15 8 Equal Opportunities 8.1 The concept of discrimination 8.2 Direct and indirect discrimination 8.3 Victimisation 8.4 Harassment 8.5 Gender reassignment 8.6 Proof of discrimination 8.7 Remedies 8.8 Special laws protecting women workers 8.9 Pregnancy dismissals and maternity leave 8.10 Maternity pay 8.11 Parental leave and time off for dependants 8.12 Family friendly measures 8.13 Children and young persons 8.14 Workers with a disability 8.15 The definition of disability 8.16 Types of disability discrimination 8.17 Discrimination by association 8.18 Justification of disability‐related and indirect discrimination 8.19 Pre‐employment screening 8.20 Reasonable adjustments 8.21 Occupational pension schemes 8.22 Occupational health and the Equality Act 8.23 Employer’s knowledge of a disability 8.24 Liability of employer/principal and employee/agent 8.25 Age discrimination
16 Appendix A: Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002, Regulation 11 Health SurveillanceControl of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002, Regulation 11 Health Surveillance Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Approved Code of Practice (excerpts)
17 Appendix B: Equality Act 2010: Part 2: Guidance on matters to be taken into account in determining questions relating to the definition of disability (excerpts)Equality Act 2010: Part 2: Guidance on matters to be taken into account in determining questions relating to the definition of disability (excerpts) Section A: The Definition Section B: Substantial Section C: Long‐term Section D: Normal day‐to‐day activities Appendix
18 Bibliography
19 Index
1 Cover
2 Table of Contents
1 iii
2 iv
3 ix