Pocket Guide to Clinical Microbiology. Christopher D. Doern. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Christopher D. Doern
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр произведения: Медицина
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781683672982
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speciesaTable 6.12 Dematiaceous fungi with macroconidia or other structuresaTable 6.13 Dematiaceous fungi with small conidiaaTable 6.14 Differentiation of Cladosporium and Cladophialophora speciesaTable 6.15 Scedosporium and Dactylaria speciesa

      6 Section 7Table 7.1 Detection methods for parasitesaTable 7.2 Trophozoites of common intestinal amebaeaTable 7.3 Cysts of common intestinal amebaeaTable 7.4 Trophozoites of flagellatesaTable 7.5 Cysts of flagellatesaTable 7.6 Morphological characteristics of ciliates, coccidia, microsporidia, an...Table 7.7 Morphological characteristics of protozoa found in bloodaTable 7.8 Morphological characteristics of blood and tissue nematodesTable 7.9 Morphological characteristics of helminthsa

      7 Section 8Table 8.1 Recommended pediatric immunization scheduleaTable 8.2 Recommended adult immunization scheduleaTable 8.3 Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) documents related t...Table 8.4 Summary of CLSI antimicrobial susceptibility test methods for select b...Table 8.5 Routes of administration and drug class for select antimicrobial agent...Table 8.6 Routes of administration and drug class for select antifungal agentsTable 8.7 Routes of administration and drug class for select antiparasitic agent...Table 8.8 Antibacterial agents for specific bacteriaTable 8.9 Intrinsic resistance of selected Gram-negative bacteriaaTable 8.10 Intrinsic resistance of selected Gram positive bacteriaaTable 8.11 Important mechanisms of multidrug resistance in bacteria.Table 8.12 Organisms included in CLSI and EUCAST breakpoint tablesTable 8.13 Guide to interpretive criteria for select organisms for commonly test...Table 8.14 Summary of MALDI-TOF MS identification of bacteria, mycobacteria, and...Table 8.15 Gene sequencing targets for organism identificationa

      List of Illustrations

      1 Section 7Figure 7.1. Intestinal amebae of humans. (Top row) Trophozoites. (Middle row) Cy...Figure 7.2. Intestinal and urogenital flagellates of humans. (Top row) Trophozoi...Figure 7.3. Relative sizes of helminth eggs (from CDC). Schistosoma mekongi and ...


      1  Cover

      2 Table of Contents

      3  Begin Reading


      1  vii

      2  iii

      3  iv

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      5  xiii

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