Discipline of Nursing. Michel Nadot. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Michel Nadot
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр произведения: Медицина
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781119801597
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the individual/family (Familia/Hominem), enriches nursing knowledge. It is a matter of proving that nursing is not only a collection of knowledge borrowed from other disciplines, particularly medicine and humanities, but also that it has a distinct identity. Thus, the schematization would be more harmonious by constructing a knowledge that places the human being at the center and in continuous interaction with a changing healthcare environment.

      In this book, Nadot sheds light on several factors, highlighting that our nursing science has not reached the same level compared to other existing sciences. According to him, it is a question of the female status of the profession, and the evolution of this status in our societies at different rates of development of scientific research. However, for a discipline to develop, it must be neutral, exclusive of gender, consistent and must reflect the world it came from. For Karl Popper [POP 85], for example, a discipline can only claim the status of a scientific discipline if it produces falsifiable statements, that is, statements that are capable, in the form of testable hypotheses, of being subjected to the test of experimentation.

      This is what makes this book innovative, a true disciplinary revolution, a call for a major paradigmatic change or better, a real conceptual clean-up to come. It calls for the construction of a clear status for the discipline, a distinct professional identity and a scientific discipline that only increases the credibility of the nursing profession, as well as the confidence of other healthcare professionals and, above all, of all the beneficiaries of the services provided by nurses in response to ever-increasing healthcare needs.

      Finally, I conclude with Bachelard [BAC 83] who said that nothing is selfevident. Nothing is given, everything is built. This is the case with this book. So let us demystify and overcome the nursing myth that we currently know and build together the nursing sciences of the 21st Century!


      Dean of the Faculty of Nursing

      Saint-Joseph University of Beirut, Lebanon

      August 2020

      1 1 Where the hospital depends on the school on a geographical, administrative and financial basis.

      2 2 An opposing model to the previous, where the school depends on the hospital on a geographical, administrative and financial basis.


      Writing has status, and to write about nursing requires access to the legitimate places of knowledge production (e.g. university) and a cultural understanding of professional practices and the environment in which they are practiced. According to Marrou, “in order to know its purpose, the historian must have in his personal culture, in the very structure of his mind, the psychological affinities that will allow him to imagine, feel and understand the feelings of the past that he will find in the documents” [MAR 54].

      Precisely in terms of personal culture, it may be relevant to describe the main stages, given the rather atypical profile of my educational and professional background. I was born under the bombing of the town of Montbéliard (France) in preparation for its liberation during the offensive of Marshal de Lattre de Tassigny between November 14 and 17, 1944. After technical training at the Peugeot Automobiles Apprenticeship School and several months of practice in this national company, I left my home region for a complete change of air and orientation. I couldn’t breathe! Being subservient to machines and workshop managers was not really meant to please.

      It was then the restart of a training cycle. After training as a psychiatric nurse in French-speaking Switzerland and several years of care practice as a nurse in various hospital institutions, followed by two to three years of management practice as a nursing executive, followed by more than 30 years of teaching practice and 10 years of scientific research practice at the Haute école de santé de Fribourg (Freiburg’s Higher School of Health), my experience seems to be well diversified to be able to talk about it. After having climbed one by one up the ladder from primary school to post-doctorate, it is as a professor of nursing that my interest in studying the history and epistemology of this as yet little-known discipline developed.