15 Chapter 15Figure 15.1 Component‐matching scheme requirements: (a) compressor characteris...Figure 15.2 Schematic diagram of a single‐shaft gas turbine.Figure 15.3 Variable‐pitch propeller load characteristics.Figure 15.4 Operating lines on the compressor characteristic of a constant‐pit...Figure 15.5 Schematic diagram of a two‐shaft gas turbine.Figure 15.6 Power‐turbine characteristics.Figure 15.7 Power‐turbine operating lines on compressor characteristics.Figure 15.8 Operating lines for a propeller, a car, and a generator superimpos...Figure 15.9 Schematic diagram of a simple turbojet engine.Figure 15.10 Compressible flow through nozzle.Figure 15.11 Nozzle characteristics for the flow of combustion products ( γ = ...Figure 15.12 Schematic diagram of the intake duct in the turbojet engine.Figure 15.13 Compressor characteristics with running lines for a turbojet engi...Figure 15.14 Turbojet engine off‐design performance characteristics for two Ma...Figure 15.15 Off‐design performance of a single‐shaft gas turbine.Figure 15.16 Matching the compressor turbine and power turbine in the two‐shaf...Figure 15.17 Off‐design power and characteristic cycle temperatures as functio...Figure 15.18 Off‐design compressor and compressor‐turbine pressure ratios as f...Figure 15.19 Predicted compressor pressure ratio (a) and compressor‐turbine en...Figure 15.20 Predicted specific fuel consumption tendency with engine output l...Figure 15.21 Matching the compressor turbine and propelling nozzle in the turb...Figure 15.22 Predicted compressor operating line with the compressor turbine c...Figure 15.23 Predicted turbine entry temperature as a function of the compress...Figure 15.24 Effect of temperature ratio T4t/T2t on the compressor pressure ra...Figure 15.25 Modified scheme for matching the compressor turbine and the nozzl...
16 Part 2Chart II.1 Piston engine types covered in Part II are highlighted.
17 Part 3Chart III.1 Gas turbine engine types covered in Part III are highlighted.
18 Appendix BFigure B.1 Forces acting on the crank mechanism in a SI engine (D = 78 mm, pma...Figure B.2 V‐engine cylinder and crank‐throw numbering method used in Tables B...
19 Appendix CFigure C.1 Dual‐combustion cycle with rounding‐off.Figure C.2 Estimated speed characteristics of a direct injection CI engine.
1 Cover
2 Table of Contents
1 ii
2 iii
3 iv
4 ix
5 xi
6 xii
7 xiii
8 xiv
9 xv
10 xvi
11 xvii
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14 3
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22 11
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24 13
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