In the Company of Microbes. Moselio Schaechter. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Moselio Schaechter
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр произведения: Биология
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781683673248
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of new technologies that are making it easier to see the unseen and contribute to understanding the world around us. For decades microbiologists were limited to studying the small fraction of the organisms that were culturable. The development of extraordinary sequencing techniques has enabled us to begin to study the other 99 percent, the microbial “dark matter” that is all around us. This technology holds great promise for the discovery of new drugs and such needed products as biofuels. Think of CRISPR-Cas as another discovery whose applications hold great promise. The ability to readily move genes into new positions is proving to be a boon to what was called the biotech industry when I was a student.

      One of the most obvious areas of study that creates interdisciplinary research and new technology is that of the microbiome. Microbiologists are joining with computer scientists, ecologists, engineers, imaging experts, plus others to understand the complex ecosystems of the microbes that touch us or impact our environment in yet unknown ways. These efforts have attracted the attention of the White House, which recently sent out a request for an account of the federally-funded work in this area. Microbiome discoveries garner significant attention from the news media and the public as well.

      We can work as a community to make a microbial sciences renaissance occur, or we can let the opportunity pass us by, slowing down the progress that has been made. If we become too insular, overhype our findings, and allow overly restrictive regulations to impede progress, then we have mainly ourselves to blame. As microbial sciences research becomes more complex and interdisciplinary, we must learn the best practices of team science in order to make collaborations work successfully.

       We continue our tradition of hosting a few reflections from presidents of the ASM.


       Tim Donohue is a professor at The University of Wisconsin at Madison and a past president of the American Society for Microbiology.

      July 30, 2015

      Getting a Handle on Cell Organization

      by Franklin M. Harold


      Structural organization is one of the most conspicuous features of cells, and possibly the most elusive. No one really doubts that cell functions commonly require that the right molecules be in the right place at the right time, or that spatial organization is what distinguishes a living cell from a soup of its molecular constituents. But the tradition that has dominated biological research for the past century mandates a focus on the molecules, and so our first step is commonly to grind the exquisite architecture of the living cell into a pulp. Few molecular scientists have asked whether anything irretrievable is lost by this brutal routine. Such questions as how molecules find their proper place in a framework of orders of greater magnitude, or how spatial order is transmitted from one generation to the next, have been largely neglected until recently.

      This is excellent science, which takes us some way towards bridging the gulf between nanometer-sized molecules and cells in the range from micrometers to millimeters. It also extends the genome’s reach deep into cellular structure. In a self-organizing system, the “instructions” must be wholly inherent in the molecular parts, and ultimately derive from the corresponding genes. It is the genome that specifies the architecture of the mitotic spindle, not explicitly but indirectly: the form and even functions of the spindle are implied in the structure of the spindle proteins, and in their interactions. And if the spindle can be envisaged as a creature of self-organization, why not the entire cell? Yes, indeed—but as we ascend the hierarchy of biological organization, the meaning assigned to self-organization and its underlying mechanisms undergo significant changes. Cells do not construct themselves from pre-fabricated standard parts; instead, they grow. And that mode of self-organization is not purely chemical, for it must produce parts that have biological functions, performed in the service of a larger entity that can compete and thrive in the wide world.

      Evidence to support such a holistic view of what happens during growth is scattered, but continues to accumulate. Let’s glance at some examples. First, while many sub-cellular structures can be envisaged as products of self-construction from preformed parts, others cannot. A familiar instance is the peptidoglycan wall of bacteria, which consists of a network as large as the cell, made up of covalently-linked subunits. Enlargement during growth calls for extensive cutting, splicing, and cross-linking, even while keeping the wall physically continuous from one generation to the next. Second, even self-organizing structures must do so in a manner that ensures their correct placement in cellular space. A particularly neat example comes from recent work on the role of microtubules in cell morphogenesis of the fission yeast, Schizosaccharomyces pombe (reviewed by Martin). Microtubules define the poles of elongating cells by depositing there various members of the Tea complex, which in turn recruit additional factors. Cells of a certain mutant, orb6, grow as spheres even though they possess all this machinery.