 8.7 Raw IF response of a VNA‐based spectrum analysis mode.Figure 8.8 Corrected IF response.Figure 8.9 Comparing amplitude accuracy for different SA channel FFT widths....Figure 8.10 Response of VNA‐based FFT SA with different FFT widths.Figure 8.11 Swept‐mode SA measurement of an AWGN signal.Figure 8.12 CDF curve for an AWGN signal and a QPSK signal.Figure 8.13 CCDF cures of AWGN and QPSK signals.Figure 8.14 The time‐domain amplitude (in dBm) of an AWGN signal.Figure 8.15 Arb signal with 101 tones, zero phase, in the time domain.Figure 8.16 FFT mode SA measurement of an AWGN signal.Figure 8.17 Swept‐mode SA measurement with slow sweep time.Figure 8.18 Swept‐mode measurement of AWGN signal with 30 kHz VBW.Figure 8.19 FFT mode measurement of AWGN with 30 kHz VBW.Figure 8.20 Measure of AWGN signal with 75 kHz RBW.Figure 8.21 AWGN signal where RBW acquisition time is longer than the wavefo...Figure 8.22 Swept‐mode display with narrow RBW matches FFT mode.Figure 8.23 Close‐in spectrum of AWGN waveform showing multitone components....Figure 8.24 Coherent time averaging (or vector averaging) reduces noise on a...Figure 8.25 Band‐power measurements show difference between using peak and a...Figure 8.26 Band‐power readings don't change with change in RBW.Figure 8.27 Lowering the RBW lowers the minimum detectable power with multit...Figure 8.28 Same measurement as above with 20 dB lower signal power.Figure 8.29 Vector averaging used to improve detection sensitivity.Figure 8.30 Vector averaging improves power detection in normal band‐power m...Figure 8.31 Amplitude accuracy in swept mode SA at 24 GHz center frequency: ...Figure 8.32 Wideband power accuracy of VNA spectrum analyzer mode.Figure 8.33 IMD measurements with offsets in the main tone power.Figure 8.34 Projecting IM tones to obtain the IP3 point.Figure 8.35 SA and VNA measurement of IM spectrums.Figure 8.36 Swept‐power IMD measurements.Figure 8.37 Swept‐center frequency IMD measurements.Figure 8.38 Swept‐delta frequency IMD measurements.Figure 8.39 Block diagram of combined source with isolators.Figure 8.40 Source‐generated IMD due to direct cross‐modulation with and wit...Figure 8.41 Receiver‐generated IMD in swept IMD mode, at +5 dBm input, with ...Figure 8.42 Spectrum of an AWGN driven into an amplifier that is non‐linear....Figure 8.43 ACPR measure of a 64QAM signal measured through an amplifier; lo...Figure 8.44 Multicarrier adjacent channel level measurements with one channe...Figure 8.45 Traditional setup for generating an NPR signal.Figure 8.46 CCDF curve of a noise‐like waveform generated from a random phas...Figure 8.47 NPR signal with band‐power markers.Figure 8.48 NPR using Band Noise markers to get a direct reading of NPR.Figure 8.49 NPR signal with no corrections.Figure 8.50 Corrected NPR signal.Figure 8.51 NPR measurement using mutitone detection methods.Figure 8.52 NPR with vector averaging.Figure 8.53 Mapping data to IQ space.Figure 8.54 Filtering the IQ waveform.Figure 8.55 Mapping IQ to a constellation diagram.Figure 8.56 Gain, delay, and clipping on a signal.Figure 8.57 Sampling the signal at the symbol rate.Figure 8.58 Filtering the received signal.Figure 8.59 Renormalizing the received signal.Figure 8.60 Time aligning the signal.Figure 8.61 Resampling and the delta IQ waveforms.Figure 8.62 I and Q magnitude‐squared waveforms.Figure 8.63 Measuring EVM with a VNA.Figure 8.64 QPSK and QAM signals; upper plot is constellation diagrams, and ...Figure 8.65 Display from PNA‐X Modulation Distortion application, with equal...Figure 8.66 High‐order products from a two‐stage frequency converter.Figure 8.67 Measurement of the three ports (RF – input, LO, and IF – output)...Figure 8.68 Measurements of an unstable spur using traditional swept SA (upp...Figure 8.71 Time‐gated spectrum analysis (upper) and pulse profile (lower)....Figure 8.69 Spectrum of a signal pulsed with 1 μs with 10% duty cycle....Figure 8.70 Wideband spectrum of a pulsed signal.Figure 8.72 Measuring a close‐in spur in a pulsed signal. The upper plot sho...
9 Chapter 9Figure 9.1 Noise bandwidth of a VNA with zero‐IF receiver.Figure 9.2 Noise variation over 1000 samples, with a 1 or 100 averaging.Figure 9.3 Measured error versus input noise power.Figure 9.4 Y‐factor computation based on hot and cold sources, and effects o...Figure 9.5 Noise figure computed from cold source; also shown is the Y‐facto...Figure 9.6 Noise parameters describe the noise figure as a function of sourc...Figure 9.7 An amplifier with internal noise sources.Figure 9.8 Noise representation of a 2‐port network using s‐parameter repres...Figure 9.9 Noise parameter represented as T‐matrix.Figure 9.10 Traditional noise parameter measurement system.Figure 9.11 VNA system for making vector‐error‐corrected noise‐figure measur...Figure 9.12 Vector‐corrected noise‐figure measurement, compared to Y‐factor ...Figure 9.13 Noise parameter using Ecal as a tuner.Figure 9.14 Tuner‐based noise parameters.Figure 9.15 Noise parameters using a mechanical tuner.Figure 9.16 Defining the G/T of an active antenna.Figure 9.17 Using Y‐factor to measure G/T.Figure 9.18 VNA using cold‐source method to measure G/T.Figure 9.19 Range loss measurement.Figure 9.20 Y‐factor mixer measurement illustration of double‐sideband noise...Figure 9.21 Comparison of Y‐factor NF, cold‐source NF, and SC 21.Figure 9.22 Comparison of Y‐factor and cold‐source on a mixer with no image ...Figure 9.23 Errors due to excess converted noise of the LO.Figure 9.24 Error in noise figure due to excess LO noise.Figure 9.25 SA noise measurements with various