Ice Adhesion. Группа авторов. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Группа авторов
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр произведения: Техническая литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781119640509
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hydrophilic wetting (left) and hydrophobic wetting (...Figure 13.3 Microtexture structures achieved by laser irradiation on (a) tit...Figure 13.4 Examples of wetting on smooth, Wenzel, and Cassie-Baxter surface...Figure 13.5 The advancing (θA) and receding (θR) contact angles as a result ...Figure 13.6 A graph of the change in CAH and ice adhesion pressure for surfa...Figure 13.7 An example of an ice adhesion measurement using (a) a pushing pr...Figure 13.8 The accumulation of stress at the edge of the ice and soft subst...Figure 13.9 Chemically etched aluminum, with coatings of increasing wt% sili...Figure 13.10 Laser microtextured aluminum, with spaces between laser exposur...Figure 13.11 A schematic showing laser ablation and embossing processes comb...Figure 13.12 (a) laser microtextured aluminum (b) the result of thermal embo...

      14 Chapter 14Figure 14.1 Contact angle of a liquid droplet on a smooth solid surface.Figure 14.2 Schematic illustration representing a solid fraction (ϕ) wh...Figure 14.3 Advancing (θadv) and receding (θrec) contact angles of...Figure 14.4 Summary of possible outcome patterns of drop impacts, reproduced...Figure 14.5 Schematic illustration of a water meniscus penetrating a pore.Figure 14.6 Liquid meniscus penetration and the corresponding droplet reboun...Figure 14.7 Examples of (left) open-cell and (right) closed-cell geometries....Figure 14.8 Wetting factor ( f ) is plotted against the ratio x = Ra / rcr f...Figure 14.9 Activation energy for heterogeneous nucleation initiated at the ...Figure 14.10 Temperature rise of a droplet during the recalescent freezing, ...Figure 14.11 Evaporation and condensation around a droplet during the freezi...Figure 14.12 Propagation of the freezing front by triggering nucleation in t...Figure 14.13 Two sequences of snapshot images of superhydrophobic surfaces t...Figure 14.14 The SEM images depict frost formation inside the micro- and nan...Figure 14.15 Schematic diagram of two drops on a soft (deformable) surface, ...Figure 14.16 Thermodynamic work (WA) required to seperate liquid from solid ...Figure 14.17 Three fracture modes, reproduced from [100].Figure 14.18 Schematics of typical experimental setups used to measure ice a...

      15 Chapter 15Figure 15.1 Janus effect of AFPs. (a) Controlled decoration of solid substra...Figure 15.2 Influence of poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) on the heterogeneous ice ...Figure 15.3 Liquid droplet evaporation and ice bridging dynamics. (a) Detail...Figure 15.4 Time-resolved optical microscopic images of ice propagation on (...Figure 15.5 (a) Synthesis of the PAA−DA conjugate and schematic representati...Figure 15.6 (a) Molecular structures of poly(dimethylsiloxane)-poly(ethylene...Figure 15.7 Multifunctional anti-icing hydrogel inspired by nature. (a) Regu...

      16 Chapter 16Figure 16.1 Schematic representation of the simplified abrasion resistance t...Figure 16.2 (a) Schematic representation of ice on a superhydrophobic surfac...Figure 16.3 SEM images of aluminum alloy coated with FAS-17 before (a) and a...

      17 Chapter 17Figure 17.1 Hindered amine light stabilizer structure.Figure 17.2 Structures of (a) poly(propylene glycol) (PPG) and (b) poly(ethy...Figure 17.3 The pattern of crack propagation in a coating upon weathering as...Figure 17.4 Stress, σ, versus strain, ε, curve which shows toughness of a co...

      18 Chapter 18Figure 18.1 (a) Rime ice forms as the super-cooled water droplets freeze imm...Figure 18.2 Ice accretion around the leading edge of an aircraft wing (Sourc...Figure 18.3 (a) Ice sample formed in a static icing condition which has a st...Figure 18.4 Ice structures formed on the surface of an airfoil/wing model un...Figure 18.5 Three categories of icephobic coatings/surfaces: (a) lotus-leaf-...Figure 18.6 Schematics to show the sacrificial nature of surfaces with liqui...Figure 18.7 (a). Schematics of a series of soft materials with different wor...Figure 18.8 Experimental setup to measure the ice adhesion strength on diffe...Figure 18.9 Schematic of the experimental setup for the high-speed spray tun...Figure 18.10 Velocity profiles of the impacting water droplets measured usin...Figure 18.11 Measurement results of the erosion durability test on icephobic...Figure 18.12 Schematic of the Icing Research Tunnel available at Iowa State ...Figure 18.13 The ice accretion processes over the surfaces of airfoil/wing m...Figure 18.14 Comparison of the anti-/de-icing performances of different meth...

      19 Chapter 19Figure 19.1 Types of the ice accreted on an aircraft in the absence of anti-...Figure 19.2 Residual (or inter-cycle) ice remaining on leading edge of an ai...Figure 19.3 Effect of icing temperature on the drag coefficient of the NLF(1...Figure 19.4 Effect of icing time on the drag coefficient of the MS(1)-317 ai...Figure 19.5 Effect of drop diameter on the iced drag coefficient of the MS(1...Figure 19.6 Lift coefficient CL as a function of angle of attack α for a bus...Figure 19.7 Typical effect of ice accretion on aircraft lift coefficient CL ...Figure 19.8 Pitching moment coefficient Cm as a function of angle of attack ...Figure 19.9 Hinge moment values for the Twin Otter aircraft accreting wing i...Figure 19.10 Illustration of the formation of laminar separation bubble and ...Figure 19.11 Sketches of the separation bubble structures behind the ice hor...Figure 19.12 Boundary-layer profiles for IPS failure glaze ice (a) and inter...Figure 19.13 Boundary-layer profile measurements for ice accreted at chordwi...Figure 19.14 Effects of glaze ice accretions on the elevator deflection angl...Figure 19.15 Responses of altitude H (left above) and rolling angle Φ (right...Figure 19.16 Effects of tail ice on the static longitudinal stability deriva...Figure 19.17 Unsteady hinge moment values for the Twin Otter aircraft accret...Figure 19.18 The lift-to-angle-of-attack derivative C during selectiv...Figure 19.19 The envelope protection system being developed at the Universit...Figure 19.20 Responses of (a) angle of attack α, (b) pitch angle, (c) refere...Figure 19.21 The components and flowchart of the control reconfiguration sys...Figure 19.22 Pitch rate (a) and pitch angle (b) responses for nominal and re...

      20 Chapter 20Figure 20.1 Cloud Classification [12].Figure 20.2 Icing Clouds [14, 15].Figure 20.3 Continuous Maximum (Stratiform Clouds) Atmospheric Icing (liquid...Figure 20.4 Intermittent Maximum (Cumuliform Clouds) Atmospheric Icing (LWC ...Figure 20.5 Natural Probabilities for LWC Averages at Altitudes up to 2500 f...Figure 20.6 Definition of local collection efficiency [6].Figure 20.7 Rime Ice [21].Figure 20.8 Glaze Ice [22].Figure 20.9 Roughness Observed in Experiments [23, 26].Figure 20.10 Effect of Roughness [27, 28].Figure 20.11 Scallop Icing in Experiment [29].Figure 20.12 Droplet Deformation and Breakup [34].Figure 20.13 Schematic Representation of Droplet-Wall Interaction Mechanisms...Figure 20.14 Inflight icing code configuration.Figure 20.15 Schematic view of the panel method.Figure 20.16 Schematic view of the spherical bead geometry.Figure 20.17 Schematic view of Lagrangian droplet trajectory.Figure 20.18 Droplet density contour of NACA 0012 (α = 4°, c = 0.5334m,...Figure 20.19 Schematic view of Messinger model control volume.Figure 20.20 Compatibility relation for shallow water icing model (SWIM).Figure 20.21 Schematic view of ice growth module [10].Figure 20.22 2D airfoil ice shape prediction compared with NASA IRT [46].Figure 20.23 3D ice shape prediction for DLR-F6 configuration.Figure 20.24 2D airfoil section ice shape prediction for DLR-F6 configuratio...Figure 20.25 Droplet trajectories around full rotorcraft configuration (abov...Figure 20.26 Collection efficiencies and ice accretion shapes for various ad...Figure 20.27 Thermal Ice Protection System (IPS) concept [57, 58, 63].Figure 20.28 Electro-mechanical IPS concept [59].Figure 20.29 Fluid IPS: de-/anti-icing fluids on the ground [60].Figure 20.30 Hybrid IPS: thermal and mechanical (TMEDS) [62].Figure 20.31 Heat balance in Al-Khalil’s simulation [61].Figure 20.32 Simulation results of Al-Khalil [61].Figure 20.33 Film heat balance in Croce’s simulation [63].Figure 20.34 Simulation results of Croce [64] : temperature field and stream...

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