Other point groups besides 6/mmm in the hexagonal system are shown in Figure 2.6. We note that
It is apparent from the stereogram in Figure 2.12b that stereograms with 0001 at the centre showing {hki0} poles are straightforward to plot. To plot more general poles on a stereogram with 0001 at the centre, it is apparent that the c/a ratio has to be used. Thus, for example, this has to be used to determine the angle between faces such as (0001) and (hh
From Figure 2.15, the angle θ between the (0001) pole and the (hh
Figure 2.15 Geometry to determine the angle θ between the (0001) pole and the (
Similarly, the angle θ between (0001) and (h0
An example of a stereogram centred at (0001) with poles of the forms {11
2.6 Trigonal System
This crystal system is defined by the possession of a single triad axis. It is closely related to the hexagonal system. The possession of a single triad axis by a crystal does not, by itself, indicate whether the lattice considered as a set of points is truly hexagonal, or whether it is based on the staggered stacking of triequiangular nets. When the lattice is rhombohedral, a cell of the shape of Figure 1.19k can be used. The cell in Figure 1.19k is a rhombohedron and the angle α (< 120°) is characteristic of the substance. When the lattice of a trigonal crystal is hexagonal, it is not appropriate to use a rhombohedral unit cell.
The symmetry elements in the holosymmetric class
A stereogram of a trigonal crystal indexed according to a rhombohedral unit cell is shown in Figure 2.16. The value of α is 98°. The x‐, y‐ and z‐axes are taken to lie in the mirror planes and the inverse triad is a body diagonal of the cell, therefore lying along the direction [111], which, from the geometry of the rhombohedral unit cell, is also parallel to the normal to the (111) plane. It is clear that the x‐, y‐ and z‐axes – that is, the directions [100], [010] and [001] – do not lie normal to the (100), (010) and (001) planes, respectively. However, these directions are easily located. For example, the z‐axis, [001], is the pole of the zone containing (
Figure 2.16 A stereogram